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Tesla has developed an electric sunroof for interior lighting.
In some cars there is a very interesting technology - “smart” tinting, which dyes the glass in a dark color with the help of a special film with electronic control. Judging by the recently published patent, Tesla has improved this technology by equipping the film with tiny LEDs. As a rule, electrically tinted glass is used on the hatches of automobiles - perhaps in the future their showrooms will be illuminated with just such innovative glass.
The patent application states that the main purpose of the technology is to control the level of light of Tesla cars throughout the day. With the electric film, located in the middle of the two transparent glass hatch, it will be quite feasible task. So, in the daytime it can be painted in a dark color and not let the sun's rays through. At night, the glass will be able to illuminate the interior thanks to tiny LEDs.
The text of the application noted that car owners will be able to adjust the intensity and shade of light through the interface on the screen of the car or the mobile application. It is noted that the light will be emitted from the sides of the film, therefore elements will be located between the LEDs for its uniform distribution.
Tesla engineer Jung Min Yuen, who joined the company in 2016, is listed as the author of the invention. Prior to that, he worked at Apple, and developed the latest displays for its devices.


French engineers have created smart contact lenses with many features.
Engineers of the advanced French technological university of IMT Atlantique developed the world's first autonomous contact lens with a flexible microbattery. The latter is capable of feeding the built-in electronics for several hours to reproduce and transmit visual information over the wireless network. Interestingly, the Department for Advanced Research Projects of the United States Department of Defense (DARPA), which is very interested in enhancing the visual capabilities of American soldiers in the field, laid eyes on this development.
The invention of French specialists is part of an ambitious project to create a new generation of oculometers associated with the advent of augmented reality technology. Using such lenses, it will be possible to implement man-machine interfaces, analyze cognitive loads and add other functions. According to the developers of IMT Atlantique, the most difficult task in the development of lenses was how to reduce the size needed to power the electronics of the battery. However, scientists have found a way out by creating a flexible and very compact power source.
The development of an autonomous contact lens with a flexible microbattery was carried out by IMT Atlantique specialists in collaboration with the Provence Microelectronics Center. Its creators note that it is possible to integrate a LED display, a radio frequency transmitter for wireless communications, as well as sensors to track the direction of gaze in the device. At the same time, the main function of the contact lens (that is, the improvement of vision) is fully preserved.
A press release on the IMT Atlantique University website states that "the use of flexible graphene-based electronics will further enhance the capabilities of such contact lenses." For example, add the function of additional vision, new communication systems, improve the battery and integrate computing devices, the developers note.
The creators of high-tech smart lenses suggest the possibility of their use for a variety of purposes. For example, they can find their application in medicine, in particular surgery, among drivers, in the entertainment industry. Nevertheless, as reported by the French magazine l’Usine Nouvelle, the American military agency DARPA expressed great interest in the innovative solution of French specialists. In addition, as indicated by the same source, 2 million euros is already ready to invest in the work of French scientists the American tech-giant Microsoft, which is not surprising, given his contract with the US Army to develop special augmented reality headsets based on HoloLens


New type of LEDs will increase the resolution of displays three times
The joint work of scientists from several universities in the world led to the fact that they were able to create LEDs that can independently change their color. This seemed impossible, since the hue of LED lamps directly depends on the semiconductor material used in it, but thanks to the new composition they began to change color depending on the electrical voltage applied to them. A new discovery may be the basis for creating displays with previously unimaginable resolution.
It might have seemed to many that the LEDs have long been able to shine in different colors on their own - otherwise how can one explain that many “smart” lamps change their shade so easily? The fact is that inside them there are a lot of red, blue and green LEDs. The radiation from these three types of LEDs is mixed in a different ratio, and due to this the lamp can take on purple, orange and other colors.
Similarly, liquid crystal displays work, each pixel of which is created using three tiny LEDs. All of them, of course, take up space and if they could be replaced with a single LED, manufacturers would be able to create a completely new type of display with a three-fold increased resolution. Thanks to the new composition of LEDs it is quite possible.
The novelty consists of two chemical elements: rare earth europium and gallium nitride. They allow you to change the color of the LED on the fly, due to the change in the intensity of the supplied current. It is believed that reducing the number of LEDs from three to one, manufacturers can significantly reduce the cost of their devices. It is noteworthy that it will be almost impossible to see the pixels on TVs manufactured using the new technology.


Huawei announced smart glasses in partnership with Gentle Monster
Huawei launches connected glasses in partnership with Gentle Monster, the Korean brand of solar and optical glasses. There will be not one model, but a whole collection of glasses with integrated electronics. Huawei positions these glasses as a kind of replacement for headphones - this device will allow you to talk on the phone without putting anything in your ears. There is no button on the device, but you can knock on the glasses arm to take a call, for example.
Antenna, charging module, dual microphone, chipset, speaker and battery are all built into the frame. There are two microphones with beamforming technology that can understand what you are saying, even if the device is sitting on your nose bridge.
Huawei smart glasses with integrated headphones
Directly above your ears are stereo speakers. The company wants you to hear the sound without disturbing your neighbors.
Remarkably, there is no camera on the device. Huawei wants to avoid any privacy dispute, completely removing the camera (and in Russia such a device would be completely forbidden). Given that people are quite friendly with voice assistants and talk "with the air", no one will suspect anything.
The glasses come in a leather case with a USB-C port on the bottom. They are also equipped with wireless charging. Huawei hinted at glasses at the P30 press conference in Paris, but until July 2019, hardly anyone can order or receive them.
In February 2018, Intel presented the Vaunt smart glasses and made a bet that they do not differ much from “ordinary” glasses. Only Intel glasses do not have a built-in camera and even a speaker or microphone (at least for now). This is a completely ordinary at first glance subject to which many people are accustomed to in their everyday life. The only difference from normal glasses is that Vaunt projects the screen image directly onto the retina.


The United States was right: there are indeed backdoors in the Huawei hardware
For years, Huawei has been at the center of a big scandal - the US authorities claim that it works closely with the Chinese authorities and provides them with access to their users' data. It is believed that the manufacturer deliberately leaves in its network equipment and home routers loopholes for unauthorized access - recently reported the presence of their cellular operator Vodafone. Vulnerabilities were found in 2009, but Huawei did not eliminate them even after the appeal of the cellular operator.
Most of the loopholes were found in equipment designed for the Italian division of Vodafone. According to Bloomberg, the personal data of users from the UK, Germany, Spain and Portugal could also be at risk. Among other vulnerabilities, experts discovered embedded telnet servers with which Huawei could gain access to devices. The company explained the presence of this vulnerability by the fact that it needs it for remote configuration of equipment.
At the same time, the company assured that other gaps were not “backdoors”, because the term itself implies their intentional embedding to obtain unauthorized access. According to Huawei, she intentionally did nothing, and technical errors were found in the Vodafone equipment that have already been fixed. Whatever it was, the company's reputation suffered great damage, and with the filing of the United States many countries, including Australia, Japan and the Czech Republic, refuse to cooperate with it.
Vodafone itself continues to cooperate, since the very fact of the compromise of personal data has not been proven. Moreover, the operator allowed Huawei to create 5G infrastructure, but only for non-particularly important parts of it. After all, the fifth generation networks will affect the areas of industry and health care, where data leakage can lead to serious consequences - caution does not hurt.
Countries such as France and Germany, in turn, take a more neutral position. They do not call to completely refuse to cooperate with Huawei, but suggest simply tightening the requirements for data networks to ensure greater security.


Neurocomputer interfaces will give people extra power
Once, on a rainy morning, Bill was driving his motorcycle, when suddenly a mail truck stopped in front of him. Bill did not have time. The accident paralyzed his lower body. His autonomy - what was left of her - was reduced to voice commands, which allowed him to raise and lower the blinds in the room or adjust the angle of the bed with a motor. Otherwise, he relies on round-the-clock assistance.
Vanya does not know Ann, who has Parkinson's disease; her hands tremble when she tries to apply makeup or weed the garden. None of them knows Steve, who became blind in adulthood due to a degenerative disease and whom his sister helps to navigate the world. Presenting the three of them together sounds like the beginning of a bad joke: a blind, paralyzed, and parkinson guy somehow enter the bar. But their stories are combined in a new documentary ‘I Am Human’ (“I am a Man”), which was recently presented at the Triberica Film Festival.
The film tells about the trinity, which is undergoing experimental treatment of the brain. Their skulls are opened, electrodes are inserted inside, all with the hope of restoring lost abilities — movement, sight, and control over the body — and returning freedom. For each of them, this journey is both medical and philosophical. The documentary also examines the promise of neurotechnologists to expand the limits of the brain with chips in the brain.
Tharin Southern, one of the film's directors, says that she started thinking about the brain exactly at the same time when the TV series “Black Mirror” and “The World of the Wild West” began to gain popularity. She was fascinated by how science fiction rethinks the role that machines can play in human evolution — not just improving with people, but actually changing the human look.
Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe are already using neurocomputer interfaces (which connect the brain to a computer), their scientists have been developing since the 1970s, thanks in large part to DARPA. Some experts believe that their number will reach one million in the next ten years, and the science behind all this will become even more difficult. All this is embodied in real life and it is cooler than science fiction.
But the inner workings of our brain is still not entirely clear, and the real returns from this kind of neurotechnologies are only beginning to appear. There are hundreds of billions of neurons in the brain, each one “as complex as Los Angeles” and 500 trillion connections, says neuroscientist David Eagleman. Treatments like those offered to Bill, Stephen, and Ann are mostly experimental. There are no guarantees that they will work.
“It’s curious that we can count steps, calories, sequencing the genome, doing a blood test and measuring the pulse, but have almost no understanding of our brains,” said Brian Johnson, founder and CEO of the neuroscience startup Kernel. "We have a piece of introspection, but otherwise it's a black box."
It is the fear of this unknown that separates the characters in the film “I am a Man” from science fiction. The decision of Bill, Stephen and Anna to insert implants into the brain is a much more complicated reality than anything else in the Black Mirror. “Someone breaks your skull,” says Ann in the film. "You do not know what will happen."
Ultimately, it is decided on deep brain stimulation. During this procedure, an electrode is implanted into the brain, which stimulates individual parts (in the case of Ann, it suppresses the motor system). In patients with symptoms of Parkinson's disease, the procedure was a wild success. The implant sends “data” from the brain and feeds the current to the brain, facilitating non-stopping tremor.
Stephen was offered another experimental treatment called "Argus", which includes implantation of the chip under the eye. The chip clings to the brain with electrodes. Bill, who needs constant care, voluntarily experiences a neurocomputer interface that could restore a lost connection between the brain and nerves in the body.In order to “retrain” his brain, Bill looks at the animation of arm movement, imagining how he himself moves his hand again, and a group of scientists writes an algorithm that decodes Bill’s intention, which is then sent to electrodes implanted in his hand and head. The idea is to give Bill control over his own muscles.
“It’s all like Star Trek,” Bill says on screen. There are wires sticking out of his head. "It looks like science fiction."
And yet, the main question about the other: what makes us human? How can technology contribute to the evolution of our species - helping us recover lost and pushing us to something that was impossible before?
Neurocomputer interfaces promise to return sight to the blind, restore hearing to the deaf and give a feeling of control over your body. But some scientists and entrepreneurs are likely that neurotechnology will provide us with super power. What if we didn’t just try to restore sight to blind Stephen, but to improve it so that he could see in the dark? What if some device not only brought back control of his hand to Bill, but also allowed him to type words by force of thought? Could we cure depression with neurocomputer interfaces? Become more empathic?
These are not science fiction scenarios. Ilon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, each of them has invested in the development of neurocomputer interfaces to improve human abilities. Neuralink Mask aims to improve human cognitive abilities so that people can compete with AI. Zuckerberg's idea is more in a mind-reading machine. Johnson's Kernel startup is working on creating a neurocomputer interface to develop real-world applications in high-resolution brain activity.
“I hope that we will reach such a point of technological progress, when it is not limited to technologies, but reinforced by them. So it’s a matter of choice: who we want to be. ”
But while the first class of real human cyborgs will not be like robots in the representation of Silicon Valley. These will be people like Bill, Stephen and Ann, who, thanks to the small mechanisms in their brains, will again be able to feel a little more humane.


The first device based on graphene will appear on the market "in the next two months"
Russian immigrants working in Britain, Konstantin Novoselov and Andrei Geim, created graphene, a translucent carbon layer one atom thick, in 2004. From that moment, almost immediately and everywhere, we began to hear laudatory odes about a variety of amazing material properties that have the potential to change our world and find their application in various fields, ranging from the production of quantum computers to the production of filters to get clean drinking water. 15 years have passed, but the world under the influence of graphene has not changed. Why?
The problem lies not only in the fact that graphene is very expensive and difficult to produce (therefore, today it is created only in small quantities), but also in the fact that almost all graphene that is commercially available today is a fake. But very soon this may change, according to statements from the press release of the University of Cambridge, which states that the new company Paragraf, created by former employees of one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world, has found a way of mass commercial production of this wonderful material.
The company itself was founded in 2018 by three researchers: Professor Colin Humphries from the Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, as well as scientists Simon Thomas and Ivor Guini.
This week on the website of the University of Cambridge, information appeared that Paragraf started the production of graphene on a commercial scale - in the form of 8-inch (20 cm) graphene plates, using a production method that was developed by three scientists in 2015. It also explains that the company was able to manufacture high-grade graphene plates, beating not only other research groups from around the world, but also such giants in the semiconductor industry as IBM, Intel and Samsung, which, of course, also work in this direction.
In addition, the press release states that Paragraf is going to present the first electronic device based on graphene in the “next two months”.
Despite the fact that the source does not specify what it will be for the device, the potential applications of graphene, at least in theory, are almost limitless, since it has so many useful properties. For example, this material is 200 times stronger than steel and has 10 times more thermal conductivity than copper, a conductor that is massively used in the manufacture of very different electronics.
In addition, compared with the same silicon (the main material for the production of various microchips), graphene has a 250 times higher electrical conductivity. A press release from the University of Cambridge also states that if we replace the currently used silicon-based microchips with those based on graphene, we can increase the performance and speed of electronics based on them tenfold; and various chemical and electrical sensors based on graphene will be 30 times more accurate than those based on more traditional materials.
"The Paragraf company has the potential to transform a wide range of industries, including electronics, energy and medicine," said the words of the head of the company Colin Humphreys University of Cambridge.
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amdudus wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 5:28 pm The United States was right: there are indeed backdoors in the Huawei hardware
For years, Huawei has been at the center of a big scandal - the US authorities claim.......
But so do US companies upon order of their government....It's just pot calling the kettle black. The problem is, their NSA can't hack Huawei's Network and thus it's a thorn in their spying operations. Thus the US would like other countries to use Cisco convienient! Huawei's technology is far advanced and many countries even from the EU are not going to jump ship.


Astronomers: Something unknown like a bullet punched a hole inside the Milky Way
Scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at a loss. Something “unknown, dense, invisible through telescopes and consisting, most likely, not of ordinary matter, as if a bullet pierced and made giant holes inside our Milky Way galaxy”. Evidence of this was presented at the conference of the American Physical Society in Denver (USA) by astrophysicist Anna Bonaka.
The holes it has discovered in the Milky Way are located in the longest stellar flow GD-1. They are groups of stars moving along the orbits of galaxies. Once they were a small globular cluster or dwarf galaxy, and now fly away.
Under normal conditions, the researcher notes, the flow should be drawn more or less into a line with one break where the globular cluster was originally located before the stars began to fly in different directions. But Bonaca demonstrated that GD-1 has a second gap. Interestingly, this second gap has torn edges - as if something huge broke through the stream not so long ago and dragged behind it some of the stars under the influence of the enormous force of gravity.
“We cannot attribute this phenomenon to any luminous object that we have observed before. It is something much more massive than a star. Something a million times more massive than our Sun. There are no stars of such a mass. We cannot explain it. If it were a black hole, it would have to be as supermassive as the one in the center of our galaxy, ”Bonaka told Live Science in an interview.
The scientist believes that, of course, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of a second supermassive black hole in the Milky Way. However, in this case, we would have noticed some signs of its presence, for example, a flash or the emission of its accretion disk. At the same time, an astrophysicist notes, most large galaxies have only one supermassive black hole in the center.
Another hypothesis of a scientist is a large clot of dark matter. However, Bonaka notes that the object is not necessarily completely, 100% of dark matter.
“Perhaps this is a luminous object that is hiding somewhere in the galaxy. However, this is unlikely, since its size - and it’s about 10–20 parsecs (30 to 65 light years) across - would be hard to hide, ”the scientist adds.
At the moment - this is the only study of its kind, and it has not yet been published in any scientific journal with the name, but received the approval of astrophysicists who gathered at the conference.
The work was carried out using data from the Gaia Space Observatory of the European Space Agency, which is mapping stars and their movements inside the Milky Way. Thanks to this mission, scientists were able to compile the most comprehensive at the current moment catalog of stars of our galaxy, which also included the GD-1 stellar flux.
She supported her analysis with data collected using the Multi-mirror Telescope located in Arizona, which showed which stars move in the direction of the Earth and which, on the contrary, move away. This helped her identify the stars that are actually part of the GD-1 stream, in which the second hole and a previously unseen region were discovered.
Bonaka notes that he intends to continue work on the search for an unknown source of the most powerful gravity, which punched a hole in the stellar flow, but the main purpose of its research is to map dark matter clusters scattered throughout the Milky Way.

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