Re: The Climate Change Agenda

It would be accurate to say that Al Gore’s prediction has turned out to be on par from what you’d expect from a swindling fortune teller reading tea leaves and a crystal ball.

According to Al Gore, based on statements and “science” from “leading climate experts”, the Arctic was supposed to be ice-free in the summer already years ago.
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 3):
太虚一毫, Ogee, Chickenspicy

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

The US going down the EU route that will cause sky rocketing energy bills.

FOX Business @FoxBusiness
California’s electric car mandate could spread to over a dozen states

BusinessFuture of British Business
Six in 10 British Factories at Risk of Going Under as Bills Soar. Bloomberg

'Stores turning off lights in Rome due to 500% increase in power bills.

Some are also turning off their refrigerators and removing those types of food items because it costs too much to keep them cold.'

'Today’s rapidly rising energy bills are a consequence of unrealistic climate policies that forced us to use low quality and unreliable renewable energy.'

''Know why your fuel bills are soaring? 20 years of 'renewables' lies,'' says JOHN CONSTABLE

THE UK's energy crisis has been in the making for more than 20 years and is the result of the incompetent policies of Mr Blair, Mr Brown, Mr Cameron, Mrs May, and Mr Johnson, and all their hapless energy minsters and advisors too numerous to name. ... -Putin-gas

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

May I invite you to a Cricket Burger (Sales have already started in some Restaurants that sell Burgers). This Industry is expected to turn into a global Multi-Billion Dollar business within the next years.
"Eat ze bugs and be happy". Yeah, sure. I propose they serve that to the heads of state at Elizabeth's funeral and make it a standard diet at all WEF meetings.

These users thanked the author RplusT for the post (total 3):
Chickenspicy, thiru, Jedidiah

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