Idea💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

Project: Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

Thread contents
  • New Currency Symbol Watermark with auto centering text version by Mrtools
    15 April 2024 here.
  • New Currency Symbol Watermark with auto centering text + manually adjustable color "blend gradient" by Mrtools
    15 April 2024 here.
  • Timeframe Watermark with auto centering text by Stond:
    20 April 2024 here.
Hi coders and traders,

I'd like to make a request for a modern version of an overlooked tool!
If you have time this weekend could you code a simple market watermark indicator with a few options?

  • Can automatically center the text!
  • Has basic font choices such as: Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman?
  • Font size please
  • Can be in all caps or lower font
Out of all the Watermark indicators I have used for MT4 I have found that Yancy FX Symbol Watermark is the best one but it's now old and totally lacks the ability to Auto Center the watermark which kills it.

Perhaps it could be a more simple and lightweight version based off the YFX Symbol Watermark?

I think a lot of traders would appreciate this project especially for multiple screens as it would give us the ability to watch over our pairs from afar.......

Is it time for a modern version by Forex Station?

To start this request, here is the cleanest most basic MQL4 code for a Currency Symbol Watermark:

Code: Select all

//|                                                       Symbol.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property description "Draws label of chart symbol and period"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window

input color  Text_Color=LightGray; // Text Color
input int    Text_Size=40; // Text Size
input string Text_Font="Verdana"; // Text Type
input int    Corner_=0; // Corner
input int    Left_Right=240; // Left - Right
input int    Up_Down=1; // Up - Dowm

string periodx;
string TF;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()

   int Minx=Period();
   string Miny = "M";
   string Minz = IntegerToString(Period());

   else if(Period()==60)
   else if(Period()==240)
   else if(Period()==1440)
   else if(Period()==10080)

//|                                                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

   ObjectSetText("SymbolName",Symbol()+" "+TF,Text_Size,Text_Font,Text_Color);

These users thanked the author moey_dw for the post (total 6):
BeatlemaniaSA, Jimmy, Curioso, Mickey Abi, boytoy, stond
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Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

moey_dw wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:23 pm I'd like to make a request for a modern version of an overlooked tool!
Not quite there but maybe a start, haven't figured out a way to do uppercase/lower case letters yet but researching it, hopefully will come up with something.
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 6):
RodrigoRT7, Jimmy, kvak, stond, moey_dw, Curioso

Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

mrtools wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:36 am Not quite there but maybe a start, haven't figured out a way to do uppercase/lower case letters yet but researching it, hopefully will come up with something.
This is perfect I love it already escpecially because it auto centers....... no more mucking around with adjusting Offset X and Y options & we can display it behind or above the candlesticks!!!

I've found the following settings to be the right size to match Tradingview and Pro Realtime charts:
  • Size: 56
  • Font: Verdana
Try it out I love you Mrtools thank you habibi 😍😍😍

These users thanked the author moey_dw for the post (total 5):
Jimmy, Curioso, stond, mrtools, boytoy
Official Forex-station GIF animator at your service 👨‍⚖️
See a GIF with on it? I probably made it
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CandlesticksRe: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

mrtools wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:36 am Not quite there but maybe a start, haven't figured out a way to do uppercase/lower case letters yet but researching it, hopefully will come up with something.
moey_dw wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:00 pm This is perfect I love it already escpecially because it auto centers.......
Superb. This is the best one now, I love the auto-center and background text display option - makes looking at multiple charts a breeze and it doesn't have the weird glitches that old ones had.

Well done guys 👏
These users thanked the author Jimmy for the post (total 4):
moey_dw, BeatlemaniaSA, mrtools, boytoy
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Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

mrtools wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:36 am Not quite there but maybe a start, haven't figured out a way to do uppercase/lower case letters yet but researching it, hopefully will come up with something.
Dear mrtools,

As you continue to spoil us with these indicators could you put the icing on the cake for this one by possibly incorporating a blend feature similar to YFX_ind_SymbolWatermark? :D :thumbup:
These users thanked the author BeatlemaniaSA for the post:
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Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

BeatlemaniaSA wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:42 pm Dear mrtools,

As you continue to spoil us with these indicators could you put the icing on the cake for this one by possibly incorporating a blend feature similar to YFX_ind_SymbolWatermark? :D :thumbup:

2024-04-15_Chart Symbol.png
The blend would make it perfect 👌
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Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

BeatlemaniaSA wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:42 pm Dear mrtools,

As you continue to spoil us with these indicators could you put the icing on the cake for this one by possibly incorporating a blend feature similar to YFX_ind_SymbolWatermark? :D :thumbup:

2024-04-15_Chart Symbol.png
Found a coded version online and added that code to it, think it may be similar.
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 7):
TransparentTrader, kvak, BeatlemaniaSA, stond, RodrigoRT7, marwilli, Jimmy

Re: 💹 Modern Currency Symbol Watermark for MT4 charts

I needed a simple indicator showing only the TF of the chart. I didn't find it, strange.
I removed the symbol from the "symbol - watermark" indicator and it works. If it needs to be done differently, dear coders, please correct it, thank you.
I don't know much about coding :)

best regards
These users thanked the author stond for the post (total 4):
chris006, Jimmy, boytoy, ChuChu Rocket

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