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Imperial Cemetery

by: 太虚一毫
The following is the information from China: 美国在仓促间,从阿富汗战争泥沼中抽腿,是智慧还是愚昧,现在尚难定论。 研究中亚历史的学者习惯称呼阿富汗是“帝国坟场”,此话与阿富汗历史和特殊地理,关系密切,阿富汗是古代东西来往丝路要冲,在一战之前,阿富汗是中亚大搏奕时代场域,英国势力与沙俄势力在此冲突交会,阿富汗终于成为影子战争以及特务活跃场所,这也是阿富汗人悲剧的开始。 第一个被埋葬的帝国是沙俄帝国,1839年,英国殖民武力在印度落脚后,持续向北方推进,在喀布尔扶持亲英沙阿政权,但是,沙阿政权未获阿富汗人支持,1942年,反政府群众在喀布尔街头攻击英军...

Re: News Ahead

by: RplusT
I'm a strong believer in Karma. Why? I have witnessed this over and over again in my life. Just a matter of time. People's evil actions always come back to haunt them. Why not this time too!
Just let's make sure it does.


Re: News Ahead

by: xard777
Everyone appears to be talking about inflation and the cost of everything going up (tenfold in some cases) without looking at why this is happening and how is it happening so fast. Yes, I know the media says Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, 24/7, 365, but when was the last time the media reported the tru...

Re: News Ahead

by: Ogee
⚠️ UKRAINE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER SAYS UKRAINE NEEDS AN ADDITIONAL 50-80 MLRS SYSTEMS FROM FOREIGN PARTNERS - Reuters ''Quick, send more Multiple Launch Rocket Systems and a couple of hundred billion $$$ for your proxy war.'' Why some feel that perhaps Russia was 'setup' by US and the EU to invade. 19...