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MT4 MT5 "Linked To Scams" is removed from The App Store

ChuChu Rocket, Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:56 am

The plot thickens. MT4 MT5 "Linked To Crypto Scams" is removed from The App Store 🤔

According to Forbes

"The MetaTrader apps, which are made by a Cypriot-based company called MetaQuotes, has been used to perpetrate a new type of cryptocurrency scam, known as pig butchering, where a scammer builds a longer term relationship with their victim before convincing them to invest money over time. A key element of the scam is the use of bogus cryptocurrency apps and websites, which purport to show the victim that they’re making money off their investment, when in fact the scammer has taken everything.

Apple’s ban of MetaTrader comes two weeks after Forbes profiled one California-based scam victim, who lost over $1 million last year. This victim, known as Cy, made all of his purported trades on the MetaTrader app, which showed him fictitious returns. At the time, Apple spokesperson Adam Dema said the company was investigating MetaTrader and was looking into additional action to protect App Store users if necessary."

Pig Butchering? 😂
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