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Re: VFFT indicator

RodrigoRT7, Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:58 am

Hello everyone, everything good? Passing by to share something I found in my research.

From what I read, there was a lot of demand for this version of the Very Fast Fourier Transform.

I think Loxx created something along these lines.

It is worth remembering that predictive indicators repaint, but if you are interested, here it is for your analysis.

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © loxx

indicator("Real-Fast Fourier Transform of Price w/ Linear Regression [Loxx]",
shorttitle = "RFFTP [Loxx]",
overlay = true,
max_lines_count = 500)

greencolor = #2DD204
redcolor = #D2042D

//| Real Fast Fourier Transform |
//The algorithm performs a fast Fourier transform of a real
//function defined by n samples on the real axis.
//Depending on the passed parameters, it can be executed
//both direct and inverse conversion.
// Input parameters:
// tnn - Number of function values. Must be degree
// deuces. Algorithm does not validate
// passed value.
// a - array [0 .. nn-1] of Real
// Function values.
// InverseFFT
// - the direction of the transformation.
// True if reverse, False if direct.
// Output parameters:
// a - the result of the transformation.
// For more details, see description on the site:

_realFastFourierTransform(float[] a, int tnn, bool inversefft)=>
float twr = 0.
float twi = 0.
float twpr = 0.
float twpi = 0.
float twtemp = 0.
float ttheta = 0.
int i = 0
int i1 = 0
int i2 = 0
int i3 = 0
int i4 = 0
float c1 = 0.
float c2 = 0.
float h1r = 0.
float h1i = 0.
float h2r = 0.
float h2i = 0.
float wrs = 0.
float wis = 0.
int nn = 0
int n = 0
int mmax = 0
int m = 0
int j = 0
int istep = 0
int isign = 0
float wtemp = 0.
float wr = 0.
float wpr = 0.
float wpi = 0.
float wi = 0.
float theta = 0.
float tempr = 0.
float tempi = 0.

if (tnn != 1)
if (not inversefft)
ttheta := 2.0 * math.pi / tnn
c1 := 0.5
c2 := -0.5
ttheta := 2.0 * math.pi / tnn
c1 := 0.5
c2 := 0.5
ttheta := -ttheta
twpr := -2.0 * math.pow(math.sin(0.5 * ttheta), 2)
twpi := math.sin(ttheta)
twr := 1.0 + twpr
twi := twpi

for ix = 2 to tnn / 4 + 1
i1 := ix + ix - 2
i2 := i1 + 1
i3 := tnn + 1 - i2
i4 := i3 + 1
wrs := twr
wis := twi
h1r := c1 * (array.get(a, i1) + array.get(a, i3))
h1i := c1 * (array.get(a, i2) - array.get(a, i4))
h2r := -c2 * (array.get(a, i2) + array.get(a, i4))
h2i := c2 * (array.get(a, i1) - array.get(a, i3))
array.set(a, i1, h1r + wrs * h2r - wis * h2i)
array.set(a, i2, h1i + wrs * h2i + wis * h2r)
array.set(a, i3, h1r - wrs * h2r + wis * h2i)
array.set(a, i4, -h1i + wrs * h2i + wis * h2r)
twtemp := twr
twr := twr * twpr - twi * twpi + twr
twi := twi * twpr + twtemp * twpi + twi

h1r := array.get(a, 0)
array.set(a, 0, c1 * (h1r + array.get(a, 1)))
array.set(a, 1, c1 * (h1r - array.get(a, 1)))

if (inversefft)
isign := -1
isign := 1

n := tnn
nn := tnn / 2
j := 1
for ii = 1 to nn
i := 2 * ii - 1
if (j > i)
tempr := array.get(a, j - 1)
tempi := array.get(a, j)
array.set(a, j - 1, array.get(a, i - 1))
array.set(a, j, array.get(a, i))
array.set(a, i - 1, tempr)
array.set(a, i, tempi)

m := n / 2
while (m >= 2 and j > m)
j := j - m
m := m / 2

j := j + m

mmax := 2
while (n > mmax)
istep := 2 * mmax
theta := 2.0 * math.pi / (isign * mmax)
wpr := -2.0 * math.pow(math.sin(0.5 * theta), 2)
wpi := math.sin(theta)
wr := 1.0
wi := 0.0
for ii = 1 to mmax / 2
m := 2 * ii - 1
for jj = 0 to (n - m) / istep
i := m + jj * istep
j := i + mmax
tempr := wr * array.get(a, j - 1) - wi * array.get(a, j)
tempi := wr * array.get(a, j) + wi * array.get(a, j - 1)
array.set(a, j - 1, array.get(a, i - 1) - tempr)
array.set(a, j, array.get(a, i) - tempi)
array.set(a, i - 1, array.get(a, i - 1) + tempr)
array.set(a, i, array.get(a, i) + tempi)

wtemp := wr
wr := wr * wpr - wi * wpi + wr
wi := wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi

mmax := istep

if (inversefft)
for ix = 1 to 2 * nn
array.set(a, ix - 1, array.get(a, ix - 1) / nn)

if (not inversefft)
twpr := -2.0 * math.pow(math.sin(0.5 * ttheta), 2)
twpi := math.sin(ttheta)
twr := 1.0 + twpr
twi := twpi

for ix = 2 to tnn / 4 + 1
i1 := ix + ix - 2
i2 := i1 + 1
i3 := tnn + 1 - i2
i4 := i3 + 1
wrs := twr
wis := twi
h1r := c1 * (array.get(a, i1) + array.get(a, i3))
h1i := c1 * (array.get(a, i2) - array.get(a, i4))
h2r := -c2 * (array.get(a, i2) + array.get(a, i4))
h2i := c2 * (array.get(a, i1) - array.get(a, i3))
array.set(a, i1, h1r + wrs * h2r - wis * h2i)
array.set(a, i2, h1i + wrs * h2i + wis * h2r)
array.set(a, i3, h1r - wrs * h2r + wis * h2i)
array.set(a, i4, -h1i + wrs * h2i + wis * h2r)
twtemp := twr
twr := twr * twpr - twi * twpi + twr
twi := twi * twpr + twtemp * twpi + twi

h1r := array.get(a, 0)
array.set(a, 0, h1r + array.get(a, 1))
array.set(a, 1, h1r - array.get(a, 1))

//linear regression value
_iLRValue(float[] src, float period, float slope)=>
float SumXY = 0.
float SumY = 0.
float sumX = period * (period - 1) / 2.0
float sumXX = period * (period - 1) * (2.0 * period - 1.0) / 6.0
float divisor = math.pow(sumX, 2.0) - period * sumXX

slope1 = slope
for k = 0 to period - 1
SumXY += k * array.get(src, k)
SumY += array.get(src, k)

if (divisor != 0)
slope1 := (period * SumXY - sumX * SumY) / divisor
slope1 := 0
out = ((SumY - slope1 * sumX) / period + slope1 * (period - 1.0))
[out, slope1]

src = input.source(close, "Source", group = "Basic Settings")
uselreg = input.bool(true, "Use Linear Regression?", group = "Basic Settings")
Windowin = input.string("512", "Window", options = ["4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048"], group = "Basic Settings")
Treshold = input.float(0.03, "Treshold", step = 0.001, group = "Basic Settings")
dtrendper =, "Detrended Line Period", group = "Basic Settings")
barsback =, "Last Bar", minval = 0, group = "Basic Settings")
mutebars = input.bool(true, "Bar color muting?", group = "Basic Settings")

//| Initialize variables

var pvlines = array.new_line(0)
var lrlines = array.new_line(0)

//| Force input Window period to lowest nearest power of 2,
//| we alreadsy solved to make sure user can
//| only select powers of 2

Window = str.tonumber(Windowin)
n = int(math.log(Window) / math.log(2))
N = int(math.max(math.pow(2, n), 16))

barcolor(mutebars ? last_bar_index - bar_index >= barsback and last_bar_index - bar_index < N ? color.gray : na : na)

//| Initialize lines for drawing later
countout = Window >= 256 ? 250 : Window
if barstate.isfirst
for i = 0 to countout - 1
array.push(pvlines,, na, na, na))
array.push(lrlines,, na, na, na))

//| Core compute
if barstate.islast

//| Initial variables
dlLength = dtrendper > N or dtrendper < 1 ? N : dtrendper
work =<float>(N, 0.)
price =<float>(N, 0.)
lr =<float>(N, 0.)
fft =<float>(N, 0.)

for i = 0 to N - 1
array.set(price, i, nz(src[i + barsback]))

endValue = 0.
slope = 0.

//| Apply Linear Regression and detrending
if (uselreg)
[dv, slp] = _iLRValue(price, dlLength, slope)
endValue := dv
slope := slp
endValue := array.get(price, 0)
slope := (endValue - array.get(price, dlLength - 1)) / dlLength

for i = N - 1 to 0
array.set(lr, i, endValue - slope * i)
array.set(work, i, array.get(price, i) - array.get(lr, i))

//| Apply Regular FFT and calculate powers and modified by threshhold
_realFastFourierTransform(work, N, false)

for i = 1 to N / 2 - 1
amp = math.sqrt(math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2), 2) + math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2 + 1), 2))
add = 0.
if (not (array.get(work, i * 2) > 0))
add := math.pi
phase = math.atan(array.get(work, i * 2 + 1) / array.get(work, i * 2))
array.set(work, i * 2, amp * math.cos(phase + add))
array.set(work, i * 2 + 1, amp * math.sin(phase + add))

power = 0.
for i = 1 to N / 2 - 1
power += math.sqrt(math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2), 2) + math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2 + 1), 2))
treshold = power * Treshold

for i = 1 to N / 2 - 1
tmp = math.sqrt(math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2), 2) + math.pow(array.get(work, i * 2 + 1), 2))
if (tmp < treshold)
array.set(work, i * 2, 0)
array.set(work, i * 2 + 1, 0)

//| Apply Inverse FFT and final output
_realFastFourierTransform(work, N , true)
for i = 0 to N - 1
array.set(fft, i, array.get(work, i) + array.get(lr, i))

skipper = Window == 2048 ? 8 : Window == 1024 ? 4 : Window == 512 ? 2 : 1
int i = 0
int j = 0

//| Draw lines w/ skipping to stay within 500 line limit
while i < N and i < array.size(fft) - 2

if j > array.size(pvlines) - 1
pvline = array.get(pvlines, j)
colorout = i < array.size(fft) - 2 ? array.get(fft, i) > array.get(fft, i + skipper) ? greencolor : redcolor : na
line.set_xy1(pvline, bar_index - i - skipper - barsback, array.get(fft, i + skipper))
line.set_xy2(pvline, bar_index - i - barsback, array.get(fft, i))
line.set_color(pvline, colorout)
line.set_style(pvline, line.style_solid)
line.set_width(pvline, 5)

lrline = array.get(lrlines, j)
colorout2 = i < array.size(lr) - 2 ? array.get(lr, i) > array.get(lr, i + skipper) ? greencolor : redcolor : na
line.set_xy1(lrline, bar_index - i - skipper - barsback, array.get(lr, i + skipper))
line.set_xy2(lrline, bar_index - i - barsback, array.get(lr, i))
line.set_color(lrline, colorout2)
line.set_style(lrline, line.style_solid)
line.set_width(lrline, 2)

i += skipper
j += 1

Note: I'm posting just for analysis, I don't know if this indicator can actually be used in trading, as I noticed that it repaints strongly.
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