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Europol Apprehends Scammers for $100 Million Crypto Fraud

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:19 pm
by mlawson71
Ten cybercriminals were arrested by Europol and charged with stealing 100 US dollars in digital currencies. The criminals in question used a SIM-swapping technique to scam people.
According to the press release issued by Europol, the scammers were targeting wealthy people, online influencers, musicians, and sports stars and managed to steal 100 million US dollars through gaining access to their victims’ phones.
These arrests came after lengthy investigation involving multiple nations - Canada, the US, the UK, Belgium, and Malta – by local police, all coordinated by Europol.
Europol stated that “… the investigation uncovered how a network composed of a dozen criminals worked together to access the victims’ phone numbers and take control of their apps or accounts by changing the passwords,”
You'd think that with 100 million USD in their pocket they'd just disappear, but greed got the better of them, as it often happens.