Re: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

Hi MrTools,

Can you please convert this script into mt4 indicator with an arrow and all alert options?



Code: Select all


'#  Indicator   :   Zwinner Trend                                                                    #
'#  Author      :   V-M-SOFTS                                                                        #
'#  Copyright   :   © V-M-SOFTS                                                                      #
'#  E-mail      :                                                       #
'#  Date        :   20-Dec-2015                                                                      #
'#  Description :   Forex indicator Zwinner Trend Indicator - a trend indicator, which provides an   #
'#                  excellent opportunity to filter false entries into the market.                   #
'#                  Using this indicator may be determined based on the prevailing market price      # 
'#					trend. The color of the indicator line Zwinner Trend Indicator depends on the    #
'#					current trends:                                                                  #
'#                  * downtrend - red line;                                                          #
'#                  * upward trend - green line.                                                     #
'#                  Forex indicator Zwinner Trend Indicator can be used in trading                   #
'#				    strategies as a filter:                                                          #
'#                  * green line - considering only the position of the purchase;                    #
'#                  * red line - consider only short positions.                                      #
'#                  An additional indicator may appear on the chart signals for purchase and sale in #
'#				    the form of arrows. Red Arrow is a signal to sell, and green arrow signal to buy.#
'#                  The input parameters of the indicator:                                           #
'#                  Const periods (default = 1), the number of bars of a financial instrument        #
'#				    is used to calculate the indicator.                                              #
'#                  Const UseAlert (default = 1) 1 - display signals to buy and sell (arrows);       #
'#				    0 - do not show.                                                                 #
'#                  Const NBars (default = 500) -  It determines the number of bars on which         #
'#				    to build the indicator.                                                          #
'#                                                                                                   #
'#  History     :                                                                                    #
'#       1.00   :   Initial version.                                                                 #

'''######################  INPUT PARAMETERS  #########################################################

Const periods  = 8 
Const UseAlert = 1
Const NBars    = 500
Dim m_chartID		 
Dim m_chartName			                                                                          
Dim Point,Filter
Dim indID1, indID2, indID3, indID4, indID5, indID6 	 			 
Dim arrHigh(), arrLow(), arrU(), arrD(), arrL1(), arrL2(), arrUS(), arrDS()	 
Const UNDEFINED			= -987654321  
Const VOL_DEFAULT		= 100                      
Const PF_CLOSE			= 0				 
Const PF_OPEN			= 1				 
Const PF_HIGH			= 2				 
Const PF_LOW			= 3				 
Const PF_MEDIAN			= 4				 
Const PF_TYPICAL		= 5				 
Const PF_WEIGHTED		= 6				 
Const PF_VOLUME			= 10			 
' Main
Public Sub main()

	m_chartID = ChartID()
	m_chartName = ChartSymbol(CLng(m_chartID))

	performCalculations 1

	indID1 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrU, 1, TRUE)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID1), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID1) , 110
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID1), RGBCOLOR(0,255,0)

	Dim subWindowID
	subWindowID = CLng(GetSubwindow(0, CStr(indID1)))

	indID2 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrD, 1, 0, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID2), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID2) , 110
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID2), RGBCOLOR(255,0,0)

	indID3 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrL1, 1, False, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetSeriesStyle 0, CStr(indID3), LINE_CHART
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID3), RGBCOLOR(255,255,255)
	LineWeight 0, CStr(indID3), 2

    indID4 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrL2, 1, False, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetSeriesStyle 0, CStr(indID4), LINE_CHART
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID4), RGBCOLOR(255,255,255)
	LineWeight 0, CStr(indID4), 2

	indID5 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrUS, 1, False)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID5), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID5) , 233
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID5), RGBCOLOR(0,255,0)

	indID6 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrDS, 1, False)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID6), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID6) , 234
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID6), RGBCOLOR(255,0,0)


End Sub

' OnTick
Public Sub OnTick(symbolName)

	If( PROCESSING ) Then Exit Sub
	If( symbolName <> ChartSymbol(0) ) Then Exit Sub
	If( CLng(BARS_COUNT) <> CLng(Bars(0)) ) Then Exit Sub

End Sub

' OnCalculate
Public Sub OnCalculate(symbol, symbolPeriod, openVal, highVal, lowVal, closeVal)
	If (PROCESSING) Then Exit Sub
	If( symbol <> ChartSymbol(0) ) Then Exit Sub


	performCalculations 1
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID1), CDbl(arrU(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID2), CDbl(arrD(BARS_COUNT))
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID3), CDbl(arrL1(BARS_COUNT))
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID4), CDbl(arrL2(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID5), CDbl(arrUS(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID6), CDbl(arrDS(BARS_COUNT))


End Sub

' updateBuffers
Private Sub updateBuffers()

	loadPriceSeries PF_HIGH, arrHigh
    loadPriceSeries PF_LOW, arrLow
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrL1
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrL2
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrU
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrD
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrUS
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrDS

	Dim i
	For i = 1 To CLng(Bars(0))
		arrU(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrD(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrL1(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrL2(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrUS(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrDS(i) = UNDEFINED
	BARS_COUNT = CLng(Bars(0))

End Sub

' performCalculations
Private Sub performCalculations(Byval startBar)

   Dim i,x0,x,medium,pr,pr0,llv,hhv,arrx() 
   pr = 0 
   pr0 = 0 
   llv = 0 
   hhv = 0 

    CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), arrx

	For i = CLng(firstbar) To CLng(BARS_COUNT)

    For j = 1 To periods
    if arrHigh(i-j)>hhvp Then 
	End if

    For j = 1 To periods
    if arrLow(i-j)<llvp Then 
	End if
      medium = (arrHigh(i) + arrLow(i)) / 2 
      if (hhv = llv) then 
	  pr = 0.67 * pr0 + (-0.33) 
	  end if     

      if (hhv <> llv) then  
	  pr = 0.66 * ((medium - llv) / (hhv - llv) - 0.5) + 0.67 * pr0 
	  end if
      pr = MathMin(MathMax(pr, -0.999), 0.999) 
      if (pr = 1) then 
	  arrx(i) = x / 2 + 0.5 
	  end if    

      if (pr <> 1) then 
	  arrx(i) = MathLog((pr + 1) / (1 - pr)) / 2.0 + x / 2.0 
	  end if
      pr0 = pr 
      x = arrx(i) 


   res = 1 

   For i = CLng(firstbar+1) To CLng(BARS_COUNT) 

      x = arrx(i) 
      x0 = arrx(i-1) 

      if ((x < 0 and x0 > 0) or x < 0) then 
	  res = 0 
	  end if

      if ((x > 0 and x0 < 0) or x > 0) then 
	  res = 1
	  end if

      if res=1 then 
	  arrD(i) = 1
	  arrU(i) = UNDEFINED 
	  end if 

      if res=0 then 
	  arrU(i) = 1
	  arrD(i) = UNDEFINED 
	  end if 



   For i = CLng(firstbar+3) To CLng(BARS_COUNT) 
   if UseAlert = 1 then
   if arrU(i)<>UNDEFINED and arrU(i-1)=UNDEFINED then arrUS(i)=arrLow(i) end if
   if arrD(i)<>UNDEFINED and arrD(i-1)=UNDEFINED then arrDS(i)=arrHigh(i) end if
   end if

End Sub

' MathMax       
Private Function MathMax(Byval a, Byval b)
	If( CDbl(a) > CDbl(b) ) Then
		MathMax = a
		MathMax = b
	End If
End Function

' MathMin      
Private Function MathMin(Byval a, Byval b)
	If( CDbl(a) < CDbl(b) ) Then
		MathMin = a
		MathMin = b
	End If
End Function

' loadPriceSeries
Private Sub loadPriceSeries(Byval priceField, Byref array())

	Dim totalBars
	totalBars = CLng(Bars(0))
	Erase array
	CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Dim arrHigh(), arrLow(), arrClose()
	If( priceField = PF_OPEN ) Then				 
		CopyOpen 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_HIGH ) Then				 
		CopyHigh 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_LOW ) Then				 
		CopyLow 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_MEDIAN ) Then			 
		CopyHigh	0, 1, Bars(0), arrHigh
		CopyLow		0, 1, Bars(0), arrLow
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			array(i) = CDbl( (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i))) / 2.0)
	Elseif( priceField = PF_TYPICAL OR priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then		 
		CopyHigh	0, 1, Bars(0), arrHigh
		CopyLow		0, 1, Bars(0), arrLow
		CopyClose	0, 1, Bars(0), arrClose
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			If( priceField = PF_TYPICAL ) Then
				array(i) = (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i)) + CDbl(arrClose(i))) / 3.0
			Elseif( priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then
				array(i) = (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i)) + 2.0 * CDbl(arrClose(i)))/ 4.0
			End If
	Elseif( priceField = PF_VOLUME ) Then		 
		CopyClose  0, 1, Bars(0), array
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			array(i) = CLng(VOL_DEFAULT)
		CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	End If

End Sub

' getPriceValue
Private Function getPriceValue(Byval priceField, Byval barNum)
	Dim result
	If( priceField = PF_OPEN ) Then				 
		result = GetOpen(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_HIGH ) Then				 
		result = GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_LOW ) Then			 
		result = GetLow(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_MEDIAN ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)))) / 2.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_TYPICAL ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)) + CDbl(getClose(0, CLng(barNum))))) / 3.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)) + 2.0 * CDbl(getClose(0, CLng(barNum))))) / 4.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_VOLUME ) Then
		result = CDbl(VOL_DEFAULT)
		result = GetClose(0, CLng(barNum))
	End If
	getPriceValue = CDbl(result)

End Function

' OnInit
Public Sub OnInit()

 Dim pip

 SymbolInfoInteger ChartSymbol(0),SYMBOL_PIP_LOCATION,pip

 	if pip=-1 Then Point=0.1 End if
	if pip=-2 Then Point=0.01 End if
	if pip=-3 Then Point=0.001 End if
	if pip=-4 Then Point=0.0001 End if
	if pip=-5 Then Point=0.00001 End if

End Sub

' OnDeInit
Public Sub OnDeInit()
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID1)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID2)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID3)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID4)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID5)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID6)
End Sub

Re: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

SK_Rana wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:19 am Hi MrTools,

Can you please convert this script into mt4 indicator with an arrow and all alert options?



Code: Select all


'#  Indicator   :   Zwinner Trend                                                                    #
'#  Author      :   V-M-SOFTS                                                                        #
'#  Copyright   :   © V-M-SOFTS                                                                      #
'#  E-mail      :                                                       #
'#  Date        :   20-Dec-2015                                                                      #
'#  Description :   Forex indicator Zwinner Trend Indicator - a trend indicator, which provides an   #
'#                  excellent opportunity to filter false entries into the market.                   #
'#                  Using this indicator may be determined based on the prevailing market price      # 
'#					trend. The color of the indicator line Zwinner Trend Indicator depends on the    #
'#					current trends:                                                                  #
'#                  * downtrend - red line;                                                          #
'#                  * upward trend - green line.                                                     #
'#                  Forex indicator Zwinner Trend Indicator can be used in trading                   #
'#				    strategies as a filter:                                                          #
'#                  * green line - considering only the position of the purchase;                    #
'#                  * red line - consider only short positions.                                      #
'#                  An additional indicator may appear on the chart signals for purchase and sale in #
'#				    the form of arrows. Red Arrow is a signal to sell, and green arrow signal to buy.#
'#                  The input parameters of the indicator:                                           #
'#                  Const periods (default = 1), the number of bars of a financial instrument        #
'#				    is used to calculate the indicator.                                              #
'#                  Const UseAlert (default = 1) 1 - display signals to buy and sell (arrows);       #
'#				    0 - do not show.                                                                 #
'#                  Const NBars (default = 500) -  It determines the number of bars on which         #
'#				    to build the indicator.                                                          #
'#                                                                                                   #
'#  History     :                                                                                    #
'#       1.00   :   Initial version.                                                                 #

'''######################  INPUT PARAMETERS  #########################################################

Const periods  = 8 
Const UseAlert = 1
Const NBars    = 500
Dim m_chartID		 
Dim m_chartName			                                                                          
Dim Point,Filter
Dim indID1, indID2, indID3, indID4, indID5, indID6 	 			 
Dim arrHigh(), arrLow(), arrU(), arrD(), arrL1(), arrL2(), arrUS(), arrDS()	 
Const UNDEFINED			= -987654321  
Const VOL_DEFAULT		= 100                      
Const PF_CLOSE			= 0				 
Const PF_OPEN			= 1				 
Const PF_HIGH			= 2				 
Const PF_LOW			= 3				 
Const PF_MEDIAN			= 4				 
Const PF_TYPICAL		= 5				 
Const PF_WEIGHTED		= 6				 
Const PF_VOLUME			= 10			 
' Main
Public Sub main()

	m_chartID = ChartID()
	m_chartName = ChartSymbol(CLng(m_chartID))

	performCalculations 1

	indID1 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrU, 1, TRUE)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID1), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID1) , 110
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID1), RGBCOLOR(0,255,0)

	Dim subWindowID
	subWindowID = CLng(GetSubwindow(0, CStr(indID1)))

	indID2 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrD, 1, 0, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID2), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID2) , 110
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID2), RGBCOLOR(255,0,0)

	indID3 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrL1, 1, False, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetSeriesStyle 0, CStr(indID3), LINE_CHART
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID3), RGBCOLOR(255,255,255)
	LineWeight 0, CStr(indID3), 2

    indID4 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrL2, 1, False, CLng(subWindowID))
	SetSeriesStyle 0, CStr(indID4), LINE_CHART
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID4), RGBCOLOR(255,255,255)
	LineWeight 0, CStr(indID4), 2

	indID5 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrUS, 1, False)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID5), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID5) , 233
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID5), RGBCOLOR(0,255,0)

	indID6 = AddCustomIndicator(0, arrDS, 1, False)
	SetDrawingStyle 0, CSTR(indID6), DRAW_ARROWS
	SetArrowStyle 0, CSTR(indID6) , 234
	LineColor 0, CStr(indID6), RGBCOLOR(255,0,0)


End Sub

' OnTick
Public Sub OnTick(symbolName)

	If( PROCESSING ) Then Exit Sub
	If( symbolName <> ChartSymbol(0) ) Then Exit Sub
	If( CLng(BARS_COUNT) <> CLng(Bars(0)) ) Then Exit Sub

End Sub

' OnCalculate
Public Sub OnCalculate(symbol, symbolPeriod, openVal, highVal, lowVal, closeVal)
	If (PROCESSING) Then Exit Sub
	If( symbol <> ChartSymbol(0) ) Then Exit Sub


	performCalculations 1
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID1), CDbl(arrU(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID2), CDbl(arrD(BARS_COUNT))
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID3), CDbl(arrL1(BARS_COUNT))
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID4), CDbl(arrL2(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID5), CDbl(arrUS(BARS_COUNT)) 
	SetIndicatorData 0, CStr(indID6), CDbl(arrDS(BARS_COUNT))


End Sub

' updateBuffers
Private Sub updateBuffers()

	loadPriceSeries PF_HIGH, arrHigh
    loadPriceSeries PF_LOW, arrLow
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrL1
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrL2
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrU
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrD
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrUS
	loadPriceSeries PF_CLOSE, arrDS

	Dim i
	For i = 1 To CLng(Bars(0))
		arrU(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrD(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrL1(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrL2(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrUS(i) = UNDEFINED
		arrDS(i) = UNDEFINED
	BARS_COUNT = CLng(Bars(0))

End Sub

' performCalculations
Private Sub performCalculations(Byval startBar)

   Dim i,x0,x,medium,pr,pr0,llv,hhv,arrx() 
   pr = 0 
   pr0 = 0 
   llv = 0 
   hhv = 0 

    CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), arrx

	For i = CLng(firstbar) To CLng(BARS_COUNT)

    For j = 1 To periods
    if arrHigh(i-j)>hhvp Then 
	End if

    For j = 1 To periods
    if arrLow(i-j)<llvp Then 
	End if
      medium = (arrHigh(i) + arrLow(i)) / 2 
      if (hhv = llv) then 
	  pr = 0.67 * pr0 + (-0.33) 
	  end if     

      if (hhv <> llv) then  
	  pr = 0.66 * ((medium - llv) / (hhv - llv) - 0.5) + 0.67 * pr0 
	  end if
      pr = MathMin(MathMax(pr, -0.999), 0.999) 
      if (pr = 1) then 
	  arrx(i) = x / 2 + 0.5 
	  end if    

      if (pr <> 1) then 
	  arrx(i) = MathLog((pr + 1) / (1 - pr)) / 2.0 + x / 2.0 
	  end if
      pr0 = pr 
      x = arrx(i) 


   res = 1 

   For i = CLng(firstbar+1) To CLng(BARS_COUNT) 

      x = arrx(i) 
      x0 = arrx(i-1) 

      if ((x < 0 and x0 > 0) or x < 0) then 
	  res = 0 
	  end if

      if ((x > 0 and x0 < 0) or x > 0) then 
	  res = 1
	  end if

      if res=1 then 
	  arrD(i) = 1
	  arrU(i) = UNDEFINED 
	  end if 

      if res=0 then 
	  arrU(i) = 1
	  arrD(i) = UNDEFINED 
	  end if 



   For i = CLng(firstbar+3) To CLng(BARS_COUNT) 
   if UseAlert = 1 then
   if arrU(i)<>UNDEFINED and arrU(i-1)=UNDEFINED then arrUS(i)=arrLow(i) end if
   if arrD(i)<>UNDEFINED and arrD(i-1)=UNDEFINED then arrDS(i)=arrHigh(i) end if
   end if

End Sub

' MathMax       
Private Function MathMax(Byval a, Byval b)
	If( CDbl(a) > CDbl(b) ) Then
		MathMax = a
		MathMax = b
	End If
End Function

' MathMin      
Private Function MathMin(Byval a, Byval b)
	If( CDbl(a) < CDbl(b) ) Then
		MathMin = a
		MathMin = b
	End If
End Function

' loadPriceSeries
Private Sub loadPriceSeries(Byval priceField, Byref array())

	Dim totalBars
	totalBars = CLng(Bars(0))
	Erase array
	CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Dim arrHigh(), arrLow(), arrClose()
	If( priceField = PF_OPEN ) Then				 
		CopyOpen 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_HIGH ) Then				 
		CopyHigh 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_LOW ) Then				 
		CopyLow 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	Elseif( priceField = PF_MEDIAN ) Then			 
		CopyHigh	0, 1, Bars(0), arrHigh
		CopyLow		0, 1, Bars(0), arrLow
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			array(i) = CDbl( (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i))) / 2.0)
	Elseif( priceField = PF_TYPICAL OR priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then		 
		CopyHigh	0, 1, Bars(0), arrHigh
		CopyLow		0, 1, Bars(0), arrLow
		CopyClose	0, 1, Bars(0), arrClose
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			If( priceField = PF_TYPICAL ) Then
				array(i) = (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i)) + CDbl(arrClose(i))) / 3.0
			Elseif( priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then
				array(i) = (CDbl(arrHigh(i)) + CDbl(arrLow(i)) + 2.0 * CDbl(arrClose(i)))/ 4.0
			End If
	Elseif( priceField = PF_VOLUME ) Then		 
		CopyClose  0, 1, Bars(0), array
		For i = 1 To totalBars
			array(i) = CLng(VOL_DEFAULT)
		CopyClose 0, 1, Bars(0), array
	End If

End Sub

' getPriceValue
Private Function getPriceValue(Byval priceField, Byval barNum)
	Dim result
	If( priceField = PF_OPEN ) Then				 
		result = GetOpen(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_HIGH ) Then				 
		result = GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_LOW ) Then			 
		result = GetLow(0, CLng(barNum))
	Elseif( priceField = PF_MEDIAN ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)))) / 2.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_TYPICAL ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)) + CDbl(getClose(0, CLng(barNum))))) / 3.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_WEIGHTED ) Then		 
		result = (CDbl(GetHigh(0, CLng(barNum))) + CDbl(getLow(0, CLng(barNum)) + 2.0 * CDbl(getClose(0, CLng(barNum))))) / 4.0
	Elseif( priceField = PF_VOLUME ) Then
		result = CDbl(VOL_DEFAULT)
		result = GetClose(0, CLng(barNum))
	End If
	getPriceValue = CDbl(result)

End Function

' OnInit
Public Sub OnInit()

 Dim pip

 SymbolInfoInteger ChartSymbol(0),SYMBOL_PIP_LOCATION,pip

 	if pip=-1 Then Point=0.1 End if
	if pip=-2 Then Point=0.01 End if
	if pip=-3 Then Point=0.001 End if
	if pip=-4 Then Point=0.0001 End if
	if pip=-5 Then Point=0.00001 End if

End Sub

' OnDeInit
Public Sub OnDeInit()
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID1)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID2)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID3)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID4)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID5)
	ObjectDelete 0, CStr(indID6)
End Sub
Code wise it looks like a histogram version of ehler's fisher transform.

CandlesticksRe: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

Hello Biggies!!

I'm a minnow in fx market. Have been following a free scalping indicator from KARL DITTMANN. Proves quite profitable in m15 m30. However, I have been provided with only .ex4 file...& nothing else.
All i want is a simple alert (TREND CHANGING) at the end of 1st candle of different colors. Thats it.
I m no techno geek in IT n all....but please... u guys r.
Hope someone can help. mladen mrtools mntiwana......

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