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Re: WW3 Countdown

NewLight, Sun May 14, 2023 11:15 pm

Some thoughts:
The special operation in Ukraine has stepped up the transition of the world to multipolarity.

Russia's decision to launch a special military operation in Ukraine corrected a historical anomaly. The NWO also stepped up the transition of the world from unipolarity to multipolarity, American political scientist Andrew Korybko noted in a Global Times article.

The expert explained that the unipolar world was formed after the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). This situation was due to a combination of circumstances, not because the US was an “exceptional” country. Since 2022, Russia has begun the process of restoring the global balance.

“Last year, an opportunity arose to accelerate the so-called “return to the normal course of history” thanks to a special operation in Ukraine, which in an unprecedented way activated the global systemic transition to multipolarity,” Andrew Korybko explained.
TRUE or False?? :eh:
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