simple_oscillator_(nr13) (normal/reversible) contains 12 simple_oscillators and 1 stochastic.
simple_oscillator_(m13_u12)_0.1 (ultimate version 0.1) contains within itself 12* simple_oscillator_(nr13).
And there are many filters and options. Some options obey other options, meaning they make changes when other options are enabled.
simple_oscillator_ch_(m13_u12)_m0.1 is used only for visualization. It is embedded in the m13_u12 "channel_b6b7".
Buffers 6.7 for the advisor.
The "fur_tree" option shows the length of the trend*. If you experiment with the settings, you can find convergence.
Other settings will show the divergence.
There are a lot of options. I think I haven't considered all the possible options.
My idea was to create an advisor that can scan all the options.
But I don't think I can do it, I don't have the time.