Lawyers set up to get comp for losing trades

''Trades can cause significant financial losses. If you have lost money, we can help. Start your registration today at traderclaimdotcom''

Can't really see this going anywhere, the standard procedure for any complaint against a regulated broker is to state your case to the broker first who then must investigate and reply within a certain time. If not satisfactorily resolved then you can take your complaint (and their reply) to the govt regulator to investigate.

Going straight to a lawyer isn't going to cut it and if already been through the system may as well try to sue the regulator.
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Jedidiah, Chickenspicy

Lehman level crisis

Wall Street Silver

When a key counter-party fails this will be Lehman level crisis.
The QE required to keep the system from collapse will be 20x bigger than the 2008-2009 bailouts.
The Fed balance sheet will double instantly. gold will double within a very short time frame (just my opinion).

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Beyond parody, total clown world.

Rishi Sunak (UK PM) and Joe Biden will today announce a deal to keep the lights on in Britain – using gas ... produced by fracking in the US.

UK won't frack at home because busy virtue signalling net zero carbon emissions goal so imports fracked gas from the US instead.

US won't drill oil at home because busy virtue signalling net zero carbon emissions goal so imports oil from Saudi and Venezuela instead.

But everything's OK because the ultimate WEF plan is to use climate change as an excuse to impoverish the western world thus destroying liberal democracy and allowing the imposition of new system of authoritarianism controlled by the WEF elites :thumbup:

These users thanked the author Ogee for the post (total 2):
Jedidiah, Chickenspicy

More clown world news

Larry Elder @larryelder
In non-slave state California, taxpayers, who never owned slaves, will pay $233K in “reparations” to blacks, who were never slaves. Will California taxpayers seek compensation from descendants of African chiefs, without whose complicity the slave trade could not have happened?
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Re: Beyond parody, total clown world.

Ogee wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:48 pm
UK won't frack at home because busy virtue signalling net zero carbon emissions goal so imports fracked gas from the US instead.

US won't drill oil at home because busy virtue signalling net zero carbon emissions goal so imports oil from Saudi and Venezuela instead.

These users thanked the author Jedidiah for the post:
Be patient therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth: patiently bearing till he receive the early and latter rain.
Behold, we account them blessed who have endured. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is merciful and compassionate.

Re: Lehman level crisis

Ogee wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:09 pm Wall Street Silver

When a key counter-party fails this will be Lehman level crisis.
The QE required to keep the system from collapse will be 20x bigger than the 2008-2009 bailouts.
The Fed balance sheet will double instantly. gold will double within a very short time frame (just my opinion).

Yet everyone is silent about their 600 Trillion of Derivatives or hot air products, which will create havoc in the financial system all over this planet once the banks are in troubles.
These users thanked the author RplusT for the post:

Re: More clown world news

'Europe set to import banned Russian diesel (without knowing' ... yeah sure)

LONDON, Dec 7 (Reuters) - European motorists could find Russian diesel in their tanks even after bans take effect because regulators lack tools to trace the origin of fuel when it has passed through other countries.

The European Union banned Russian crude imports from Dec. 5 and will ban Russian oil products from Feb. 5, as it attempts to deprive Russia of oil revenues. Britain ended oil and oil product imports from Dec. 5. ... 022-12-07/
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