Re: 4 Time Frame and All TFs Indicators for MT4

Genisis Matrix setup with XU


This is APB Candles & Genessis Histo Template : with APB Button Indicators.

( This is same as Jimmy Sir's Template. Only difference is this has 2 APB button indicators & one additional XU Indicator ).

This has 2 APB Indicators : Use any one : 1 by respected kvak and 2nd by respected mrtools sir.


Re: 4 Time Frame and All TFs Indicators for MT4

kvak wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:25 am Another experiment...remake of genessis matrix.
Who dont know, indicator is based on TVI, CCI, HL channel and T3 average.
Indicators signals are not fully comparable(with genessis matrix).
It is stand alone, no need another indy to work.
Lots of options, I recommend experimenting.

PS: For a setup template which uses this new Histogram, please see here: Genesis Matrix System Update Template.
Hi dear Kvak, thanks a lot for this new version and the new features.

would it be possible to do something like the genesis matrix tape (I think that was it) that make a kinda of simplified histogram of up trend/no trend/down trend?

like the one in the screenshot inside the yellow rectangle?

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