Re: IRAN - Morality police

Ogee wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:54 pm
He who controls your money, controls you. Here endeth the lesson![/color]
In this way, only Bitcoin is the safest. Or just put the money in a Swiss bank?
These users thanked the author Jedidiah for the post:
Be patient therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth: patiently bearing till he receive the early and latter rain.
Behold, we account them blessed who have endured. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is merciful and compassionate.

Re: FTX & The Great Reset.

Ogee wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:06 am And right on que ...

Urgent control :lmao:

Glad the us has Constitutional rights that we can claim our country back if tyranny tries to be total I know it will never happen here people like their freedom way to much here
0 + 0 = 0
Infinite / Infinite = 1
1 way to Heaven & it matters

Re: News Ahead

🥶 It's Nat Gas burning weather in North West Europe!

@Ole_S_Hansen || Freezing NWE temperatures driving up heating demand with clear blue skies lowering production from renewables. Developments driving TTF natgas >€156/MWh and German power >€400/MWh.

Merkel admits Minsk agreements were a stalling tactic.

Merkel admits Minsk agreements brokered by Berlin, Paris and the US were an attempt to give Kiev time to strengthen its military.

“I thought the initiation of NATO accession for Ukraine and Georgia discussed in 2008 to be wrong,” Merkel said. “The countries neither had the necessary prerequisites for this, nor had the consequences of such a decision been fully considered, both with regard to Russia's actions against Georgia and Ukraine and to NATO and its rules of assistance.”

She described the September 2014 Minsk agreement as “an attempt to give Ukraine time.” France and Germany had brokered a ceasefire after the failure of Ukraine’s attempt to subdue the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk by force.

“[Ukraine] used this time to get stronger, as you can see today,” Merkel continued. “The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. As you saw in the battle for Debaltsevo in early 2015, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin could easily have overrun them at the time. And I very much doubt that the NATO countries could have done as much then as they do now to help Ukraine.” ... deskanzler

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