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How can call Day Timeframe only Currency strength from currencyslopestrength buffer value?My codes not work well.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:05 am
by kyawswarlin
I found currencyslopestrength indicator in this forum.
I want to get alert message from this indicator in my phone.
So I called its buffers as follow.

Code: Select all

extern bool    autoTimeFrame         = false;
extern bool    autoSymbols           = true;
extern bool    showOnlySymbolOnChart = false;

 double USDStrength =iCustom("EURUSDm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,0,0);
 double EURStrength =iCustom("EURGBPm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,1,0);
 double GBPStrength =iCustom("GBPCHFm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,2,0);
 double CHFStrength =iCustom("USDCHFm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,3,0);
 double JPYStrength =iCustom("USDJPYm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,4,0);
 double AUDStrength =iCustom("AUDUSDm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,5,0);
 double CADStrength =iCustom("USDCADm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,6,0);
 double NZDStrength =iCustom("USDNZDm",0,"CurrencySlopeStrength",autoTimeFrame,showOnlySymbolOnChart,timeFrame,7,0);

Alert("EUR STRENGTH IS "+EURStrength+"");
SendNotification("EUR STRENGTH IS "+EURStrength+"");

I make false on autoTimeFrame to set D1 .
But in real , DAY1 value not get .
How can get correct value for this strength.

Thanks for any help.

Here is indicator odes

Code: Select all

//|                                        CurrencySlopeStrength.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright 2012, Deltabron - Paul Geirnaerdt |
//|                                 |
//|                    mrtools made TMA Halflength a user controlled |
//|                    feature and added Price to the mix            |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, Deltabron - Paul Geirnaerdt"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers    8
#property indicator_levelcolor MediumOrchid


#define version            "v1.0.3.1"
#define EPSILON            0.00000001
#define CURRENCYCOUNT      8

extern int     BARS                 = 500;
extern string  gen                   = "----General inputs----";
extern bool    autoSymbols           = false;
extern string  nonPropFont           = "Lucida Console";
extern bool    showOnlySymbolOnChart = true;

extern string  ind                   = "----Indicator inputs----";
extern double  HalfLength            = 20;
extern int     Price                 = PRICE_WEIGHTED;
extern bool    autoTimeFrame         = true;
extern string  ind_tf                = "timeFrame M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1,W1,MN";
extern string  timeFrame             = "D1";
extern bool    ignoreFuture          = false;
extern bool    showCrossAlerts       = true;
extern double  differenceThreshold   = 0.8;

extern string  cur                   = "----Currency inputs----";
extern bool    USD                   = true;
extern bool    EUR                   = true;
extern bool    GBP                   = true;
extern bool    CHF                   = true;
extern bool    JPY                   = true;
extern bool    AUD                   = true;
extern bool    CAD                   = true;
extern bool    NZD                   = true;

extern string  col                   = "----Color inputs----";
extern color   Color_USD             = Green;
extern color   Color_EUR             = DeepSkyBlue;
extern color   Color_GBP             = Red;
extern color   Color_CHF             = Chocolate;
extern color   Color_JPY             = FireBrick;
extern color   Color_AUD             = DarkOrange;
extern color   Color_CAD             = Purple;
extern color   Color_NZD             = Teal;
extern color   colorWeakCross        = OrangeRed;
extern color   colorNormalCross      = Gold;
extern color   colorStrongCross      = LimeGreen;
extern color   colorDifference       = 0x303000;
extern int     Line_Thickness        = 2;


string   indicatorName = "CurrencySlopeStrength";
string   shortName;
int      userTimeFrame;
string   almostUniqueIndex;


double   arrUSD[];
double   arrEUR[];
double   arrGBP[];
double   arrCHF[];
double   arrJPY[];
double   arrAUD[];
double   arrCAD[];
double   arrNZD[];


int      symbolCount;
string   symbolNames[];
string   currencyNames[CURRENCYCOUNT]        = { "USD", "EUR", "GBP", "CHF", "JPY", "AUD", "CAD", "NZD" };
double   currencyValues[CURRENCYCOUNT];      // Currency slope strength
double   currencyValuesPrior[CURRENCYCOUNT]; // Currency slope strength prior bar
double   currencyOccurrences[CURRENCYCOUNT]; // Holds the number of occurrences of each currency in symbols
color    currencyColors[CURRENCYCOUNT];


int      verticalShift    = 14;
int      verticalOffset   = 30;
int      horizontalShift  = 100;
int      horizontalOffset = 10;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |

int init()
   HalfLength = MathMax(HalfLength,1);
   SetIndexBuffer(0,arrUSD); SetIndexLabel(0,"USD"); currencyColors[0] = Color_USD; 
   SetIndexBuffer(1,arrEUR); SetIndexLabel(1,"EUR"); currencyColors[1] = Color_EUR;
   SetIndexBuffer(2,arrGBP); SetIndexLabel(2,"GBP"); currencyColors[2] = Color_GBP; 
   SetIndexBuffer(3,arrCHF); SetIndexLabel(3,"CHF"); currencyColors[3] = Color_CHF;
   SetIndexBuffer(4,arrJPY); SetIndexLabel(4,"JPY"); currencyColors[4] = Color_JPY;
   SetIndexBuffer(5,arrAUD); SetIndexLabel(5,"AUD"); currencyColors[5] = Color_AUD; 
   SetIndexBuffer(6,arrCAD); SetIndexLabel(6,"CAD"); currencyColors[6] = Color_CAD;
   SetIndexBuffer(7,arrNZD); SetIndexLabel(7,"NZD"); currencyColors[7] = Color_NZD; 

   string now = TimeCurrent();
   almostUniqueIndex = StringSubstr(now, StringLen(now) - 3);
   shortName = indicatorName + " - " + version;

//| Initialize Symbols Array                                         |

int initSymbols()
   int i;
   string symbolExtraChars = StringSubstr(Symbol(),6,4);

   symbolsToWeigh = StringTrimLeft(symbolsToWeigh);
   symbolsToWeigh = StringTrimRight(symbolsToWeigh);

   if (StringSubstr(symbolsToWeigh, StringLen(symbolsToWeigh)-1) != ",")
      symbolsToWeigh = StringConcatenate(symbolsToWeigh, ",");   

   if (autoSymbols)
      i = StringFind(symbolsToWeigh, ","); 
      while (i != -1)
         int size = ArraySize(symbolNames);
         ArrayResize(symbolNames, size + 1);
         symbolNames[size] = StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(symbolsToWeigh, 0, i),symbolExtraChars);
         symbolsToWeigh = StringSubstr(symbolsToWeigh, i + 1);
         i = StringFind(symbolsToWeigh, ","); 
   if (showOnlySymbolOnChart)
      symbolCount = ArraySize(symbolNames);
      string tempNames[];
      for (i = 0; i < symbolCount; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < CURRENCYCOUNT; j++)
            if (StringFind( Symbol(), currencyNames[j] ) == -1)
            if (StringFind(symbolNames[i], currencyNames[j] ) != -1)
               size = ArraySize(tempNames);
               ArrayResize(tempNames, size + 1);
               tempNames[size] = symbolNames[i];
      for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(tempNames); i++)
         ArrayResize(symbolNames, i+1);
         symbolNames[i] = tempNames[i];
   symbolCount = ArraySize(symbolNames);

   for (i = 0; i < symbolCount; i++)
      int currencyIndex = GetCurrencyIndex(StringSubstr(symbolNames[i],0,3));
          currencyIndex = GetCurrencyIndex(StringSubstr(symbolNames[i],3,3));
   userTimeFrame = PERIOD_D1;
   if (autoTimeFrame)   {  userTimeFrame = Period();   }   
	          if (timeFrame == "M1" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_M1;
		else   if (timeFrame == "M5" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_M5;
		else   if (timeFrame == "M15") userTimeFrame = PERIOD_M15;
		else   if (timeFrame == "M30") userTimeFrame = PERIOD_M30;
		else   if (timeFrame == "H1" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_H1;
		else   if (timeFrame == "H4" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_H4;
		else   if (timeFrame == "D1" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_D1;
		else   if (timeFrame == "W1" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_W1;
		else   if (timeFrame == "MN" ) userTimeFrame = PERIOD_MN1;

//| GetCurrencyIndex(string currency)                                |

int GetCurrencyIndex(string currency)
   for (int i = 0; i < CURRENCYCOUNT; i++)
      if (currencyNames[i] == currency)
   return (-1);

//| createSymbolNamesArray()                                         |

void createSymbolNamesArray()
   int hFileName   = FileOpenHistory ("symbols.raw", FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
   int recordCount = FileSize (hFileName) / 1936;
   int counter = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++)
      string tempSymbol = StringTrimLeft (StringTrimRight (FileReadString (hFileName, 12)));
      if (MarketInfo (tempSymbol, MODE_BID) > 0 && MarketInfo (tempSymbol, MODE_TRADEALLOWED))
         ArrayResize(symbolNames, counter + 1);
         symbolNames[counter] = tempSymbol;
      FileSeek(hFileName, 1924, SEEK_CUR);
return (0);

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |

int deinit()

   int windex = WindowFind (shortName);
   if (windex > 0)
      ObjectsDeleteAll (windex);


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |

int start()
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   int i,j,limit;

   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   for ( i = limit; i >= 0; i-- )
      for (j = 0; j < CURRENCYCOUNT; j++) { SetIndexStyle(j,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,Line_Thickness,currencyColors[j]); }   

      int    index;
      double diff = 0.0;
      ArrayInitialize(currencyValues, 0.0); 
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"USD") != -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && USD))        
         arrUSD[i]           = currencyValues[0];
         if (diff ==0) diff += currencyValues[0]; 
         else          diff -= currencyValues[0];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"EUR") != -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && EUR))        
         arrEUR[i]            = currencyValues[1];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[1]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[1];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"GBP") != -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && GBP))        
         arrGBP[i]            = currencyValues[2];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[2]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[2];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"CHF")!= -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && CHF))        
         arrCHF[i]            = currencyValues[3];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[3];
         else           diff -= currencyValues[3];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY")!= -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && JPY))        
         arrJPY[i]            = currencyValues[4];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[4]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[4];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"AUD" )!= -1)) || ( !showOnlySymbolOnChart && AUD ) )        
         arrAUD[i]            = currencyValues[5];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[5]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[5];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"CAD")!= -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && CAD))        
         arrCAD[i]            = currencyValues[6];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[6]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[6];
      if ((showOnlySymbolOnChart && (StringFind(Symbol(),"NZD")!= -1)) || (!showOnlySymbolOnChart && NZD))        
         arrNZD[i]            = currencyValues[7];
         if (diff == 0) diff += currencyValues[7]; 
         else           diff -= currencyValues[7];
      if ( i == 1 )
      if ( i == 0 )
      if (showOnlySymbolOnChart && MathAbs(diff) > differenceThreshold)
         int windex = WindowFind (shortName);
         string objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_diff_" + i;
         if ( ObjectFind (objectName) == -1)
            if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_VLINE, windex, Time[i], 0))
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_COLOR, colorDifference);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 8);


//| GetSlope()                                                       |

double GetSlope(string symbol, int tf, int shift)
   double dblTma, dblPrev;
   double gadblSlope = 0.0;
   double atr = iATR(symbol,tf,100,shift+10) / 10;
   if (atr != 0)
      if (ignoreFuture)
         dblTma     = calcTmaTrue( symbol, tf, shift);
         dblPrev    = calcPrevTrue(symbol, tf, shift);
         dblTma     = calcTma(symbol,tf,shift);
         dblPrev    = calcTma(symbol,tf,shift+1);
         gadblSlope = (dblTma - dblPrev) / atr;
return (gadblSlope);


//| calcTma()                                                        |

double calcTma(string symbol, int tf,  int shift)
   int jnx, knx;
   double dblSum  = (HalfLength+1) * iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,shift);
   double dblSumw = (HalfLength+1);
   for (jnx = 1, knx = HalfLength; jnx <= HalfLength; jnx++, knx--)
      dblSum  += iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,shift+jnx)*knx;
      dblSumw += knx;

      if (jnx <= shift)
         dblSum  += iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,shift-jnx)*knx;
         dblSumw += knx;
return (dblSum/dblSumw);

//| calcTmaTrue()                                                    |

double calcTmaTrue(string symbol, int tf, int inx )
   return (iMA(symbol,tf,HalfLength,0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_CLOSE,inx));

//| calcPrevTrue()                                                   |

double calcPrevTrue( string symbol, int tf, int inx )
   double dblSum  = (HalfLength+1) * iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,inx+1);
   double dblSumw = (HalfLength+1);
   int jnx, knx;
   dblSum  += HalfLength * iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,inx);
   dblSumw += HalfLength;
   for ( jnx = 1, knx = HalfLength; jnx <= HalfLength; jnx++, knx-- )
      dblSum  += iMA(symbol,tf,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,inx+1+jnx ) * knx;
      dblSumw += knx;
return (dblSum/dblSumw);
//| CalculateCurrencySlopeStrength(int tf, int shift                 |

void CalculateCurrencySlopeStrength(int tf, int shift)
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; i < symbolCount; i++)
      double slope = GetSlope(symbolNames[i], tf, shift);
      currencyValues[GetCurrencyIndex(StringSubstr(symbolNames[i],0,3))] += slope;
      currencyValues[GetCurrencyIndex(StringSubstr(symbolNames[i],3,3))] -= slope;
   for (i = 0; i < CURRENCYCOUNT; i++) {  currencyValues[i] /= currencyOccurrences[i]; }

//| ShowCurrencyTable()                                              |

void ShowCurrencyTable()
   int    i;
   int    tempValue;
   string objectName;
   string showText;
   color  showColor;
   int    windex = WindowFind (shortName);
   if (showOnlySymbolOnChart)
      for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         int index  = GetCurrencyIndex(StringSubstr(Symbol(),3*i,3));
         objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_currency_" + i;
         if (ObjectFind (objectName) == -1)
            if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_LABEL, windex, 0, 0))
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_CORNER,1);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,  horizontalShift * 0 + horizontalOffset + 70);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (verticalShift + 6) * i + verticalOffset - 18);
         ObjectSetText (objectName, currencyNames[index], 14, nonPropFont, currencyColors[index]);

         objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_value_" + i;
         if (ObjectFind (objectName ) == -1)
            if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_LABEL, windex, 0, 0))
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, horizontalShift * 0 + horizontalOffset - 65 + 70);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (verticalShift + 6) * i + verticalOffset - 18);
         showText = RightAlign(DoubleToStr(currencyValues[index], 2), 5);
         ObjectSetText (objectName, showText, 14, nonPropFont, currencyColors[index]);
      objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_currency_3";
      if (ObjectFind ( objectName ) == -1)
         if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_LABEL, windex, 0, 0))
            ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
            ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, horizontalShift * 0 + horizontalOffset + 5);
            ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (verticalShift + 6) * 2 + verticalOffset - 10);
      showText = "threshold = " + DoubleToStr(differenceThreshold, 1);
      ObjectSetText (objectName, showText, 8, nonPropFont, Yellow);
      double tempCurrencyValues[CURRENCYCOUNT][3];
      for (i = 0; i < CURRENCYCOUNT; i++)
         tempCurrencyValues[i][0] = currencyValues[i];
         tempCurrencyValues[i][1] = NormalizeDouble(currencyValuesPrior[i], 2);
         tempCurrencyValues[i][2] = i;
      ArraySort(tempCurrencyValues, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);

      int horizontalOffsetCross = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < CURRENCYCOUNT; i++)
         objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_currency_" + i;
         if (ObjectFind (objectName ) == -1)
            if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_LABEL, windex, 0, 0))
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, horizontalShift * 0 + horizontalOffset + 150);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (verticalShift + 2) * i + verticalOffset - 18);
         tempValue = tempCurrencyValues[i][2];
         showText = currencyNames[tempValue];
         ObjectSetText (objectName, showText, 12, nonPropFont, currencyColors[tempValue]);

         objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_value_" + i;
         if (ObjectFind ( objectName ) == -1)
            if (ObjectCreate (objectName, OBJ_LABEL, windex, 0, 0))
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1 );
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, horizontalShift * 0 + horizontalOffset - 55 + 150);
               ObjectSet (objectName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (verticalShift + 2) * i + verticalOffset - 18);
         showText = RightAlign(DoubleToStr(tempCurrencyValues[i][0], 2), 5);
         ObjectSetText (objectName, showText, 12, nonPropFont, currencyColors[tempValue]);
         objectName = almostUniqueIndex + "_css_obj_column_cross_" + i;
         if (showCrossAlerts && i < CURRENCYCOUNT-1 && NormalizeDouble(tempCurrencyValues[i][0],2) > NormalizeDouble(tempCurrencyValues[i+1][0],2)
              && tempCurrencyValues[i][1] < tempCurrencyValues[i+1][1])
            showColor = colorStrongCross;
              if (tempCurrencyValues[i][0] > 0.8 || tempCurrencyValues[i+1][0] < -0.8 ) { showColor = colorWeakCross;   }
         else if (tempCurrencyValues[i][0] > 0.4 || tempCurrencyValues[i+1][0] < -0.4 ) { showColor = colorNormalCross; }
            DrawCell(windex,objectName,horizontalShift*0 + horizontalOffset + 88 + horizontalOffsetCross, (verticalShift + 2) * i + verticalOffset - 20, 1, 27, showColor );
            if (horizontalOffsetCross == 0) { horizontalOffsetCross = -4; }
            else                            { horizontalOffsetCross = 0;  }
            else                            { DeleteCell(objectName);
                                              horizontalOffsetCross = 0;  }

//| Right Align Text                                                 |

string RightAlign (string text, int length = 10, int trailing_spaces = 0)
   string text_aligned = text;
   for (int i = 0; i < length - StringLen (text) - trailing_spaces; i++)
      text_aligned = " " + text_aligned;
   return (text_aligned);

//| DrawCell(), credits go to Alexandre A. B. Borela                 |

void DrawCell (int nWindow, string nCellName, double nX, double nY, double nWidth, double nHeight, color nColor)
   double   iHeight, iWidth, iXSpace;
   int      iSquares, i;

   if (nWidth > nHeight)
      iSquares = MathCeil (nWidth / nHeight); 
      iHeight  = MathRound((nHeight *100) / 77);
      iWidth   = MathRound((nWidth * 100) / 77); 
      iXSpace  = iWidth / iSquares - ((iHeight / (9 - (nHeight / 100))) * 2);

      for (i = 0; i < iSquares; i++)
         ObjectCreate   (nCellName + i, OBJ_LABEL, nWindow, 0, 0);
         ObjectSetText  (nCellName + i, CharToStr ( 110 ), iHeight, "Wingdings", nColor);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, nX + iXSpace * i);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, nY);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
      iSquares = MathCeil (nHeight / nWidth); 
      iHeight  = MathRound ((nHeight* 100) / 77); 
      iWidth   = MathRound ((nWidth * 100) / 77); 
      iXSpace  = iHeight / iSquares - ((iWidth / (9 - (nWidth / 100))) * 2);

      for ( i = 0; i < iSquares; i++ )
         ObjectCreate   (nCellName + i, OBJ_LABEL, nWindow, 0, 0);
         ObjectSetText  (nCellName + i, CharToStr (110), iWidth, "Wingdings", nColor);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, nX);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, nY + iXSpace * i);
         ObjectSet      (nCellName + i, OBJPROP_BACK, true);

//| DeleteCell()                                                     |

void DeleteCell(string name)
   int square = 0;
   while (ObjectFind(name + square) > -1)
      ObjectDelete(name + square);