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Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Chickenspicy, Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:46 am

For good reason, CFB does not analyze time series data for dominant cycles. Classical cycle analysis examines data points (e.g. prices) and estimates the average presence of a cycle in the window. Now suppose a cycle with a period length of 9 days was strong for 50 days and then disappeared for the next 14 days. Because the cycle was present for 50 out of the last (50+14=64) days, the average presence of that cycle would be measured as "strong" even though it does not exist anymore!

CFB produces a value proportional to a time series' trend duration. This value is in units of TIME, as measured in bars on a chart. Because CFB's output is in units of time and not price, CFB offers a unique window into a new dimension for representing signal behavior.

could someone please make this repainter cfb? it is possible according to the description of cfb that it may not repaint after the changes in calculation
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