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Jedidiah, Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:47 pm

Intrest 1 wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:42 pm By the way, the real historical border of China runs along the Great Wall of China.
This wall was built by the Chinese as an indemnity in the lost war to the northern tribes.
All loopholes of this wall are turned towards China. It's like a reminder of who she was supposed to protect the people of the north from.
All the lands north of the Great Wall of China have been illegally seized by the Chinese and someday they will again be driven back south of this wall into their historical limits.
A long time ago Russians were only in Europe and should not live in Asia :lmao:

Zheltorossiya is a failed colonial [1] project of the Russian Empire , which was considered at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

The concept of Zheltorossiya was first used by the journalist Ilya Levitov , who wrote: “By Zheltorossiya I mean the space in which the Russian element mixes with the yellow race , especially the one that stretches from Baikal to the Pacific Ocean . This space is, as it were, isolated from Russia and has something in common with it” [2] .

It was supposed to reject part of its northeastern lands, in particular Manchuria , from the weakened Qing China , and their Russification , both due to the resettlement of Russian Cossacks and peasants, and due to the mass conversion of the local Chinese population to Christianity .

Желторо́ссия — несостоявшийся колониальный[1] проект Российской империи, который рассматривался на рубеже XIX—XX веков.

Понятие Желтороссия впервые употребил журналист Илья Левитов, который писал: «Под Желтороссией я понимаю пространство, в котором русский элемент смешивается с желтой расой, особенно то, которое простирается от Байкала к Тихому океану. Это пространство как бы изолировано от России и имеет с ней нечто общее»[2].

Предполагалось отторжение от ослабевшего Цинского Китая части его северо-восточных земель, в частности Маньчжурии, и их русификация, как за счёт переселения русских казаков и крестьян, так и за счёт массового обращения местного китайского населения в христианство.
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