Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Mr. Tools I don't have mql4 for these but I believe they are your creation.

At the moment we have alerts and arrows when RSI is overbought/oversold (hate those words, over extended is better lol). What would be really good is if we can have alerts and arrows when the RSI goes outside/back inside of the volatility bands. Hope this is possible.

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Superichi Indicator:

This indicator is a modification of the popular Ichimoku indicator using the equally popular Supertrend indicator as its core, thus no longer entirely relying on calculations done over a fixed window size but instead relying on the average true range and the trend detection method offered by the Supertrend.

If someone with his magical hands could convert it to MT4.. that would be very interesting!

Code: Select all

// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © LuxAlgo

indicator("SuperIchi [LUX]",'SuperIchi [LUX]',overlay=true,max_lines_count=500)
tenkan_len  = input(9,'Tenkan          ',inline='tenkan')
tenkan_mult = input(2.,'',inline='tenkan')

kijun_len   = input(26,'Kijun             ',inline='kijun')
kijun_mult  = input(4.,'',inline='kijun')

spanB_len   = input(52,'Senkou Span B ',inline='span')
spanB_mult  = input(6.,'',inline='span')

offset      = input(26,'Displacement')
    atr = ta.atr(length)*mult
    up = hl2 + atr
    dn = hl2 - atr
    upper = 0.,lower = 0.
    upper := src[1] < upper[1] ? math.min(up,upper[1]) : up
    lower := src[1] > lower[1] ? math.max(dn,lower[1]) : dn
    os = 0,max = 0.,min = 0.
    os := src > upper ? 1 : src < lower ? 0 : os[1]
    spt = os == 1 ? lower : upper
    max := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.max(src,max[1]) : os == 1 ? math.max(src,max[1]) : spt
    min := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.min(src,min[1]) : os == 0 ? math.min(src,min[1]) : spt
tenkan = avg(close,tenkan_len,tenkan_mult)
kijun = avg(close,kijun_len,kijun_mult)

senkouA = math.avg(kijun,tenkan)
senkouB = avg(close,spanB_len,spanB_mult)
tenkan_css = #2157f3
kijun_css = #ff5d00

cloud_a =,80)
cloud_b =,80)

chikou_css = #7b1fa2


plot(ta.crossover(tenkan,kijun) ? kijun : na,'Crossover',#2157f3,3,plot.style_circles)
plot(ta.crossunder(tenkan,kijun) ? kijun : na,'Crossunder',#ff5d00,3,plot.style_circles)

A = plot(senkouA,'Senkou Span A',na,offset=offset-1)
B = plot(senkouB,'Senkou Span B',na,offset=offset-1)
fill(A,B,senkouA > senkouB ? cloud_a : cloud_b)

You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

handy148 wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:15 pm Mr. Tools I don't have mql4 for these but I believe they are your creation.

At the moment we have alerts and arrows when RSI is overbought/oversold (hate those words, over extended is better lol). What would be really good is if we can have alerts and arrows when the RSI goes outside/back inside of the volatility bands. Hope this is possible.
Changed the arrows and alerts and posted here Tdi indicators

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

PumbaPLS wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:15 am Superichi Indicator:

This indicator is a modification of the popular Ichimoku indicator using the equally popular Supertrend indicator as its core, thus no longer entirely relying on calculations done over a fixed window size but instead relying on the average true range and the trend detection method offered by the Supertrend.

If someone with his magical hands could convert it to MT4.. that would be very interesting!

Code: Select all

// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © LuxAlgo

indicator("SuperIchi [LUX]",'SuperIchi [LUX]',overlay=true,max_lines_count=500)
tenkan_len  = input(9,'Tenkan          ',inline='tenkan')
tenkan_mult = input(2.,'',inline='tenkan')

kijun_len   = input(26,'Kijun             ',inline='kijun')
kijun_mult  = input(4.,'',inline='kijun')

spanB_len   = input(52,'Senkou Span B ',inline='span')
spanB_mult  = input(6.,'',inline='span')

offset      = input(26,'Displacement')
    atr = ta.atr(length)*mult
    up = hl2 + atr
    dn = hl2 - atr
    upper = 0.,lower = 0.
    upper := src[1] < upper[1] ? math.min(up,upper[1]) : up
    lower := src[1] > lower[1] ? math.max(dn,lower[1]) : dn
    os = 0,max = 0.,min = 0.
    os := src > upper ? 1 : src < lower ? 0 : os[1]
    spt = os == 1 ? lower : upper
    max := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.max(src,max[1]) : os == 1 ? math.max(src,max[1]) : spt
    min := ta.cross(src,spt) ? math.min(src,min[1]) : os == 0 ? math.min(src,min[1]) : spt
tenkan = avg(close,tenkan_len,tenkan_mult)
kijun = avg(close,kijun_len,kijun_mult)

senkouA = math.avg(kijun,tenkan)
senkouB = avg(close,spanB_len,spanB_mult)
tenkan_css = #2157f3
kijun_css = #ff5d00

cloud_a =,80)
cloud_b =,80)

chikou_css = #7b1fa2


plot(ta.crossover(tenkan,kijun) ? kijun : na,'Crossover',#2157f3,3,plot.style_circles)
plot(ta.crossunder(tenkan,kijun) ? kijun : na,'Crossunder',#ff5d00,3,plot.style_circles)

A = plot(senkouA,'Senkou Span A',na,offset=offset-1)
B = plot(senkouB,'Senkou Span B',na,offset=offset-1)
fill(A,B,senkouA > senkouB ? cloud_a : cloud_b)

Posted a version here Super trend indicators

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Hello, i have a request that i dont know if its possible. if it is, I would appreciate one of the coders doing it. I want a signal when the bullish line cross the bearish line on the Chandekroll. I drew lines on examples. I am seeing how it behaves in higher timeframes with different settings to avoid ranging. You guys can try different settings. So basically when bullish line above bearish, it is high volatility so u can trade. You just use other indicators to indicate buy or sell. Thanks a lot

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Vumanchu/WaveTrend Indicator by LazyBear

WaveTrend Oscillator is a port of a famous TS /MT indicator.
When the oscillator is above the overbought band (red lines) and crosses down the signal (dotted line), it is usually a good SELL signal. Similarly, when the oscillator crosses above the signal when below the Oversold band (green lines), it is a good BUY signal.

Code: Select all

// @author LazyBear
// If you use this code in its original/modified form, do drop me a note. 
study(title="WaveTrend [LazyBear]", shorttitle="WT_LB")
n1 = input(10, "Channel Length")
n2 = input(21, "Average Length")
obLevel1 = input(60, "Over Bought Level 1")
obLevel2 = input(53, "Over Bought Level 2")
osLevel1 = input(-60, "Over Sold Level 1")
osLevel2 = input(-53, "Over Sold Level 2")
ap = hlc3 
esa = ema(ap, n1)
d = ema(abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ema(ci, n2)
wt1 = tci
wt2 = sma(wt1,4)

plot(0, color=gray)
plot(obLevel1, color=red)
plot(osLevel1, color=green)
plot(obLevel2, color=red, style=3)
plot(osLevel2, color=green, style=3)

plot(wt1, color=green)
plot(wt2, color=red, style=3)
plot(wt1-wt2, color=blue, style=area, transp=80)

The amazing "Vumanchu" indicator added a certain background colour to it for better filtering. I dont know what it is based on though.
I am adding the code here though.. (ignore RSI, STOCH, etc etc, its only about the WT(Wavetrend))

Code: Select all

study(title = 'VuManChu B Divergences', shorttitle = 'VMC Cipher_B_Divergences')


// WaveTrend
wtShow = input(true, title = 'Show WaveTrend', type = input.bool)
wtBuyShow = input(true, title = 'Show Buy dots', type = input.bool)
wtGoldShow = input(true, title = 'Show Gold dots', type = input.bool)
wtSellShow = input(true, title = 'Show Sell dots', type = input.bool)
wtDivShow = input(true, title = 'Show Div. dots', type = input.bool)
vwapShow = input(true, title = 'Show Fast WT', type = input.bool)
wtChannelLen = input(9, title = 'WT Channel Length', type = input.integer)
wtAverageLen = input(12, title = 'WT Average Length', type = input.integer)
wtMASource = input(hlc3, title = 'WT MA Source', type = input.source)
wtMALen = input(3, title = 'WT MA Length', type = input.integer)

// WaveTrend Overbought & Oversold lines
obLevel = input(53, title = 'WT Overbought Level 1', type = input.integer)
obLevel2 = input(60, title = 'WT Overbought Level 2', type = input.integer)
obLevel3 = input(100, title = 'WT Overbought Level 3', type = input.integer)
osLevel = input(-53, title = 'WT Oversold Level 1', type = input.integer)
osLevel2 = input(-60, title = 'WT Oversold Level 2', type = input.integer)
osLevel3 = input(-75, title = 'WT Oversold Level 3', type = input.integer)

// Divergence WT
wtShowDiv = input(true, title = 'Show WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show WT Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
showHiddenDiv_nl = input(true, title = 'Not apply OB/OS Limits on Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel = input(45, title = 'WT Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel = input(-65, title = 'WT Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// Divergence extra range
wtDivOBLevel_addshow = input(true, title = 'Show 2nd WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel_add = input(15, title = 'WT 2nd Bearish Divergence', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel_add = input(-40, title = 'WT 2nd Bullish Divergence 15 min', type = input.integer)

rsiMFIShow = input(true, title = 'Show MFI', type = input.bool)
rsiMFIperiod = input(60,title = 'MFI Period', type = input.integer)
rsiMFIMultiplier = input(150, title = 'MFI Area multiplier', type = input.float)
rsiMFIPosY = input(2.5, title = 'MFI Area Y Pos', type = input.float)

// RSI
rsiShow = input(false, title = 'Show RSI', type = input.bool)
rsiSRC = input(close, title = 'RSI Source', type = input.source)
rsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length', type = input.integer)
rsiOversold = input(30, title = 'RSI Oversold', minval = 50, maxval = 100, type = input.integer)
rsiOverbought = input(60, title = 'RSI Overbought', minval = 0, maxval = 50, type = input.integer)

// Divergence RSI
rsiShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiDivOBLevel = input(60, title = 'RSI Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
rsiDivOSLevel = input(30, title = 'RSI Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// RSI Stochastic
stochShow = input(true, title = 'Show Stochastic RSI', type = input.bool)
stochUseLog = input(true, title=' Use Log?', type = input.bool)
stochAvg = input(false, title='Use Average of both K & D', type = input.bool)
stochSRC = input(close, title = 'Stochastic RSI Source', type = input.source)
stochLen = input(14, title = 'Stochastic RSI Length', type = input.integer)
stochRsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length ', type = input.integer)
stochKSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI K Smooth', type = input.integer)
stochDSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI D Smooth', type = input.integer)

// Divergence stoch
stochShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
stochShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcLine = input(false, title="Show Schaff TC line", type=input.bool)
tcSRC = input(close, title = 'Schaff TC Source', type = input.source)
tclength = input(10, title="Schaff TC", type=input.integer)
tcfastLength = input(23, title="Schaff TC Fast Lenght", type=input.integer)
tcslowLength = input(50, title="Schaff TC Slow Length", type=input.integer)
tcfactor = input(0.5, title="Schaff TC Factor", type=input.float)

// Sommi Flag
sommiFlagShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi flag', type = input.bool)
sommiShowVwap = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi F. Wave', type = input.bool)
sommiVwapTF = input('720', title = 'Sommi F. Wave timeframe', type = input.string)
sommiVwapBearLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer)
sommiVwapBullLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer)
soomiFlagWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiFlagWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBearLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBullLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 

// Sommi Diamond
sommiDiamondShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi diamond', type = input.bool)
sommiHTCRes = input('60', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 1', type = input.string)
sommiHTCRes2 = input('240', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 2', type = input.string)
soomiDiamondWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (More than)', type = input.integer)
soomiDiamondWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (Less than)', type = input.integer)

// macd Colors
macdWTColorsShow = input(false, title = 'Show MACD Colors', type = input.bool)
macdWTColorsTF = input('240', title = 'MACD Colors MACD TF', type = input.string)

darkMode = input(false, title = 'Dark mode', type = input.bool)

// Colors
colorRed = #ff0000
colorPurple = #e600e6
colorGreen = #3fff00
colorOrange = #e2a400
colorYellow = #ffe500
colorWhite = #ffffff
colorPink = #ff00f0
colorBluelight = #31c0ff

colorWT1 = #90caf9
colorWT2 = #0d47a1

colorWT2_ = #131722

colormacdWT1a = #4caf58
colormacdWT1b = #af4c4c
colormacdWT1c = #7ee57e
colormacdWT1d = #ff3535

colormacdWT2a = #305630
colormacdWT2b = #310101
colormacdWT2c = #132213
colormacdWT2d = #770000


// Divergences 
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize(src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0

f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit, useLimits) =>
    fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] >= topLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] <= botLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    highPrev = valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
    highPrice = valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrev = valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrice = valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
    bearSignal = fractalTop and high[2] > highPrice and src[2] < highPrev
    bullSignal = fractalBot and low[2] < lowPrice and src[2] > lowPrev
    bearDivHidden = fractalTop and high[2] < highPrice and src[2] > highPrev
    bullDivHidden = fractalBot and low[2] > lowPrice and src[2] < lowPrev
    [fractalTop, fractalBot, lowPrev, bearSignal, bullSignal, bearDivHidden, bullDivHidden]
f_rsimfi(_period, _multiplier, _tf) => security(syminfo.tickerid, _tf, sma(((close - open) / (high - low)) * _multiplier, _period) - rsiMFIPosY)
// WaveTrend
f_wavetrend(src, chlen, avg, malen, tf) =>
    tfsrc = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, src)
    esa = ema(tfsrc, chlen)
    de = ema(abs(tfsrc - esa), chlen)
    ci = (tfsrc - esa) / (0.015 * de)
    wt1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(ci, avg))
    wt2 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(wt1, malen))
    wtVwap = wt1 - wt2
    wtOversold = wt2 <= osLevel
    wtOverbought = wt2 >= obLevel
    wtCross = cross(wt1, wt2)
    wtCrossUp = wt2 - wt1 <= 0
    wtCrossDown = wt2 - wt1 >= 0
    wtCrosslast = cross(wt1[2], wt2[2])
    wtCrossUplast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] <= 0
    wtCrossDownlast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] >= 0
    [wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCrosslast, wtCrossUplast, wtCrossDownlast, wtVwap]

// Schaff Trend Cycle
f_tc(src, length, fastLength, slowLength) =>
    ema1 = ema(src, fastLength)
    ema2 = ema(src, slowLength)
    macdVal = ema1 - ema2	
    alpha = lowest(macdVal, length)
    beta = highest(macdVal, length) - alpha
    gamma = (macdVal - alpha) / beta * 100
    gamma := beta > 0 ? gamma : nz(gamma[1])
    delta = gamma
    delta := na(delta[1]) ? delta : delta[1] + tcfactor * (gamma - delta[1])
    epsilon = lowest(delta, length)
    zeta = highest(delta, length) - epsilon
    eta = (delta - epsilon) / zeta * 100
    eta := zeta > 0 ? eta : nz(eta[1])
    stcReturn = eta
    stcReturn := na(stcReturn[1]) ? stcReturn : stcReturn[1] + tcfactor * (eta - stcReturn[1])

// Stochastic RSI
f_stochrsi(_src, _stochlen, _rsilen, _smoothk, _smoothd, _log, _avg) =>
    src = _log ? log(_src) : _src
    rsi = rsi(src, _rsilen)
    kk = sma(stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, _stochlen), _smoothk)
    d1 = sma(kk, _smoothd)
    avg_1 = avg(kk, d1)
    k = _avg ? avg_1 : kk
    [k, d1]

f_macd(src, fastlen, slowlen, sigsmooth, tf) =>
    fast_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, fastlen))
    slow_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, slowlen))
    macd = fast_ma - slow_ma,
    signal = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(macd, sigsmooth))
    hist = macd - signal
    [macd, signal, hist]

// MACD Colors on WT    
f_macdWTColors(tf) =>
    hrsimfi = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, tf)
    [macd, signal, hist] = f_macd(close, 28, 42, 9, macdWTColorsTF)
    macdup = macd >= signal
    macddown = macd <= signal
    macdWT1Color = macdup ? hrsimfi > 0 ? colormacdWT1c : colormacdWT1a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT1d : colormacdWT1b : na
    macdWT2Color = macdup ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2c : colormacdWT2a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2d : colormacdWT2b : na 
    [macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color]
// Get higher timeframe candle
f_getTFCandle(_tf) => 
    _open  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _close = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, close, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _high  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, high, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _low   = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, low, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    hl2   = (_high + _low) / 2.0
    newBar = change(_open)
    candleBodyDir = _close > _open
    [candleBodyDir, newBar]

// Sommi flag
f_findSommiFlag(tf, wt1, wt2, rsimfi, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>    
    [hwt1, hwt2, hwtOversold, hwtOverbought, hwtCross, hwtCrossUp, hwtCrossDown, hwtCrosslast, hwtCrossUplast, hwtCrossDownlast, hwtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, tf)      
    bearPattern = rsimfi < soomiRSIMFIBearLevel and
                   wt2 > soomiFlagWTBearLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossDown and 
                   hwtVwap < sommiVwapBearLevel
    bullPattern = rsimfi > soomiRSIMFIBullLevel and 
                   wt2 < soomiFlagWTBullLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossUp and 
                   hwtVwap > sommiVwapBullLevel
    [bearPattern, bullPattern, hwtVwap]
f_findSommiDiamond(tf, tf2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>
    [candleBodyDir, newBar] = f_getTFCandle(tf)
    [candleBodyDir2, newBar2] = f_getTFCandle(tf2)
    bearPattern = wt2 >= soomiDiamondWTBearLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossDown and
                   not candleBodyDir and
                   not candleBodyDir2                   
    bullPattern = wt2 <= soomiDiamondWTBullLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossUp and
                   candleBodyDir and
    [bearPattern, bullPattern]


// RSI
rsi = rsi(rsiSRC, rsiLen)
rsiColor = rsi <= rsiOversold ? colorGreen : rsi >= rsiOverbought ? colorRed : colorPurple

// RSI + MFI Area
rsiMFI = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, timeframe.period)
rsiMFIColor = rsiMFI > 0 ? #3ee145 : #ff3d2e

// Calculates WaveTrend
[wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCross_last, wtCrossUp_last, wtCrossDown_last, wtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, timeframe.period)
// Stochastic RSI
[stochK, stochD] = f_stochrsi(stochSRC, stochLen, stochRsiLen, stochKSmooth, stochDSmooth, stochUseLog, stochAvg)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcVal = f_tc(tcSRC, tclength, tcfastLength, tcslowLength)

// Sommi flag
[sommiBearish, sommiBullish, hvwap] = f_findSommiFlag(sommiVwapTF, wt1, wt2, rsiMFI, wtCross,  wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

//Sommi diamond
[sommiBearishDiamond, sommiBullishDiamond] = f_findSommiDiamond(sommiHTCRes, sommiHTCRes2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

// macd colors
[macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color] = f_macdWTColors(macdWTColorsTF)

// WT Divergences
[wtFractalTop, wtFractalBot, wtLow_prev, wtBearDiv, wtBullDiv, wtBearDivHidden, wtBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel, wtDivOSLevel, true)
[wtFractalTop_add, wtFractalBot_add, wtLow_prev_add, wtBearDiv_add, wtBullDiv_add, wtBearDivHidden_add, wtBullDivHidden_add] =  f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel_add, wtDivOSLevel_add, true)
[wtFractalTop_nl, wtFractalBot_nl, wtLow_prev_nl, wtBearDiv_nl, wtBullDiv_nl, wtBearDivHidden_nl, wtBullDivHidden_nl] =  f_findDivs(wt2, 0, 0, false)

wtBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBearDivHidden_nl : wtBearDivHidden
wtBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBullDivHidden_nl : wtBullDivHidden

wtBearDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
wtBullDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na

wtBearDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDivHidden_add)) ? #9a0202 : na
wtBullDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDivHidden_add)) ? #1b5e20 : na

// RSI Divergences
[rsiFractalTop, rsiFractalBot, rsiLow_prev, rsiBearDiv, rsiBullDiv, rsiBearDivHidden, rsiBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(rsi, rsiDivOBLevel, rsiDivOSLevel, true)
[rsiFractalTop_nl, rsiFractalBot_nl, rsiLow_prev_nl, rsiBearDiv_nl, rsiBullDiv_nl, rsiBearDivHidden_nl, rsiBullDivHidden_nl] = f_findDivs(rsi, 0, 0, false)

rsiBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBearDivHidden_nl : rsiBearDivHidden
rsiBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBullDivHidden_nl : rsiBullDivHidden

rsiBearDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
rsiBullDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na
// Stoch Divergences
[stochFractalTop, stochFractalBot, stochLow_prev, stochBearDiv, stochBullDiv, stochBearDivHidden, stochBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(stochK, 0, 0, false)

stochBearDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBearDivHidden) ? colorRed : na
stochBullDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBullDivHidden) ? colorGreen : na

// Small Circles WT Cross
signalColor = wt2 - wt1 > 0 ? : color.lime

// Buy signal.
buySignal = wtCross and wtCrossUp and wtOversold

buySignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv_add) or 
               (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or 
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)
buySignalDiv_color = wtBullDiv ? colorGreen : 
                     wtBullDiv_add ?, 60) : 
                     rsiShowDiv ? colorGreen : na

// Sell signal
sellSignal = wtCross and wtCrossDown and wtOverbought
sellSignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv_add) or
               (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv)
sellSignalDiv_color = wtBearDiv ? colorRed : 
                     wtBearDiv_add ?, 60) : 
                     rsiBearDiv ? colorRed : na

// Gold Buy 
lastRsi = valuewhen(wtFractalBot, rsi[2], 0)[2]
wtGoldBuy = ((wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)) and
           wtLow_prev <= osLevel3 and
           wt2 > osLevel3 and
           wtLow_prev - wt2 <= -5 and
           lastRsi < 30           

// DRAW {
bgcolor(darkMode ?, 80) : na)
zLine = plot(0, color =, 50))

rsiMfiBarTopLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -95 : na, title = 'MFI Bar TOP Line', transp = 100)
rsiMfiBarBottomLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -99 : na, title = 'MFI Bar BOTTOM Line', transp = 100)
fill(rsiMfiBarTopLine, rsiMfiBarBottomLine, title = 'MFI Bar Colors', color = rsiMFIColor, transp = 75)

// WT Areas
plot(wtShow ? wt1 : na, style = plot.style_area, title = 'WT Wave 1', color = macdWTColorsShow ? macdWT1Color : colorWT1, transp = 0)
plot(wtShow ? wt2 : na, style = plot.style_area, title = 'WT Wave 2', color = macdWTColorsShow ? macdWT2Color : darkMode ? colorWT2_ : colorWT2 , transp = 20)

plot(vwapShow ? wtVwap : na, title = 'VWAP', color = colorYellow, style = plot.style_area, linewidth = 2, transp = 45)

rsiMFIplot = plot(rsiMFIShow ? rsiMFI: na, title = 'RSI+MFI Area', color = rsiMFIColor, transp = 20)
fill(rsiMFIplot, zLine, rsiMFIColor, transp = 40)

// WT Div

plot(series = wtFractalTop ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT Bearish Divergence', color = wtBearDivColor, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)
plot(series = wtFractalBot ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT Bullish Divergence', color = wtBullDivColor, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)

// WT 2nd Div
plot(series = wtFractalTop_add ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT 2nd Bearish Divergence', color = wtBearDivColor_add, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)
plot(series = wtFractalBot_add ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT 2nd Bullish Divergence', color = wtBullDivColor_add, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)

// RSI
plot(rsiShow ? rsi : na, title = 'RSI', color = rsiColor, linewidth = 2, transp = 25)

// RSI Div
plot(series = rsiFractalTop ? rsi[2] : na, title='RSI Bearish Divergence', color = rsiBearDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)
plot(series = rsiFractalBot ? rsi[2] : na, title='RSI Bullish Divergence', color = rsiBullDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)

// Stochastic RSI
stochKplot = plot(stochShow ? stochK : na, title = 'Stoch K', color =, 0), linewidth = 2)
stochDplot = plot(stochShow ? stochD : na, title = 'Stoch D', color =, 60), linewidth = 1)
stochFillColor = stochK >= stochD ?, 75) :, 60)
fill(stochKplot, stochDplot, title='KD Fill', color=stochFillColor)

// Stoch Div
plot(series = stochFractalTop ? stochK[2] : na, title='Stoch Bearish Divergence', color = stochBearDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)
plot(series = stochFractalBot ? stochK[2] : na, title='Stoch Bullish Divergence', color = stochBullDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
plot(tcLine ? tcVal : na, color =, 25), linewidth = 2, title = "Schaff Trend Cycle 1")
plot(tcLine ? tcVal : na, color =, 50), linewidth = 1, title = "Schaff Trend Cycle 2")

// Draw Overbought & Oversold lines
//plot(obLevel, title = 'Over Bought Level 1', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 85)
plot(obLevel2, title = 'Over Bought Level 2', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_stepline, transp = 85)
plot(obLevel3, title = 'Over Bought Level 3', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 95)

//plot(osLevel, title = 'Over Sold Level 1', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 85)
plot(osLevel2, title = 'Over Sold Level 2', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_stepline, transp = 85)

// Sommi flag
plotchar(sommiFlagShow and sommiBearish ? 108 : na, title = 'Sommi bearish flag', char='⚑', color = colorPink, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plotchar(sommiFlagShow and sommiBullish ? -108 : na, title = 'Sommi bullish flag', char='⚑', color = colorBluelight, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plot(sommiShowVwap ? ema(hvwap, 3) : na, title = 'Sommi higher VWAP', color = colorYellow, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_line, transp = 15)

// Sommi diamond
plotchar(sommiDiamondShow and sommiBearishDiamond ? 108 : na, title = 'Sommi bearish diamond', char='◆', color = colorPink, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plotchar(sommiDiamondShow and sommiBullishDiamond ? -108 : na, title = 'Sommi bullish diamond', char='◆', color = colorBluelight, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)

// Circles
plot(wtCross ? wt2 : na, title = 'Buy and sell circle', color = signalColor, style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3, transp = 15)

plotchar(wtBuyShow and buySignal ? -107 : na, title = 'Buy circle', char='·', color = colorGreen, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, transp = 50)
plotchar(wtSellShow and sellSignal ? 105 : na , title = 'Sell circle', char='·', color = colorRed, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, transp = 50)

plotchar(wtDivShow and buySignalDiv ? -106 : na, title = 'Divergence buy circle', char='•', color = buySignalDiv_color, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)
plotchar(wtDivShow and sellSignalDiv ? 106 : na, title = 'Divergence sell circle', char='•', color = sellSignalDiv_color, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)

plotchar(wtGoldBuy and wtGoldShow ? -106 : na, title = 'Gold  buy gold circle', char='•', color = colorOrange, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)

// } DRAW

// BUY
alertcondition(buySignal, 'Buy (Big green circle)', 'Green circle WaveTrend Oversold')
alertcondition(buySignalDiv, 'Buy (Big green circle + Div)', 'Buy & WT Bullish Divergence & WT Overbought')
alertcondition(wtGoldBuy, 'GOLD Buy (Big GOLDEN circle)', 'Green & GOLD circle WaveTrend Overbought')
alertcondition(sommiBullish or sommiBullishDiamond, 'Sommi bullish flag/diamond', 'Blue flag/diamond')
alertcondition(wtCross and wtCrossUp, 'Buy (Small green dot)', 'Buy small circle')

alertcondition(sommiBearish or sommiBearishDiamond, 'Sommi bearish flag/diamond', 'Purple flag/diamond')
alertcondition(sellSignal, 'Sell (Big red circle)', 'Red Circle WaveTrend Overbought')
alertcondition(sellSignalDiv, 'Sell (Big red circle + Div)', 'Buy & WT Bearish Divergence & WT Overbought')
alertcondition(wtCross and wtCrossDown, 'Sell (Small red dot)', 'Sell small circle')

I have already looked through the Wavetrend indicators but I couldnt find one which was similar enough, I apologize if I missed it!
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

PumbaPLS wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:05 pm Vumanchu/WaveTrend Indicator by LazyBear

WaveTrend Oscillator is a port of a famous TS /MT indicator.
When the oscillator is above the overbought band (red lines) and crosses down the signal (dotted line), it is usually a good SELL signal. Similarly, when the oscillator crosses above the signal when below the Oversold band (green lines), it is a good BUY signal.

Code: Select all

// @author LazyBear
// If you use this code in its original/modified form, do drop me a note. 
study(title="WaveTrend [LazyBear]", shorttitle="WT_LB")
n1 = input(10, "Channel Length")
n2 = input(21, "Average Length")
obLevel1 = input(60, "Over Bought Level 1")
obLevel2 = input(53, "Over Bought Level 2")
osLevel1 = input(-60, "Over Sold Level 1")
osLevel2 = input(-53, "Over Sold Level 2")
ap = hlc3 
esa = ema(ap, n1)
d = ema(abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ema(ci, n2)
wt1 = tci
wt2 = sma(wt1,4)

plot(0, color=gray)
plot(obLevel1, color=red)
plot(osLevel1, color=green)
plot(obLevel2, color=red, style=3)
plot(osLevel2, color=green, style=3)

plot(wt1, color=green)
plot(wt2, color=red, style=3)
plot(wt1-wt2, color=blue, style=area, transp=80)

The amazing "Vumanchu" indicator added a certain background colour to it for better filtering. I dont know what it is based on though.
I am adding the code here though.. (ignore RSI, STOCH, etc etc, its only about the WT(Wavetrend))

Code: Select all

study(title = 'VuManChu B Divergences', shorttitle = 'VMC Cipher_B_Divergences')


// WaveTrend
wtShow = input(true, title = 'Show WaveTrend', type = input.bool)
wtBuyShow = input(true, title = 'Show Buy dots', type = input.bool)
wtGoldShow = input(true, title = 'Show Gold dots', type = input.bool)
wtSellShow = input(true, title = 'Show Sell dots', type = input.bool)
wtDivShow = input(true, title = 'Show Div. dots', type = input.bool)
vwapShow = input(true, title = 'Show Fast WT', type = input.bool)
wtChannelLen = input(9, title = 'WT Channel Length', type = input.integer)
wtAverageLen = input(12, title = 'WT Average Length', type = input.integer)
wtMASource = input(hlc3, title = 'WT MA Source', type = input.source)
wtMALen = input(3, title = 'WT MA Length', type = input.integer)

// WaveTrend Overbought & Oversold lines
obLevel = input(53, title = 'WT Overbought Level 1', type = input.integer)
obLevel2 = input(60, title = 'WT Overbought Level 2', type = input.integer)
obLevel3 = input(100, title = 'WT Overbought Level 3', type = input.integer)
osLevel = input(-53, title = 'WT Oversold Level 1', type = input.integer)
osLevel2 = input(-60, title = 'WT Oversold Level 2', type = input.integer)
osLevel3 = input(-75, title = 'WT Oversold Level 3', type = input.integer)

// Divergence WT
wtShowDiv = input(true, title = 'Show WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show WT Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
showHiddenDiv_nl = input(true, title = 'Not apply OB/OS Limits on Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel = input(45, title = 'WT Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel = input(-65, title = 'WT Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// Divergence extra range
wtDivOBLevel_addshow = input(true, title = 'Show 2nd WT Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
wtDivOBLevel_add = input(15, title = 'WT 2nd Bearish Divergence', type = input.integer)
wtDivOSLevel_add = input(-40, title = 'WT 2nd Bullish Divergence 15 min', type = input.integer)

rsiMFIShow = input(true, title = 'Show MFI', type = input.bool)
rsiMFIperiod = input(60,title = 'MFI Period', type = input.integer)
rsiMFIMultiplier = input(150, title = 'MFI Area multiplier', type = input.float)
rsiMFIPosY = input(2.5, title = 'MFI Area Y Pos', type = input.float)

// RSI
rsiShow = input(false, title = 'Show RSI', type = input.bool)
rsiSRC = input(close, title = 'RSI Source', type = input.source)
rsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length', type = input.integer)
rsiOversold = input(30, title = 'RSI Oversold', minval = 50, maxval = 100, type = input.integer)
rsiOverbought = input(60, title = 'RSI Overbought', minval = 0, maxval = 50, type = input.integer)

// Divergence RSI
rsiShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show RSI Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)
rsiDivOBLevel = input(60, title = 'RSI Bearish Divergence min', type = input.integer)
rsiDivOSLevel = input(30, title = 'RSI Bullish Divergence min', type = input.integer)

// RSI Stochastic
stochShow = input(true, title = 'Show Stochastic RSI', type = input.bool)
stochUseLog = input(true, title=' Use Log?', type = input.bool)
stochAvg = input(false, title='Use Average of both K & D', type = input.bool)
stochSRC = input(close, title = 'Stochastic RSI Source', type = input.source)
stochLen = input(14, title = 'Stochastic RSI Length', type = input.integer)
stochRsiLen = input(14, title = 'RSI Length ', type = input.integer)
stochKSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI K Smooth', type = input.integer)
stochDSmooth = input(3, title = 'Stochastic RSI D Smooth', type = input.integer)

// Divergence stoch
stochShowDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Regular Divergences', type = input.bool)
stochShowHiddenDiv = input(false, title = 'Show Stoch Hidden Divergences', type = input.bool)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcLine = input(false, title="Show Schaff TC line", type=input.bool)
tcSRC = input(close, title = 'Schaff TC Source', type = input.source)
tclength = input(10, title="Schaff TC", type=input.integer)
tcfastLength = input(23, title="Schaff TC Fast Lenght", type=input.integer)
tcslowLength = input(50, title="Schaff TC Slow Length", type=input.integer)
tcfactor = input(0.5, title="Schaff TC Factor", type=input.float)

// Sommi Flag
sommiFlagShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi flag', type = input.bool)
sommiShowVwap = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi F. Wave', type = input.bool)
sommiVwapTF = input('720', title = 'Sommi F. Wave timeframe', type = input.string)
sommiVwapBearLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer)
sommiVwapBullLevel = input(0, title = 'F. Wave Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer)
soomiFlagWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiFlagWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBearLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bear Level (less than)', type = input.integer) 
soomiRSIMFIBullLevel = input(0, title = 'Money flow Bull Level (more than)', type = input.integer) 

// Sommi Diamond
sommiDiamondShow = input(false, title = 'Show Sommi diamond', type = input.bool)
sommiHTCRes = input('60', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 1', type = input.string)
sommiHTCRes2 = input('240', title = 'HTF Candle Res. 2', type = input.string)
soomiDiamondWTBearLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bear Level (More than)', type = input.integer)
soomiDiamondWTBullLevel = input(0, title = 'WT Bull Level (Less than)', type = input.integer)

// macd Colors
macdWTColorsShow = input(false, title = 'Show MACD Colors', type = input.bool)
macdWTColorsTF = input('240', title = 'MACD Colors MACD TF', type = input.string)

darkMode = input(false, title = 'Dark mode', type = input.bool)

// Colors
colorRed = #ff0000
colorPurple = #e600e6
colorGreen = #3fff00
colorOrange = #e2a400
colorYellow = #ffe500
colorWhite = #ffffff
colorPink = #ff00f0
colorBluelight = #31c0ff

colorWT1 = #90caf9
colorWT2 = #0d47a1

colorWT2_ = #131722

colormacdWT1a = #4caf58
colormacdWT1b = #af4c4c
colormacdWT1c = #7ee57e
colormacdWT1d = #ff3535

colormacdWT2a = #305630
colormacdWT2b = #310101
colormacdWT2c = #132213
colormacdWT2d = #770000


// Divergences 
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize(src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0

f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit, useLimits) =>
    fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] >= topLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and (useLimits ? src[2] <= botLimit : true) ? src[2] : na
    highPrev = valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
    highPrice = valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrev = valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
    lowPrice = valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
    bearSignal = fractalTop and high[2] > highPrice and src[2] < highPrev
    bullSignal = fractalBot and low[2] < lowPrice and src[2] > lowPrev
    bearDivHidden = fractalTop and high[2] < highPrice and src[2] > highPrev
    bullDivHidden = fractalBot and low[2] > lowPrice and src[2] < lowPrev
    [fractalTop, fractalBot, lowPrev, bearSignal, bullSignal, bearDivHidden, bullDivHidden]
f_rsimfi(_period, _multiplier, _tf) => security(syminfo.tickerid, _tf, sma(((close - open) / (high - low)) * _multiplier, _period) - rsiMFIPosY)
// WaveTrend
f_wavetrend(src, chlen, avg, malen, tf) =>
    tfsrc = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, src)
    esa = ema(tfsrc, chlen)
    de = ema(abs(tfsrc - esa), chlen)
    ci = (tfsrc - esa) / (0.015 * de)
    wt1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(ci, avg))
    wt2 = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(wt1, malen))
    wtVwap = wt1 - wt2
    wtOversold = wt2 <= osLevel
    wtOverbought = wt2 >= obLevel
    wtCross = cross(wt1, wt2)
    wtCrossUp = wt2 - wt1 <= 0
    wtCrossDown = wt2 - wt1 >= 0
    wtCrosslast = cross(wt1[2], wt2[2])
    wtCrossUplast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] <= 0
    wtCrossDownlast = wt2[2] - wt1[2] >= 0
    [wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCrosslast, wtCrossUplast, wtCrossDownlast, wtVwap]

// Schaff Trend Cycle
f_tc(src, length, fastLength, slowLength) =>
    ema1 = ema(src, fastLength)
    ema2 = ema(src, slowLength)
    macdVal = ema1 - ema2	
    alpha = lowest(macdVal, length)
    beta = highest(macdVal, length) - alpha
    gamma = (macdVal - alpha) / beta * 100
    gamma := beta > 0 ? gamma : nz(gamma[1])
    delta = gamma
    delta := na(delta[1]) ? delta : delta[1] + tcfactor * (gamma - delta[1])
    epsilon = lowest(delta, length)
    zeta = highest(delta, length) - epsilon
    eta = (delta - epsilon) / zeta * 100
    eta := zeta > 0 ? eta : nz(eta[1])
    stcReturn = eta
    stcReturn := na(stcReturn[1]) ? stcReturn : stcReturn[1] + tcfactor * (eta - stcReturn[1])

// Stochastic RSI
f_stochrsi(_src, _stochlen, _rsilen, _smoothk, _smoothd, _log, _avg) =>
    src = _log ? log(_src) : _src
    rsi = rsi(src, _rsilen)
    kk = sma(stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, _stochlen), _smoothk)
    d1 = sma(kk, _smoothd)
    avg_1 = avg(kk, d1)
    k = _avg ? avg_1 : kk
    [k, d1]

f_macd(src, fastlen, slowlen, sigsmooth, tf) =>
    fast_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, fastlen))
    slow_ma = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, ema(src, slowlen))
    macd = fast_ma - slow_ma,
    signal = security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, sma(macd, sigsmooth))
    hist = macd - signal
    [macd, signal, hist]

// MACD Colors on WT    
f_macdWTColors(tf) =>
    hrsimfi = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, tf)
    [macd, signal, hist] = f_macd(close, 28, 42, 9, macdWTColorsTF)
    macdup = macd >= signal
    macddown = macd <= signal
    macdWT1Color = macdup ? hrsimfi > 0 ? colormacdWT1c : colormacdWT1a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT1d : colormacdWT1b : na
    macdWT2Color = macdup ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2c : colormacdWT2a : macddown ? hrsimfi < 0 ? colormacdWT2d : colormacdWT2b : na 
    [macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color]
// Get higher timeframe candle
f_getTFCandle(_tf) => 
    _open  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, open, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _close = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, close, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _high  = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, high, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    _low   = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), _tf, low, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
    hl2   = (_high + _low) / 2.0
    newBar = change(_open)
    candleBodyDir = _close > _open
    [candleBodyDir, newBar]

// Sommi flag
f_findSommiFlag(tf, wt1, wt2, rsimfi, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>    
    [hwt1, hwt2, hwtOversold, hwtOverbought, hwtCross, hwtCrossUp, hwtCrossDown, hwtCrosslast, hwtCrossUplast, hwtCrossDownlast, hwtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, tf)      
    bearPattern = rsimfi < soomiRSIMFIBearLevel and
                   wt2 > soomiFlagWTBearLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossDown and 
                   hwtVwap < sommiVwapBearLevel
    bullPattern = rsimfi > soomiRSIMFIBullLevel and 
                   wt2 < soomiFlagWTBullLevel and 
                   wtCross and 
                   wtCrossUp and 
                   hwtVwap > sommiVwapBullLevel
    [bearPattern, bullPattern, hwtVwap]
f_findSommiDiamond(tf, tf2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown) =>
    [candleBodyDir, newBar] = f_getTFCandle(tf)
    [candleBodyDir2, newBar2] = f_getTFCandle(tf2)
    bearPattern = wt2 >= soomiDiamondWTBearLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossDown and
                   not candleBodyDir and
                   not candleBodyDir2                   
    bullPattern = wt2 <= soomiDiamondWTBullLevel and
                   wtCross and
                   wtCrossUp and
                   candleBodyDir and
    [bearPattern, bullPattern]


// RSI
rsi = rsi(rsiSRC, rsiLen)
rsiColor = rsi <= rsiOversold ? colorGreen : rsi >= rsiOverbought ? colorRed : colorPurple

// RSI + MFI Area
rsiMFI = f_rsimfi(rsiMFIperiod, rsiMFIMultiplier, timeframe.period)
rsiMFIColor = rsiMFI > 0 ? #3ee145 : #ff3d2e

// Calculates WaveTrend
[wt1, wt2, wtOversold, wtOverbought, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown, wtCross_last, wtCrossUp_last, wtCrossDown_last, wtVwap] = f_wavetrend(wtMASource, wtChannelLen, wtAverageLen, wtMALen, timeframe.period)
// Stochastic RSI
[stochK, stochD] = f_stochrsi(stochSRC, stochLen, stochRsiLen, stochKSmooth, stochDSmooth, stochUseLog, stochAvg)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
tcVal = f_tc(tcSRC, tclength, tcfastLength, tcslowLength)

// Sommi flag
[sommiBearish, sommiBullish, hvwap] = f_findSommiFlag(sommiVwapTF, wt1, wt2, rsiMFI, wtCross,  wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

//Sommi diamond
[sommiBearishDiamond, sommiBullishDiamond] = f_findSommiDiamond(sommiHTCRes, sommiHTCRes2, wt1, wt2, wtCross, wtCrossUp, wtCrossDown)

// macd colors
[macdWT1Color, macdWT2Color] = f_macdWTColors(macdWTColorsTF)

// WT Divergences
[wtFractalTop, wtFractalBot, wtLow_prev, wtBearDiv, wtBullDiv, wtBearDivHidden, wtBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel, wtDivOSLevel, true)
[wtFractalTop_add, wtFractalBot_add, wtLow_prev_add, wtBearDiv_add, wtBullDiv_add, wtBearDivHidden_add, wtBullDivHidden_add] =  f_findDivs(wt2, wtDivOBLevel_add, wtDivOSLevel_add, true)
[wtFractalTop_nl, wtFractalBot_nl, wtLow_prev_nl, wtBearDiv_nl, wtBullDiv_nl, wtBearDivHidden_nl, wtBullDivHidden_nl] =  f_findDivs(wt2, 0, 0, false)

wtBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBearDivHidden_nl : wtBearDivHidden
wtBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? wtBullDivHidden_nl : wtBullDivHidden

wtBearDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
wtBullDivColor = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and wtBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na

wtBearDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBearDivHidden_add)) ? #9a0202 : na
wtBullDivColor_add = (wtShowDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDiv_add)) or (wtShowHiddenDiv and (wtDivOBLevel_addshow and wtBullDivHidden_add)) ? #1b5e20 : na

// RSI Divergences
[rsiFractalTop, rsiFractalBot, rsiLow_prev, rsiBearDiv, rsiBullDiv, rsiBearDivHidden, rsiBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(rsi, rsiDivOBLevel, rsiDivOSLevel, true)
[rsiFractalTop_nl, rsiFractalBot_nl, rsiLow_prev_nl, rsiBearDiv_nl, rsiBullDiv_nl, rsiBearDivHidden_nl, rsiBullDivHidden_nl] = f_findDivs(rsi, 0, 0, false)

rsiBearDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBearDivHidden_nl : rsiBearDivHidden
rsiBullDivHidden_ = showHiddenDiv_nl ? rsiBullDivHidden_nl : rsiBullDivHidden

rsiBearDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBearDivHidden_) ? colorRed : na
rsiBullDivColor = (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv) or (rsiShowHiddenDiv and rsiBullDivHidden_) ? colorGreen : na
// Stoch Divergences
[stochFractalTop, stochFractalBot, stochLow_prev, stochBearDiv, stochBullDiv, stochBearDivHidden, stochBullDivHidden] = f_findDivs(stochK, 0, 0, false)

stochBearDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBearDivHidden) ? colorRed : na
stochBullDivColor = (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or (stochShowHiddenDiv and stochBullDivHidden) ? colorGreen : na

// Small Circles WT Cross
signalColor = wt2 - wt1 > 0 ? : color.lime

// Buy signal.
buySignal = wtCross and wtCrossUp and wtOversold

buySignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv_add) or 
               (stochShowDiv and stochBullDiv) or 
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)
buySignalDiv_color = wtBullDiv ? colorGreen : 
                     wtBullDiv_add ?, 60) : 
                     rsiShowDiv ? colorGreen : na

// Sell signal
sellSignal = wtCross and wtCrossDown and wtOverbought
sellSignalDiv = (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv) or 
               (wtShowDiv and wtBearDiv_add) or
               (stochShowDiv and stochBearDiv) or
               (rsiShowDiv and rsiBearDiv)
sellSignalDiv_color = wtBearDiv ? colorRed : 
                     wtBearDiv_add ?, 60) : 
                     rsiBearDiv ? colorRed : na

// Gold Buy 
lastRsi = valuewhen(wtFractalBot, rsi[2], 0)[2]
wtGoldBuy = ((wtShowDiv and wtBullDiv) or (rsiShowDiv and rsiBullDiv)) and
           wtLow_prev <= osLevel3 and
           wt2 > osLevel3 and
           wtLow_prev - wt2 <= -5 and
           lastRsi < 30           

// DRAW {
bgcolor(darkMode ?, 80) : na)
zLine = plot(0, color =, 50))

rsiMfiBarTopLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -95 : na, title = 'MFI Bar TOP Line', transp = 100)
rsiMfiBarBottomLine = plot(rsiMFIShow ? -99 : na, title = 'MFI Bar BOTTOM Line', transp = 100)
fill(rsiMfiBarTopLine, rsiMfiBarBottomLine, title = 'MFI Bar Colors', color = rsiMFIColor, transp = 75)

// WT Areas
plot(wtShow ? wt1 : na, style = plot.style_area, title = 'WT Wave 1', color = macdWTColorsShow ? macdWT1Color : colorWT1, transp = 0)
plot(wtShow ? wt2 : na, style = plot.style_area, title = 'WT Wave 2', color = macdWTColorsShow ? macdWT2Color : darkMode ? colorWT2_ : colorWT2 , transp = 20)

plot(vwapShow ? wtVwap : na, title = 'VWAP', color = colorYellow, style = plot.style_area, linewidth = 2, transp = 45)

rsiMFIplot = plot(rsiMFIShow ? rsiMFI: na, title = 'RSI+MFI Area', color = rsiMFIColor, transp = 20)
fill(rsiMFIplot, zLine, rsiMFIColor, transp = 40)

// WT Div

plot(series = wtFractalTop ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT Bearish Divergence', color = wtBearDivColor, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)
plot(series = wtFractalBot ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT Bullish Divergence', color = wtBullDivColor, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)

// WT 2nd Div
plot(series = wtFractalTop_add ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT 2nd Bearish Divergence', color = wtBearDivColor_add, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)
plot(series = wtFractalBot_add ? wt2[2] : na, title = 'WT 2nd Bullish Divergence', color = wtBullDivColor_add, linewidth = 2, offset = -2)

// RSI
plot(rsiShow ? rsi : na, title = 'RSI', color = rsiColor, linewidth = 2, transp = 25)

// RSI Div
plot(series = rsiFractalTop ? rsi[2] : na, title='RSI Bearish Divergence', color = rsiBearDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)
plot(series = rsiFractalBot ? rsi[2] : na, title='RSI Bullish Divergence', color = rsiBullDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)

// Stochastic RSI
stochKplot = plot(stochShow ? stochK : na, title = 'Stoch K', color =, 0), linewidth = 2)
stochDplot = plot(stochShow ? stochD : na, title = 'Stoch D', color =, 60), linewidth = 1)
stochFillColor = stochK >= stochD ?, 75) :, 60)
fill(stochKplot, stochDplot, title='KD Fill', color=stochFillColor)

// Stoch Div
plot(series = stochFractalTop ? stochK[2] : na, title='Stoch Bearish Divergence', color = stochBearDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)
plot(series = stochFractalBot ? stochK[2] : na, title='Stoch Bullish Divergence', color = stochBullDivColor, linewidth = 1, offset = -2)

// Schaff Trend Cycle
plot(tcLine ? tcVal : na, color =, 25), linewidth = 2, title = "Schaff Trend Cycle 1")
plot(tcLine ? tcVal : na, color =, 50), linewidth = 1, title = "Schaff Trend Cycle 2")

// Draw Overbought & Oversold lines
//plot(obLevel, title = 'Over Bought Level 1', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 85)
plot(obLevel2, title = 'Over Bought Level 2', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_stepline, transp = 85)
plot(obLevel3, title = 'Over Bought Level 3', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 95)

//plot(osLevel, title = 'Over Sold Level 1', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, transp = 85)
plot(osLevel2, title = 'Over Sold Level 2', color = colorWhite, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_stepline, transp = 85)

// Sommi flag
plotchar(sommiFlagShow and sommiBearish ? 108 : na, title = 'Sommi bearish flag', char='⚑', color = colorPink, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plotchar(sommiFlagShow and sommiBullish ? -108 : na, title = 'Sommi bullish flag', char='⚑', color = colorBluelight, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plot(sommiShowVwap ? ema(hvwap, 3) : na, title = 'Sommi higher VWAP', color = colorYellow, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_line, transp = 15)

// Sommi diamond
plotchar(sommiDiamondShow and sommiBearishDiamond ? 108 : na, title = 'Sommi bearish diamond', char='◆', color = colorPink, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)
plotchar(sommiDiamondShow and sommiBullishDiamond ? -108 : na, title = 'Sommi bullish diamond', char='◆', color = colorBluelight, location = location.absolute, size = size.tiny, transp = 0)

// Circles
plot(wtCross ? wt2 : na, title = 'Buy and sell circle', color = signalColor, style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3, transp = 15)

plotchar(wtBuyShow and buySignal ? -107 : na, title = 'Buy circle', char='·', color = colorGreen, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, transp = 50)
plotchar(wtSellShow and sellSignal ? 105 : na , title = 'Sell circle', char='·', color = colorRed, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, transp = 50)

plotchar(wtDivShow and buySignalDiv ? -106 : na, title = 'Divergence buy circle', char='•', color = buySignalDiv_color, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)
plotchar(wtDivShow and sellSignalDiv ? 106 : na, title = 'Divergence sell circle', char='•', color = sellSignalDiv_color, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)

plotchar(wtGoldBuy and wtGoldShow ? -106 : na, title = 'Gold  buy gold circle', char='•', color = colorOrange, location = location.absolute, size = size.small, offset = -2, transp = 15)

// } DRAW

// BUY
alertcondition(buySignal, 'Buy (Big green circle)', 'Green circle WaveTrend Oversold')
alertcondition(buySignalDiv, 'Buy (Big green circle + Div)', 'Buy & WT Bullish Divergence & WT Overbought')
alertcondition(wtGoldBuy, 'GOLD Buy (Big GOLDEN circle)', 'Green & GOLD circle WaveTrend Overbought')
alertcondition(sommiBullish or sommiBullishDiamond, 'Sommi bullish flag/diamond', 'Blue flag/diamond')
alertcondition(wtCross and wtCrossUp, 'Buy (Small green dot)', 'Buy small circle')

alertcondition(sommiBearish or sommiBearishDiamond, 'Sommi bearish flag/diamond', 'Purple flag/diamond')
alertcondition(sellSignal, 'Sell (Big red circle)', 'Red Circle WaveTrend Overbought')
alertcondition(sellSignalDiv, 'Sell (Big red circle + Div)', 'Buy & WT Bearish Divergence & WT Overbought')
alertcondition(wtCross and wtCrossDown, 'Sell (Small red dot)', 'Sell small circle')

I have already looked through the Wavetrend indicators but I couldnt find one which was similar enough, I apologize if I missed it!
Try here Trend indicators

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