Re: HMA - Hull Moving Average Indicators MT4

Hull Slope Variation

Posting this here as a reference file for the T3 Variation Slope as discussed here. There are some compiling errors but I've made the code new MetaTrader 4 compatible (NMC).
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Re: HMA - Hull Moving Average Indicators MT4

Jimmy wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:28 pm Hull Slope Variation

Posting this here as a reference file for the T3 Variation Slope as discussed here. There are some compiling errors but I've made the code new MetaTrader 4 compatible (NMC).
Removed the compile warnings.
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 7):
Genry, FXchaos, kvak, Jimmy, 太虚一毫, RodrigoRT7, vvFish

Re: HMA - Hull Moving Average Indicators MT4

Hull Moving Average with E-Averages (experiment)

Here is experiment HMA with calculation of any eAverages.... ( first picture with OTF, second G-average)
Simply only lines, but if anyone interested I will adjust with arrows, alerts, candles....
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 12):
太虚一毫, Krunal Gajjar, pfxi, thomdel, Jimmy, moey_dw, BeatlemaniaSA, Milad8732, RodrigoRT7, Mundu19, Ricstar_8, sylvester21

Re: HMA - Hulll Moving Average

Zuraimy wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:45 pm Hi Mntiwana,
Is it possible to add Hma Average Type eg. LWMA.EMA. Smoothed Ma, etc?, and also to add push notification. This is awesome indicator

Thank you.
Mntiwana left Forex-station.... But you may try this my version, I thing is pretty close to Mladens version...
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 11):
Krunal Gajjar, Jimmy, RplusT, 太虚一毫, Zuraimy, RodrigoRT7, forrest85, rosalieone, Ricstar_8, thomdel, @ab

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