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Re: The FNC Greedy System

commodus, Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:26 pm

HeLLo Mr.Funchi
1- could you please kindly convert these indicators:

A- angle centered TMA
B- MACD_(bb_trix_hma)_m1
C- half-trend fast

I attached the signal state picture of each. (apologize for too many requests.. :stressed: )
thanx for your Kindness sir :In Love:
(PS: EDITED Request. because MR.Redeye request was same as me, so I delete and replace with other awsome indicators of forexfactory and FS)
2- Also i have a problem with choosing states in settings of the converted indicators where we should manually insret state as a number, i think some of them begin from 1 and the others begin from 0 and there is no guide for knowing that..
for example in "FNC_dashboard_Ind_ms_Absolute_strength_diff" indicator ,probably field of "abs Type" begin from 1 and field of "inp price" and "inp ma method" begin from 0 ! and without a note guide its really confusing, I suggest all the fields of indicators become Drop list or atleast have a note in form (0- max number) :think:
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