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Re: It will stop

RplusT, Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:53 pm

[quote=nathanvbasko post_id=1295510672 time=1682327352 user_id=4927738]
I can only say this... This war will be stopped by so-called Gods ;)

However, for this war to end... Russians themselves must overthrow Putin (either by killing, executing or removing him) - IMHO.
[/quotyymandatmleast aingle]

I beg to be different, The Reason for this war is the US with demented Biden, his Westwern puppets and the greedy Ukrainians seeing a hundred Billions of free money flowing in. Anyone with responsibility and at least a single braincell ( the crater heads have got obviously none of that} would have kept the country neutral. And nothing of this would have happened. Just imagine to have Russia station its troops at the US border in Mexico. What think would happen. Thus Putin's reaction was pretty logic. I'd do the same. But much faster and with no warning.

Thus your sentence should read...." Americans themselves should overthrow demented Biden and remove him for this war stop. Likewise his puppets in Europe". No offense, but that's the reality extensively documented too, even in the US.

There was a reason why Trump refused to send them American tax payers funds. And in this regard I side with him. He was impeached for that, Demented Joe send them 40 Billion and publicly refused to be held accountable. Go figure!

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