Re: News

wef,un,cia,demoncrats - their plan
cut your childs sex parts off or abort them
make you eat bugs and drink sewage water
divide races because of "slavery, terrorism, crime"
cyberhack your grid firewalls and airplanes
biological attack and fake vaccine for emergency power
take away your free speech or fire arms because its "the cause of all problems"
they trying to use a nuclear war and debt to usher digital currency
all while the banks go bankrupt and you lose your retirement

Re: News

BREAKING: After Draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Lowest Level in 40 Years, Biden CANCELS Plan to Refill it Because Oil is “Way Too Expensive”

In October 2022 Joe Biden absurdly claimed he would be refilling the oil reserve at $70 a barrel to make money.

“By selling from the [oil reserve] at the higher price of $90 earlier this year and then re-filling it in the future at a lower price around $70 will actually make money,” Biden previously said.

A few years ago the Democrats blocked President Trump from filling the Strategic Oil Reserves at $24 per barrel.

The Democrats cost the US BILLIONS in potential profits.
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 2):
Starfish, Ogee

Re: News

galaxy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:25 am
That guy named Mohammed actually was a iraq native war veteran who fought against Saddam Hussein and was a prisoner of war for 7 years
Now lives in Texas
wef,un,cia,demoncrats - their plan
cut your childs sex parts off or abort them
make you eat bugs and drink sewage water
divide races because of "slavery, terrorism, crime"
cyberhack your grid firewalls and airplanes
biological attack and fake vaccine for emergency power
take away your free speech or fire arms because its "the cause of all problems"
they trying to use a nuclear war and debt to usher digital currency
all while the banks go bankrupt and you lose your retirement

Re: News

WSJ opinion piece on national-security dept's election meddling.

'A Democratic presidential campaign, representing the incumbent party, fabricated evidence that its Republican opponent and the eventual president-elect was a Russian agent, and the in-power party’s FBI legitimated the evidence in the eyes of the media so it would be widely reported and believed by the public.'

'To make sure it was believed, top intelligence officials of the outgoing administration went on cable television to call the new president a Russian mole and Vladimir Putin his case officer.' ... vfyjum1nlj

Re: News

Next week, CPI Wed.

In Canada, same as else where, politicians claim inflation and the cost of living crisis can be solved by retailers lowering profit margins.

Martyupnorth®- Unacceptable Fact Checker
Just some quick, back-of-the-envelope math.

If you' are a typical Canadian family you earn $100,000/year.

You pay $25,000 in taxes, and about $10,000 in groceries.

Jagmeet wants Loblaws to reduce its profit margin to ZERO so you can save more on the cost of groceries. If you spent all your grocery money at Loblaws, that might save you $400 - $800 per year.

If Jagmeet asked Trudeau to reduced your taxes by just 1%, that would save you $1,000.

Jason James
Do you know who also expected grocers to reduce their profit margins to zero?

Hugo Chavez.

And when the grocers stopped bringing in food products they would make no money from or even lose money on, the Venezuelan government nationalized the sale and distribution of those products.

Do you know what happened next?

Those products were in extremely short supply or were often not available for purchase at all.

Socialists like Hugo Chavez and Jagmeet Singh are the worst kind because they know the potential damage they can cause, but refuse to admit it and proceed anyway because their ego believes they are special and an exception to the rule.

That's never the case. Food nationalization has a 100% starvation rate.

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