Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

Hey guys it is my vaseilios
So I left forex but actually I learn how the forex algorithm works.
So I didn't want to have this info and be useless in my mind
Also I don't want to write code.
This is real forex breakdown and the psychology of it.

Wyckoff trading
All your indicators are bs.
The best indicators are
Volume profile
Weis waves volume
Weis wave pips
Assuming you can read the indicator properly and with wyckoff schemes and stategy you can make work.

There is something called RANGE trading.
range is all candles between a Lower low and higher high...
this guys make money on complex pullbacks
This is demonstrated by two youtube channels
There psychology is that they pick a range,and they do analysis on the range,finding
Same peculiarities in the range and they just position on that.
The most brilliant thing is that they don't bet/gamble...
Market makes a move and they react to it...it is heavy market structure analysis based.

order flow indicators
Orderbook indicators
same of them literally predict the future,accurately

Some funny words:
Break of structure
Smart money concepts

Now the good stuff.
Some youtube channels.
WWA trading ...everyone wants to trade like them.
Mentfx...most good contents,but it is not all
Shadow Inducement fx
All this guys have crazy reward/Risk ratio...like the smallest is 8:1
Which means by one trade you made 8% profit
Like the biggest r/r is like 120:1 ....pretty much to the moon.
How it works they analyze wyckoff fractual structure scheme...
They do multitimeframe analysis...
They trade two types of Imbalances...they bet on Imbalances getting filled.
First imbalance it looks like an engulfer...this is where ordelblocks hide.
An entry order block is created and simple activated in three ways.
1. Strong entry point, a long wick hitting a price,candle looks like hammer.
2.middle entry point,and engulfed
3,weak entry point,a smaller timeframe wyckoff struture.
Why order blocks work:big money hunkies has put a ridiculous amount of pending order...
They are not going to lose value on they assets they bought...so they drive the market.
The second imbalance is just a "big body candle"
It is going to be filled like 80% of the body...meaning reversing.
Why it works,like the big money hunkies,has gone to far,overdone it and they want some money back.
Some helpful concepts are liquidity and stophunting.
Like big banks will go there way of creating superstructure..shit patterns you learned on babypips website. Just to foul you,when pattern is complete,they take the opposite trade just blowing your stoplosses...it is said that liquidity is taken,and the process of it is stophunting.
Another helpful concept is Inducement...it is just the entry point where big banks anticipate you place a trade....it is just there to make people sell or buy to early...like you will make a profit,hunting this but it is little.

And lastly remember ,the market is manipulation inside the manipulation,a weird canadrum...can you see it,or it is a fake early Inducement move.

Now make fire!!!!
These users thanked the author yisrael for the post (total 3):
Chickenspicy, Jedidiah, RodrigoRT7
A famous quote in documentary "Money Robots":55% winrate is enough to make money

Re: Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

yisrael wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:10 am Hey guys it is my vaseilios
exactly the banks are looking at volume profile, footprint order flow , and depth of market

real numbers real meaning

moving average, oscillators, histograms, trendlines basically mean nothing
and can only produce 50-60 maybe 70% win rate in the long haul
These users thanked the author Chickenspicy for the post (total 3):
yisrael, vvFish, RodrigoRT7
0 + 0 = 0
Infinite / Infinite = 1
1 way to Heaven & it matters
people only serve God or money coincidence?

Re: Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

yisrael wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:10 am Hey guys it is my vaseilios
So I left forex but actually I learn how the forex algorithm works.
So I didn't want to have this info and be useless in my mind
Also I don't want to write code.
This is real forex breakdown and the psychology of it.

Wyckoff trading
All your indicators are bs.
The best indicators are
Volume profile
Weis waves volume
Weis wave pips
Assuming you can read the indicator properly and with wyckoff schemes and stategy you can make work.

There is something called RANGE trading.
range is all candles between a Lower low and higher high...
this guys make money on complex pullbacks
This is demonstrated by two youtube channels
There psychology is that they pick a range,and they do analysis on the range,finding
Same peculiarities in the range and they just position on that.
The most brilliant thing is that they don't bet/gamble...
Market makes a move and they react to it...it is heavy market structure analysis based.

order flow indicators
Orderbook indicators
same of them literally predict the future,accurately

Some funny words:
Break of structure
Smart money concepts

Now the good stuff.
Some youtube channels.
WWA trading ...everyone wants to trade like them.
Mentfx...most good contents,but it is not all
Shadow Inducement fx
All this guys have crazy reward/Risk ratio...like the smallest is 8:1
Which means by one trade you made 8% profit
Like the biggest r/r is like 120:1 ....pretty much to the moon.
How it works they analyze wyckoff fractual structure scheme...
They do multitimeframe analysis...
They trade two types of Imbalances...they bet on Imbalances getting filled.
First imbalance it looks like an engulfer...this is where ordelblocks hide.
An entry order block is created and simple activated in three ways.

1. Strong entry point, a long wick hitting a price,candle looks like hammer.
2.middle entry point,and engulfed
3,weak entry point,a smaller timeframe wyckoff struture.
Why order blocks work:big money hunkies has put a ridiculous amount of pending order...
They are not going to lose value on they assets they bought...so they drive the market.
The second imbalance is just a "big body candle"
It is going to be filled like 80% of the body...meaning reversing.
Why it works,like the big money hunkies,has gone to far,overdone it and they want some money back.
Some helpful concepts are liquidity and stophunting.
Like big banks will go there way of creating superstructure..shit patterns you learned on babypips website. Just to foul you,when pattern is complete,they take the opposite trade just blowing your stoplosses...it is said that liquidity is taken,and the process of it is stophunting.
Another helpful concept is Inducement...it is just the entry point where big banks anticipate you place a trade....it is just there to make people sell or buy to early...like you will make a profit,hunting this but it is little.

And lastly remember ,the market is manipulation inside the manipulation,a weird canadrum...can you see it,or it is a fake early Inducement move.

Now make fire!!!!
Aaaaaaaand another one got successfully caught in their Marketing scheme!

nowadays 90% of Traders I know are trading those "amazing" and "new" concepts... trading against the losing retail traders... and yet.. somehow still more than 90% of Traders fail to make long lasting profits... super weird.

"WWA trading everyone wants to be like them" exactly! lol! They are selling the dream that everyone wants to achieve.
People are desperate failing at Trading for Months and Years, they need a confirmation SOMEHOW SOMEWHERE that it's possible to get rich and that fast (confirmation bias). Thanks to all those SMC and Wyckoff idio- Traders they found their confirmation.

1:120R Trade!! awesome! 1 Trade and I am a millionaire and they do that consistently! (lol)
1. Strong entry point, a long wick hitting a price,candle looks like hammer.
Exactly... Traders from 30 Years ago called this already a hammer or doji or whatever.
2.middle entry point,and engulfed
Yup.. engulfing Candle.. 30Years ago.. (50% Entry, watch Brooks)
3,weak entry point,a smaller timeframe wyckoff struture.
Multi-Timeframe analysis entering on a lower timeframe with a HTF bias (structure,sup/res,etc.)
Why order blocks work:big money hunkies has put a ridiculous amount of pending order...
How do you know? Have you worked with the big banks?
Do you know that they also cancel their pending orders consistently? (watch future Markets DOM)
Like big banks will go there way of creating superstructure..shit patterns you learned on babypips website. Just to foul you,when pattern is complete,they take the opposite trade just blowing your stoplosses...it is said that liquidity is taken,and the process of it is stophunting.
Tom Hougaard, one of the most successfull LIVE Trade is 80% of his Time trading double top and bottoms... very weird.
Don't you think he has more intel than us "normal" People? Wonder why he trades it still. Hint: Probably because it makes a lot of money.
another helpful concept is Inducement...it is just the entry point where big banks anticipate you place a trade
WOW! You are able to anticipate the anticipation from the banks, thats some next level stuff.


Instead of wast- using your time thinking about those time of things, better invest it learning the real game of trading. The mental part.

start by "best loser wins" from Tom Hougaard.
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 6):
TraderX, Chickenspicy, Jedidiah, Alphonse91, Knight, tvhh94
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

chickensword wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:14 am exactly the banks are looking at volume profile, footprint order flow , and depth of market

real numbers real meaning

moving average, oscillators, histograms, trendlines basically mean nothing
and can only produce 50-60 maybe 70% win rate in the long haul
Wicksdontlie build himself pretty big wealth with a winrate of 50%.

I think its time for you to go fulltime!
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 3):
Chickenspicy, Jedidiah, Alphonse91
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

HappyRe: Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

PumbaPLS wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:49 am What Holy Grail do you take??

thats alot of f** high impact news m8 i dont think im taking either :Rofl:
but if that wasnt there

id take the order block if it can be confirmed with lower timeframe
order blocks seem to be more evidential with the break of structure and imbalances in the market
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0 + 0 = 0
Infinite / Infinite = 1
1 way to Heaven & it matters
people only serve God or money coincidence?

Re: Yisrael whistleblowing, the forex algorithm broken down

chickensword wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:51 am thats alot of f** high impact news m8 i dont think im taking either :Rofl:
but if that wasnt there

id take the order block if it can be confirmed with lower timeframe
The Point I am making is.... that all 3 above are literally the same thing.

Somehow People think the Orderblock works better here? Why? Because its called Orderblock?

If I call it BSS - Banks Secret Sauce does the probability of it working out get even higher??

You chose the Orderblock when all 3 are the same... I didnt even change the zone for Demand and Orderblock.. lol..
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 3):
Chickenspicy, Jedidiah, Knight
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

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