Horizontal Vertical Close lines HV Close lines (support&resistance)

I need help for the indicator below to do as follows: 1draws yellow horizontal lines on the right from each close of the candlestick for a specific given period, 2. draws white lines from the last closed candlestick to each closed candlestick separately for a given period. When a new candlestick opens, deletes all objects and recalculates the period.

//| HV Close lines.mq4 |
//| AIHalabak |
//| https://www.mql5.com |

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 0

// Input parameters
int period = 288; // Period to look back
color yellowLineColor = clrYellow;
color whiteLineColor = clrWhite;

int OnInit()
ObjectsDeleteAll(0); // Delete all objects on initialization

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTick()
// Check if a new candlestick has opened
if (iBars > 1 && Time[1] != Time[0])
ObjectsDeleteAll(0); // Delete all objects before drawing new ones
DrawHorizontalLines(period, yellowLineColor);
DrawLinesToPreviousCloses(period, whiteLineColor, yellowLineColor);

void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam)
ObjectsDeleteAll(0); // Delete all objects if any are manually deleted
DrawHorizontalLines(period, yellowLineColor);
DrawLinesToPreviousCloses(period, whiteLineColor, yellowLineColor);

// Draws yellow horizontal lines from each close
void DrawHorizontalLines(int count, color yellow)
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) // Added closing parenthesis to the loop
double price = Close;
string objectName = "HL" + IntegerToString(i);
ObjectCreate(0, objectName, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, price); // Removed the unnecessary zero
ObjectSetInteger(0, objectName, OBJPROP_COLOR, yellow);

// Draws white lines from the last close to each previous close
void DrawLinesToPreviousCloses(int count, color white, color yellow)

double lastPrice = Close[0];
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) // Added closing parenthesis to the loop
double price = Close;
string objectName = "Line" + IntegerToString(i);
ObjectCreate(0, objectName, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, lastPrice, 0, price); // Removed the unnecessary zero
ObjectSetInteger(0, objectName, OBJPROP_COLOR, white);

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