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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji, Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:21 pm

The indication is that we are in Initial Conditions and that in chaos theory is the stage where the system (the Market in this case), selects one out of several possible sequences to support in direction through all the stages on "the road to chaos" as it is called.
If you look at the books attached we tried to show the state of play at this stage and imply that perturbations increase significantly (called intermittency), until Initial Value is isolated and sequence goes beyond what is called Fixed Points. Section D in both books shows this in terms of the Logistic Map. And I mention it here only for reference and study for those interested in how we have modelled the market.
In trading terms, if we are going down a) Section D shows that the current top could still be spiked higher but should immediately return in direction to persist lower b) But if going up (most times not always), the same spike can return to a low Y (2) in the trade frame to eventually rotate completely out of FLE range and promote the high A(3) even further.
Again the only solution for catching which way is to trade point to point until we get a reversal signal then we can trade and hold trades. From my screenshot it is interesting to look at the previous top to the left and consider what you see (though history has hidden the past paths so you need to be careful to see what went on then, and later look at both high and low turns and note the similarities that may exist across all such events in history), and try to compare with the diagrams in the books just for next time. I assume at this point that price is negotiating a fall and so waiting for a whitehead high (less than the crown), to make an entry low and hold that trade. This of course is subject to the play ahead and the signs and indications provided by Orbit Screenface as we go. I am not sure as I have not checked and may not check to confirm but I think today is an FOMC event day so let us see how things work out. But my opportunity to remind that OrbitPlay books hold information that help us understand the chaos more ------------> especially that while seemingly random the structure of moves are in fact prescripted by chaos.


PS: You need to look at both books one after the other to get it. Mainly pictures and diagrams anyway.
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