Trading system idea with excel

Hi all,
watching some videos on youtube, I see an italian trader (a serious person and a great trader) making a simple but wonderful trading system with excel.
The idea of trading is not great, but simple and had from 2001 a winning rate of 54% and a profit factor of 1,84, nothing special but it's ok!
The evolutions is that, with a recursive formula in excel, this system is self-learning, modifying automatically only one or two parameters of the system.
I think it's a great idea!
Someone is using something like this?
Thanks in advance


Re: Trading system idea with excel

Hi all,
in order to stimulate someone's skill, I post an image to show the difference between the results of the simple trading system before and after the usage of the excel's recursive formula that learns from the market ( a sort of artificial intelligence).
Blue line is the result of system before improvement, and white one after improvement.
I think it's a great idea to make a recursive formula in excel that tries to adapt some variables of the system to the changes of markets.

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Re: Trading system idea with excel

trying to give some others points.
It all starts with a simple strategy, that has poor results.
With the excel's secret recursive formula (that is the key), the results of the simple strategy improves, but not too much: in other words, the strategy wins 54% with a profit factor of 1,84.
Then it needs to create a lot of trading system, the same strategy with different pairs or changing the two or three variables of the system: then, with 54% of win and with thata profit factor, the line of results is better and without too many zigzag.
I think it's a simple and effective way to trade automatically.
Hope someone is able to take advantage and share with all of us!


Re: Trading system idea with excel

Hi all,
no one is interested in a creation of an automated trading system?
The idea behind this strategy (not mine) is very very simple but genial;
All we need is a stable trading system with 54% winning rate and a profit factor of 1,50% (nothing special).
Then we need to apply this trading system to many currencies and timeframes to smooth result's line (like in image attached).
Then (this would be great!!!) we need someone that create a recursive formula in excel (that is the point) that adapt some variables of the trading system to the markets (when the system wins a trade, learn 5% or 10% from the winning situation to adapt the variables: for example, if a trade is won with a previous candle of 100 points, take 5 or 10 points to add or subtract to parameters until next winning trade, and so on).
You know someone that use a strategy like this?
You know someone who can help us to build an automatic system?

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