Below is the screenshot of Gold per FOMC event just now (pity I exited trade and thought of this only after I did), and below it Added last NFP. The test of Orbit is simple:
a) For any major event such as the FOMC on any asset at all take the same kind of snap as below
b) Show me one that was wrong based on INVERSE ON reading. If we all agree to do this then I am saying that 100/100 times Orbit is right. And that is the benchmark.
c) I have said and I mean that the derivation is not simple or by chance. Just as we have the law of gravity in the real world so we have INVERSE ON in traded markets. Cannot fail EVER. Please learn to trade by it. Not a usual concept I agree but that is why Orbit the Tool is beyond some indicator or "trading system." It is the market.
PS: This challenge is for everyone and anyone at all. Show us any event where the INVERSE ON command failed to lead you from folding to stretching. Please take this test seriously it only requires a snap. Waiting to see who can find an instance of failure but knowing that is impossible I also suggest that we take snaps just as this for events and post them here to reassure ourselves and others that in fact Orbit the Tool is the exact solution of the delicate conundrum traders face world wide. And it is not a brag we now have a scientific way to test and prove it right here on Forex Station. Snap must = Folding part and Stretching part so we all see the path dependency of price and you do not need to trade to snap. Just the snap as here is fine. Thank you All
Attachments forums
Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space
Darkdoji, Thu Mar 23, 2023 6:58 am