Re: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

andrei-1 wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:34 am Try.
A big thanks to my bro that you did a great job ..
if you can keep only fibo fan where i marked in the snap
it means, when the zigag colour where the colour changes happened. this helps for lower time frame too
also please add fibo fan level 0.0. lines which is horizontal . this acts as S/R major key level.
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Re: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

sal wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:45 pm A big thanks to my bro that you did a great job ..
if you can keep only fibo fan where i marked in the snap
it means, when the zigag colour where the colour changes happened. this helps for lower time frame too
also please add fibo fan level 0.0. lines which is horizontal . this acts as S/R major key level.

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