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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji, Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:36 am

I hear people say "I do not know how I am supposed to trade this thing" ----------------> Well what do you expect? a) I have posted several how to trade the tool documents on the site and maybe people ignore them or read them but do not quite understand so b) if you do not ask questions how do you expect to gain the sense by which it can be traded? c) we have said the tool is driven by an equation that gives you 100/100 times correct trades so one thought people will be curious to know how to take advantage of such accuracy but no one is asking questions about how to trade it so that is the problem. If you ask you will be given answers and gradually you will work out how to trade it. The point is if you do not know how to trade it how do you expect to gain the benefits from it? By magic? That is not possible in the real world no matter how expert a trader you are. To help I again post here another downloadable .txt guide to easy and effective trading and winning but if you do not ask questions there is no way to gain the exact knowledge of how to use --------------> asking does not mean you are a fool or stupid or inexperienced or somehow incapable. It simply means you are dealing with something someone else put together and want to understand it enough to decide whether it is of use to you as a trading device. So please ask and you may find that this is the most useful trading device ever made and to your advantage too.

PS: Combine this with the older how to trade posts and note each is relevant in different ways. Cheers
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