LikeAlready Converted TradingView Indicators to MT4 Indicators

TradingView Indicators

Some coders already converted these TradingView indicators to MT4 indicators.
Here's a collection. If you have any, please share. Thank you.
This is a great way to learn the Pine script of TradingView too.

If you would like a TradingView indicator converted to MT4 you must include:
  • A link to the TradingView indicator.
  • A reason why you think it would be good to convert it.
  • Upload and Attach a screenshot of the indicator.
  • The Pine Script code wrapped before posting.
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Let's start with...

Jurik RSX ... -SharkCIA/

It's smoother than the regular RSI.
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Re: Already Converted TradingView Indicators to MT4 Indicators

Action Locator V2 ... ator-v2-0/

It's not 100% close to the TradingView version.
Because TradingView and MT4 implementation of some build-in indicators are different.
For example, MT4 doesn't have RMA.

Anyway, this is a very effective volatility indicator from TradingView that filters out many bad trades.

Code: Select all

// Yellow bars (upper row) = Trending
// Orange bars (upper row) = Exhausted trend (could potentially reverse, so if trend trading,
//                           use less risk)
// Red bars (upper row)    = Exhausted trend is losing momentum (reversal or pullback is very
//                           likely ahead, use less risk)
// Gray bars (upper row)   = Ranging - DO NOT TRADE!
// Blue bars (mid row) = There is ACTION in the market -- signals it should be safe to trade
// Gray bars (mid row) = No ACTION - DO NOT TRADE!
// Teal bars (lower row) = There is force behind the ACTION!
// Gray bars (lower row) = Less volatility in the market, be careful!
edit, Saturday, July 18th, 2020, 8:17 AM, PST

Please download the new version 1.00a over here:

Thank you.
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Re: Already Converted TradingView Indicators to MT4 Indicators

Banzai wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:47 pm Action Locator V2 ... ator-v2-0/

It's not 100% close to the TradingView version.
Because TradingView and MT4 implementation of some build-in indicators are different.
For example, MT4 doesn't have RMA.

Anyway, this is a very effective volatility indicator from TradingView that filters out many bad trades.
Nice new thread Banzai and some great looking indicators.

Could you please check the 'Action Locator' indicator though, it's causing an automatic platform freeze, on my mt4 anyway.

If I go to the 'MQL4' 'Indicators' folder and delete the action locator mq4 and ex4 files and then close mt4 via the Taskbar icon and restart then ok but get a freeze every time I try to reload that particular indicator.

The Weis Wave Volume and the Jurik RSX look great.

Re: Already Converted TradingView Indicators to MT4 Indicators

Banzai wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:19 pm TradingView indicators to MT4 indicators.
Great thread bro :)
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Re: Already Converted TradingView Indicators to MT4 Indicators

Banzai wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:47 pm Action Locator V2 ... ator-v2-0/
It's not 100% close to the TradingView version.
Because TradingView and MT4 implementation of some build-in indicators are different.
For example, MT4 doesn't have RMA.
Anyway, this is a very effective volatility indicator from TradingView that filters out many bad trades.
This is all I get - even after fiddling with it for some time.

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