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vvFish, Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:31 pm

:problem: :thumbup:
The fund of the Lviv Historical Museum was replenished with the original map of Ukraine in 1918. It was donated to the museum by a private individual. A unique card was accidentally acquired by him back in Soviet times.

Scientists say that this is a discovery in Ukrainian cartography. After all, until that time, only a map of the Ukrainian lands by Ivan Velichko in 1896 was known. The map of 1918, published in Austria, for the first time marked the state borders of Ukraine, which were recognized by Russia during the peace treaty with Ukraine of 1918.
The map says - "Map of Ukraine 1918". It shows the borders of the UNR as of October 1918. Then the Ukrainian state belonged to the Eastern Slobozhanshchina, still occupied by Russia (modern Kursk and Voronezh regions - the wedge stretched for 250 kilometers) and, of course, Crimea. “Without a doubt, Crimea was then part of Ukraine. This map is designed so that contemporaries, on the basis of a document, and this is a map-document, which was published in Vienna by a well-known company, could see what Ukraine was like in 1918, how these borders have changed,” said the chairman of the Ukraine- Russia" Rostislav Novozhenets.

Historian Ivan Svarnik considers this map "a sensational original document", because it is the first map of Ukraine as a state, it was the first to show state borders.

Maps of Ukraine of 1918 were purposefully destroyed in Soviet times* and for its storage one could get up to 10 years in prison.
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