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Re: Mladens PTL Bo system Lets Turkey shoot 80% accuracy greed included

RplusT, Fri May 26, 2017 1:38 pm

I've done a slightly different version using the TMA channel and the Hull variation.
The TMACG is set to high and low and the Hull with shift 1.
The purpose is to enter a short trade when the high line of the TMACG crosses into the Hull below its top and for long trades vice versa. The shift of the Hull has it's purpose of giving better entries i.e. not too early. I find it safer and more entries trading 3 min.
Just marked a few randomly. There are plenty more.

I also think it is important not having to consider additional indicators.
Here is the TPL if you want to try it. Any feed back and ideas for developing better entries are welcome.
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