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Re: News Ahead

by: Ogee
Just a reminder that these Nat Gas prices are not completely unheard of but that was when much of Europe was also using nuclear, coal and oil burning power stations so no real concern. The difference now is our reliance on completely useless wind and solar, as in the article posted previously, we sh...

Re: Torrent sites? Where?

by: Ogee
There are still many places about the globe where the broadband service makes streaming a total pain whereas with a torrent you can go to sleep and next morning have all 80 episodes of Game of Thrones to watch at your leisure AND know you've not been subsidising any Hollywood paedophile rings in the...

Re: The Climate Change Agenda

by: Ogee
a8.PNG Scientists are flocking to sign the World Climate Declaration that states there is no climate emergency – over 100 new signatories in the past two weeks, as anger builds about the hijacking of science by politics.

Re: News Ahead

by: Ogee As predicted no western main stream media carried this story. The Ukrainian army held up the UN inspectors at the frontline crossing point for 3 hours then used their arrival at the nuclear power plant as cover to launch a commando attack in a bid to...