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Re: Unauthorized access to Timmy's Expert advisor service.

This was the same way folks here started insulting shreck for his kind work, he and his friend got banned and the other fellow eventually passed away weeks later. The tread is aptly titled timmy's expert service if you feel agrieved it is better to start a tread than harrass Tim. the fact that he ...

Re: Unauthorized access to Timmy's Expert advisor service.

Dear Julio, We're waiting on a response from Timmy in regards to the thread restoration. We have temporarily placed the thread aside from the public forum as per PM request by the author (for reasons unknown). We will look at restoring it later today or tomorrow as a "locked topic" in case members ...

Unauthorized access to Timmy's Expert advisor service.

Can someone explain to me why I can not access the Timmy's Expert advisor service forum and if it has happened to someone else? I do not understand the reason for the blockade and the authority of a forum member to decide who to block and less without giving an explanation.


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