Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

FourXXXX wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:38 pm As always with trading, the biggest challenge is between our own ears. Psychology and looking after our emotional capital is bigger than the system itself.

I think if we can make 20% or a bit better a day that is more than enough. But if you get 100% WHY NOT!
One of the most important challenges in trading is to get to know yourself even better.
Making 15%, 20% or even more every day is a long way off for me.
So if someone with 1000 USD capital makes 3% every day, then after 240 trading days there are about 800000 USD on the account. I think that is more than enough.
Of course, the personal environment plays a very important role in answering the question of what is MUCH or what is ENOUGH.
Someone else has just 100000 USD capital and also he has after 240 trading days with daily 3% profit 80.000.000 USD on the account.
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XXXX, Musashi, dansmol
We create order out of chaos - we trade that order, but sometimes that chaos is out of order, so we WAIT!!! for the order to return - and we trade again. XARD777

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

FourXXXX wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:21 am 100% Per Day is a big target, however, what you have done is still a huge result. I don't know or care what capital you are starting with but with just $1,000 it looks like this.

XARD: And now you see my dilemma, hitting my target or protecting my capital. As you can see from the numbers that if I simply concentrate on protecting my capital (without ever hitting my daily target) I will eventually hit my max traded lots with the broker. Either way, what a rush.
thanks xard
how much risk do you take per trade?
is this full margin trades?

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

vibbenk wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:27 am Hello. I am still confused in determining buy and sell entries. please give me clear directions, I have logged into a real account but the results are not good.
The first thing you should do is stop throwing away your money. Until you know what you are doing use a demo account.
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

vibbenk wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:09 pm please guide me until I understand correctly
What I did was start at page one and read everything till the end. Anything I thought was worthwhile I copy and pasted into a word document. Then I went through that document and made a new document with what I then thought was most important. Then I made that into a trading plan. It will take you at least a month or maybe 2 of full-time study to do that. Then you need to put in screen time and make it a part of you. I don't think I have needed to ask one question on this forum.

Will I share my condensed documents? NO, you need to do the work yourself.

That is what worked for me, if someone else has a better way then speak up.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but if you want to be making 10 - 20 or more percent on your account each day you need to learn for yourself. Nobody here is going to hold your hand and spoon feed you.
These users thanked the author XXXX for the post (total 3):
Skyold, dansmol, Boobligoom
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

vibbenk wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:09 pm please guide me until I understand correctly
Hi Vibbenk, I agree with @FourXXXX our Contributors & Great Coders in this forum have given us awesome stuff that are out of this world. Since I am not super smart to contribute in this forum I'd like to help you out. Please email me here I'll send you a video on how to go through this beautiful system. Lastly don't rush you will crash it took me Months to understand the system practice with your demo account.
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

IMO 100% a day is impossible on a constant basis. Period.
You have to risk your whole capital every day and I try to put it in a polite way, but that is insane. Even if you "play" with a 1000 account.

Yes, technically you can make 100% even on one trade I agree, but NEVER on a constant daily basis, especially not the way how easy it is described in an excel sheet.

You would have to take on soooooo much leverage and risk, that you can be a superb trader, you will blow your account pretty soon.

For example, making "only" 1% per day!! constantly is a huge challenge! Just think about it, even if you are making around 20% per month on a constant level you can buy a country in a few years.

To me, it seems like some people are totally not clear about Risk Management. You CAN NOT predict a trade, you can only control risk.

Again no offense, just wanted to add my thoughts, but I guess this post might get deleted by mods.
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