HappyRe: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

lol lots of "good day can someone" posts from u from last 7 months..........

pls remember a piece of advice::

"GRAIL" in ex4 format?? forget it dawg......... renamed code plus it repaints badly



JeanPierre458 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:11 pm Good day,

Can someone please help me with this indicator so that it doesn't have as large of a delay on the signals? Or maybe settings I should put in? I'm not entirely sure but looks like a good indicator

Kind Regards
These users thanked the author moey_dw for the post (total 5):
Jedidiah, JeanPierre458, Jimmy, sal, 4NDR45
Official Forex-station GIF animator at your service 👨‍⚖️
See a GIF with Forex-station.com on it? I probably made it
The best divergence indicator in the world.
Real news exists: Infowars.com 👈

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Phoenix wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:59 am Could someone help with this indicator please. I'd like the option of changing the arrow size. Also when changing charts with symbol changer the values to the right all pile up into a mess.

CCFp mtf 2.10- Simplied by R.mq4
Added menu for arrow size, but the rest I dont know....
These users thanked the author kvak for the post:

LikeRe: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Phoenix wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:59 am Could someone help with this indicator please. I'd like the option of changing the arrow size. Also when changing charts with symbol changer the values to the right all pile up into a mess.

CCFp mtf 2.10- Simplied by R.mq4
here you go Phoenix
These users thanked the author Xronos__ for the post:

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Would anyone be interested in converting an adaptive non lag schaff trend? i think its better than mt4s traditional non lag schaff trend
or if someone already has it please share it, thank yous

Code: Select all


indicator('Adaptive, Zero lag Schaff Trend Cycle [Loxx]', shorttitle='AZLSTC [Loxx]', timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true, max_bars_back = 5000)

RMA(x, t) =>
    EMA1 = x
    EMA1 := na(EMA1[1]) ? x : (x - nz(EMA1[1])) * (1/t) + nz(EMA1[1])

EMA(x, t) =>
    EMA1 = x
    EMA1 := na(EMA1[1]) ? x : (x - nz(EMA1[1])) * (2 / (t + 1)) + nz(EMA1[1])

_bpDom(len, bpw, mult) =>
    HP = 0.0
    BP = 0.0
    Peak = 0.0
    Real = 0.0
    counter = 0.0
    DC = 0.0
    alpha2 = (math.cos(0.25 * bpw * 2 * math.pi / len) + math.sin(0.25 * bpw * 2 * math.pi  / len) - 1) / math.cos(0.25 * bpw * 2 * math.pi / len)
    HP := (1 + alpha2 / 2) * (close - nz(close[1])) + (1 - alpha2) * nz(HP[1])
    beta1 = math.cos(2 * math.pi / len)
    gamma1 = 1 / math.cos(2 *  math.pi * bpw / len)
    alpha1 = gamma1 - math.sqrt(gamma1 * gamma1 - 1)
    BP := 0.5 * (1 - alpha1) * (HP - nz(HP[2])) + beta1 * (1 + alpha1) * nz(BP[1]) - alpha1 * nz(BP[2])
    BP := bar_index == 1 or bar_index == 2  ? 0 : BP
    Peak := 0.991 * Peak
    Peak := math.abs(BP) > Peak ? math.abs(BP) : Peak
    Real := Peak != 0 ?  BP / Peak : Real
    DC := nz(DC[1])
    DC := DC < 6 ? 6 : DC
    counter := counter[1] + 1
    if ta.crossover(Real, 0) or ta.crossunder(Real, 0)
        DC := 2 * counter
        if 2 * counter > 1.25 * nz(DC[1])
            DC := 1.25 * DC[1]
        if 2 * counter < 0.8 * nz(DC[1])
            DC := 0.8 * nz(DC[1])
        counter := 0
    temp_out = mult * DC

zlagin = "Zero lag"
reg = "Regular"

iszLag = input.string(reg, title = "MACD Calculation Type", options =[zlagin, reg], group = "Basic Settings")
calc_type = input.string("Fixed", title='Calculation Type', options=["Band-pass Dominant Cycle", "Fixed"], group='Basic Settings')

src_in = input.source(title='Source', defval=close, group = "Basic Settings")
sm_type = input.string('EMA', title='MACD Smoothing Type', options=["ALMA", "DEMA", "EMA", "LSMA", "RMA", "SMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "VWMA", "WMA"], group = "Basic Settings")
cycleLength = input.int(title='Schaff Trend Cycle Length', defval=10, group = "Basic Settings")
fastLength = input.int(title='MACD Fast Length', defval=23, group = "Basic Settings")
slowLength = input.int(title='MACD Slow Length', defval=50, group = "Basic Settings")
sigPer = input.int(defval=3, title='Signal Period', minval = 1, group = "Basic Settings")

bp_period = input.int(13, "Band-pass Period", minval = 1, group = "Band-pass")
bp_width = input.float(0.20, "Band-pass Width", step = 0.1, group = "Band-pass")
cycle_len = input.float(200, "MACD Percent of Dominant Cycle (%)", step = 1.0, group = "Band-pass")/100
slMult = input.float(2.0, "MACD Slow-to-Fast Multiple", step = 0.1, group = "Band-pass")
efi_reduction = input.float(100, "Cycle Percent of Dominant Cycle (%) ", step = 1.0, group = "Band-pass")/100

upper_b = input.int(title='Upper Band', defval=85, group = "Thresholds")
lower_b = input.int(title='Lower Band', defval=15, group = "Thresholds")

alma_offset = input.float(defval=0.85, title="* Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA) Only - Offset", group = "Moving Average Inputs")
alma_sigma = input.int(defval=6, title="* Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA) Only - Sigma", group = "Moving Average Inputs")
lsma_offset = input.int(defval=0, title="* Least Squares Moving Average (LSMA) Only - Offset", group = "Moving Average Inputs")

greencolor =  color.lime
redcolor =  color.red

variant(type, src, len) =>
    sig = 0.0
    if type == "ALMA"
        sig := ta.alma(src, len, alma_offset, alma_sigma) 
    else if type == "SMA"
        sig := ta.sma(src, len) 
    else if type == "EMA"
        sig := EMA(src, len) 
    else if type == "DEMA"
        sig := 2 * EMA(src, len) - EMA(EMA(src, len), len) 
    else if type == "TEMA"
        sig := 3 * (EMA(src, len) - EMA(EMA(src, len), len)) + EMA(EMA(EMA(src, len), len), len)  
    else if type == "WMA"
        sig := ta.wma(src, len)   
    else if type == "TRIMA"
        sig := ta.sma(ta.sma(src, math.ceil(len / 2)), math.floor(len / 2) + 1) 
    else if type == "RMA"
        sig := RMA(src, len)  
    else if type == "VWMA"
        sig := ta.vwma(src, len)  
    else if type == "LSMA"
        sig := ta.linreg(src, len, lsma_offset) 

_macd(src, m_type, ma_type, f_len, s_len) =>
    fast_MA1 = variant(ma_type, src, f_len)
    fast_MA2 = variant(ma_type, fast_MA1, f_len) 
    diff_fast = fast_MA1 - fast_MA2
    zlag_fast= fast_MA1 + diff_fast
    slow_MA1 = variant(ma_type, src, s_len)
    slow_MA2 = variant(ma_type, slow_MA1, s_len)
    diff_slow = slow_MA1 - slow_MA2
    zlag_slow= slow_MA1 + diff_slow
    macd = 0.0
    if (m_type == zlagin)
        macd := zlag_fast - zlag_slow
        macd := fast_MA1 - slow_MA1

_stc(src, ma_type, cl, fl, sl, alpha, zlag) =>
    fastK = 0.0, fastD = 0.0, fastKK = 0.0, stcReturn = 0.0
    macd = _macd(src, zlag, ma_type, fl, sl) 
    lowMACD = ta.lowest(macd, cl)
    highMACD = ta.highest(macd, cl) - lowMACD
    fastK := highMACD > 0 ? (macd - lowMACD) / highMACD * 100 : nz(fastK[1])
    fastD := na(fastD[1]) ? fastK : fastD[1] + alpha * (fastK - fastD[1])
    lowStoch = ta.lowest(fastD, cl)
    highStoch = ta.highest(fastD, cl) - lowStoch
    fastKK := highStoch > 0 ? ((fastD - lowStoch) / highStoch) * 100 : nz(fastKK[1])
    stcReturn := na(stcReturn[1]) ? fastKK : stcReturn[1] + alpha * (fastKK - stcReturn[1])

alpha_in = 2.0/(1.0+sigPer)

len_out_macd = int(nz(_bpDom(bp_period, bp_width, cycle_len), 1)) < 1 ? 1 : int(nz(_bpDom(bp_period, bp_width, cycle_len), 1))

len_out_cycle = int(nz(_bpDom(bp_period, bp_width, efi_reduction), 1)) < 1 ? 1 : int(nz(_bpDom(bp_period, bp_width, efi_reduction), 1))

specFL = calc_type == "Band-pass Dominant Cycle" ? len_out_macd: fastLength
specSL = calc_type == "Band-pass Dominant Cycle" ? int(len_out_macd * slMult)  : slowLength
specCycle = calc_type == "Band-pass Dominant Cycle" ? len_out_cycle : cycleLength

stc = _stc(src_in, sm_type, specCycle, specFL, specSL, alpha_in, iszLag)
signal = stc[1]

middle = 50

goLong =  ta.crossover(stc, middle) 
goShort = ta.crossunder(stc, middle)

l_cont = stc > middle and ta.crossover(stc, signal) and not goLong  
s_cont = stc < middle and ta.crossunder(stc, signal) and not goShort  

color_out = 
     (stc >= 0 and stc > signal ? greencolor : 
     stc < 0 and stc < signal ? redcolor : color.gray)

stcColor1 = stc > stc[1] ? greencolor : redcolor
plot(stc, title='STC', color=stcColor1, linewidth = 3)

plot(upper_b, title='Upper', color=color.new(color.gray, 50))
plot(lower_b, title='Lower', color=color.new(color.gray, 50))

plot(50, color=color.new(color.gray, 30), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title = "Zero")

plotchar(len_out_macd, title = "MACD Fast BP Cycle Length", char = "", location = location.top)
plotchar(int(len_out_macd * slMult) , title = "MACD Slow BP Cycle Length", char = "", location = location.top)
plotchar(len_out_cycle, title = "Cycle BP Cycle Length", char = "", location = location.top)
0 + 0 = 0
Infinite / Infinite = 1
1 way to Heaven & it matters
people only serve God or money coincidence?

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

keringet wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:24 am Hi guys, is there anyone available who can spare some time and kindly assist me in converting the zero lag smoothed cycle from mt4 to mt5. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated thanks.
Converted ;
thanks from mrtools guidance !
These users thanked the author Milad8732 for the post (total 3):
Chickenspicy, keringet, RodrigoRT7

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

The attached Daily H-L histogram indicator shows how many times the high or low of the day occurred in each hourly timeslot. Sadly, it only works for currencies.
Does anybody know of a similar indicator that works for all symbols? Or could our esteemed coders make the attached work for all symbols?

EDIT 23/08/2022: The mq4 will not compile - see attached ex4.

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