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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji, Sat Jul 22, 2023 11:50 pm

Program Reset

In the past era it would appear to me that many showed curiosity about and interest in the idea of deterministic trading (i.e. point to point trading). In my mind it is a clear and simple idea and the only logical approach where the market is chaotic (the variable affects the quote data space by repeatedly folding and stretching that space). I tried to demonstrate that in such a space you can only win consistently by trading the current diagonal (zigzag length on which the market is "trending"). Hence point to point.

In this second era - I will try again to show the same things but in a different way, and a step by step way. The idea is so simply explained here that it should take just about a weekend to absorb, contemplate and apply. To be able to trade chaos in a week however, we give you 2 books specially written to train you in the ideas and how to apply them step by step to trading and hence the The Orbit Rulebook and Orbit Playbook. The idea is to read them over your quite time say over a weekend and then test-trade the same ideas for a full week to clinch the understanding. The tool has also been updated to do the job more directly and in line with the trading steps clearly outlined in the books.

There are no shortcuts however, you must read the entire books, understand the instructions, and test them without mixing them up with your current strategy to fully appreciate what the idea is and how easy it is to apply plus how quick it is to get results that way.

(_-_) Inverted

PS: You must replace your current Orbit rig with the new rig attached exactly to benefit from the new knowledge of the tool.
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