Search found 216 matches


Re: Student loan forgiveness

by: xard777
The 80,000 to be recruited IRS army will make sure that money is flowing back. They'll squeeze the Middle-income earners dry. Owners of small businesses should really only pay tax when they SELL the company (even then they could defer the tax liability by purchasing stock of another company with th...

Re: News Ahead

by: Ogee
The European leaders tell their people that sending Billions of Euros and weapons to the Ukraine and sanctioning Russia is called "Solidarity" and everyone must accept his 500% increase of energy prices and and..... ....... :lmao: ...F* braindead. The elites and their zero...

Re: News Ahead

by: Ogee
Our leaders, having all been through the 're-education' camps of the WEF would rather deceive and virtue signal than lead for the good of their nation. Adam Brooks 🇬🇧 @EssexPR 9h So it turns out that Europe IS buying Russian LNG gas via China at huge mark ups, just so it can virtue signal that it’s ...