Precond,(read this)
you need to configure your market watch->right click it ,go to symbols,click show or hide the currency pair.
it is because the advisor takes data from the market watch.
mind you that the ea was created for forex currency pairs.
The metric,
atr/spread is a good indication how cheap the pair is to trade.
if you have big atr value and low spread ->(atr/spread)>1....then the power of the atr is going to blast through the spread
leaving you with profit if you made the correct buy or sell decision!
the idea,
compare all the currency pairs in the market watch to see who has the biggest (atr/spread) factor
and output it as a nice comment in the ea attached window.
the output comment is a listing of the top 10 currency pairs and their cheap factor.
the 1st being the best pair to trade.
(no worries)if you have less than 10 pairs in the market watch,say N number,then it will print the top N pairs
Scalper Cheap Paradise EA helps save you money on spreads
A famous quote in documentary "Money Robots":55% winrate is enough to make money