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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji, Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:37 am

Of Solar Winds and Chaos

I spoke a while ago about a number called the FLIP Factor. When available to you it calls a pullback exactly ------------> extremely useful in persistent trends like we have in Gold and it enables you hold your trades confident you will know the play before it happens (among other things and along with other similar functions in Orbit), as I showed yesterday. So I appear to use “technical” indicators just as everyone. But if anyone still recalls I had occasion to explain to one of the big boys here when I first came that we use them differently. Let me just give a hint.
a) The most precise estimate of a turning point is a point made in real-time by an amplitude seeking indicator.
b) Suppose you wish the same precision with say some oscillator so that you read their indications no different in precision than an amplitude seeking vector (And I can fully justify that usage)?
c) By topological thinking you consider that you need to know much like the Feigenbaum constant does, conditions not just for when you have period doubling bifurcations but also its inverse period halving bifurcations given that price interchanges these conditions OR MORE CORRECTLY BEHAVIOURS. That is to find a ratio of difference in timing between 2 functions.
d) If you are not going to do so symbological but analogously one way might be to use 2 different indicators as below. Then you use that number to inform say another indicator by look back (which has a response rate that will best signal at the desired value), when to indicate the same number to the trader to tell him to quit trading direction and that the next move is a tradable pullback. This information has to be reliable such that the trader never thinks twice.
e) Now you must rely on the rates at which these two deform at various point spans, and in what topology (i.e. a top, “Saddle,” or bottom (which you have first defined as a structure that you can identify and also when I say topology I mean some dynamical measure space in which numbers etc are not needed but that accept other “things” that behave like numbers). This is not as simple as simple as trial and error - input that or this period no. It is timing information you need -------> where, what and when.
f) My point is not to reveal how I made Orbit the Tool so different but in fact to talk about the indicator Solar Winds. In these parts it is assumed to be a cardinal sin to mention the name “Solar Wind” which is joked at robustly by all and sundry – certain that it is useless (and only a fool would go near it). Yes a joke indicator it was, but no more and not since chaos became a force in trading thinking.
g) As you can see below even just by eye in the exercise we partially identify above, the key is the difference in deformation rates given price action. There is no indicator I know in the entire system of indicators that exist that beats the “Solar Wind” indicator as a reference or base rate. It is so profoundly accurate and sensitive to the right degree to distortions in space (cyclical trends), it turns out to be a work of genius where you have the same need as above. Look at the 2 indicators morphed. See how differently they read stuff (both are clearly uniquely responsive to deformation). Will not go on and on but what people call “repainting” needs to be rethought. You see you cannot measure a variable correctly unless you take time and effort to understand its dynamics. Look at the 2 where is the “repaint.” is Ok I hear someone say it returned to shape must have been while price was live. But it reflects actual price dynamics very correctly and live measures of events is what happens now not what happens in history. But better still if you get to where I am coming from you will find that is exactly what you need ---> that information in real time the one you call “repaint”.
h) I am of course not talking “technical” analysis for which I have not an iota of regard because it carries no knowledge whatsoever about dynamics and how the market works. Sure I know “technical” trading, who does not in trading ----------> it is the cheapest router to the pretence that one is a trader, next only to another ruse “fundamental” analysis. And I make no apologies now or EVER I am fully justified by my experience and knowledge including my full understanding of “technical” ideas. If I had the knowledge I have now when I came into trading I would have been far better off. Show me a single idea in “technical” analysis and or “fundamental” analysis that can pass for real knowledge of any kind or anything. There is nothing. I do not abide by their standards or norms. I seek perfection.

The Crow (_-_) Inverted

PS:@ mntiwana said it best for me ------------------->of indicators, something to the effect “if you do not understand it leave it, if you do work your best with it. (Sorry cannot find the exact expression just now, but in fact it was and is for those who find the actual quote one of the most profound and true statements I ever read on the Station).
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