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Re: WW3 Countdown

Ogee, Wed May 24, 2023 3:47 pm

Said it before and will say again, thanks to the efforts of NATO and the Ukraine this is the dumbest war in living memory.
To recap, Russia entered the war after 8 years of provocation and 4,000 east Ukrainian civilian deaths.

They quickly took their objective, the 4 eastern provinces, and stopped.

Ukraine sent half their army to Bakhmut. The Russians sent a private military company (PMC) of 50,000 backed up with Russian artillery to face them.

The winter proved too muddy to move equipment so Bakhmut became the centre of operations.

Over the winter the PMC destroyed the Ukrainian opposition and captured the city.

Now the Ukrainian army are reduced to mosquito raids over the border to take selfies and drop leaflets telling the Russians to surrender.

(Look, you can nearly match up the faces of those in the selfie and those in the body bags. Whoever sent them to their deaths for a publicity stunt should be shot)

Meanwhile NATO is pushing Zelensky to commit his last 100,000 men into a 'counteroffensive' promising Ukraine entry into the EU and NATO as soon as they win the war.
The snag is 500,000 Russian troops on Ukraine soil who have had nothing to do all winter but create an impregnable defensive line.

The Russians of course would like nothing better than to see the 'counteroffensive' and finish off the Ukraine army leaving nothing between them and the Polish border.
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