Search found 138 matches

Re: US Election Live Stream

The meme said sequestered, not stolen not %100 sure, but don't think sequestered and stolen mean the same, and no far as I am aware not debunked. You are right Mrtools, stolen is not the same thing as sequestered. So let's say you and me sequestered one of those voting machines in Ware County, taki...

Re: US Election Live Stream

"GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY" is a slogan that is usually used from racists and white supremacists, when in lack of arguments or just simple pure hate when someone is against their thoughts and their idols. It's totally my fault because I didn't took the red pill. If I had used proudly my MAGA...

Re: US Election Live Stream

Election night Trump loses over 6,000 votes in the space of 2 minutes, very careless imo. 'Lucky Joe' Biden on the other hand picks up 85,000, well done mate! Nice Photoshop Ogee! You believe whatever you want, you are an adult and this is a free Country. Here in Idaho it's Trump's land, he didn't ...

Re: US Election Live Stream

You guys love Conspiracy Theories so much, here is one more for you to delight share and spread. Since November 3rd, Trump campaign has raised more than 170 million dollars from Trump supporters to help the legal lawsuits against all this election fraud. But did you know that: 60% of those 170 milli...

Re: US Election Live Stream

It is over Ogee, the link you posted only showed an opinion of that Judge, it's only her opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. You keep going in circles. Pennsylvania lawsuits are over, no evidence and no proof of fraud. Now all the attention and money are in Georgia, do you really think that those G...

Re: US Election Live Stream

I'm not 'falling' for anything, I'm just an observer, I have absolutely no control over any outcome in this election whatsoever (just like trading really). That some fraud has occurred seems obvious, I'm just interested in finding out how much. I understand and I'm glad you want to observe and find...

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