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Re: WW3 Countdown

Ogee, Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:51 pm

Leaked U.S. intelligence documents have exposed Western disinformation about Ukraine winning the war. Now the heavy fighting moves to Washington.

“U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says.”

'mainstream media has been reporting about Ukraine has been a pack of lies: namely that Ukraine is winning the war and is poised to launch an offensive that will lead to a final victory.'

The strategy of Ukraine going ahead with an offensive it knows will achieve little is Kiev’s last gasp ...

Most importantly for the West, the failure of this last-gasp attempt would serve as a way for it to escape the disaster it has created for itself: namely, the backfiring of the economic war on Russia.

Texiera was not in the C.I.A. so there is no way he’d have access to an Operations Center document, Johnson wrote. So how did he get his hands on it?

The implication is that Texiera may have been a patsy ... nformation

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