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Re: WEF (aka The Davos Billionaire's Private Club)

Ogee, Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:08 pm

Of course you all know the covid thread, the climate change thread and the WEF thread are all related.

Brian @Brian13308504

12h • 7 tweets • 2 min read

Something everyone should know about the disastrous nitrogen fertilizer policy in conjunction with the grievously unsound practice of producing ethanol:

In 2007 George Bush rolled out a plan to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. That plan was to grow corn to be converted to ethanol which was then to be added to gasoline so, of course, we would burn less gas.

Overnight the cost of nitrogen based fertilizer tripled & dairy doubled (under the false premise that cows eat corn; they consume cellulose vie grass, hay or wood shavings & sawdust). Naturally as milk, butter & cheese doubled, eggs followed. The cost of corn products for food also went significantly higher which caused great pain for nation consuming many corn products. What was the result of this idiocy?

Every spare corner of land was utilized to grow corn causing soil depletion & erosion & causing significant ecosystem destruction in the rivers, streams & lakes where excess nitrogen runoff caused algae & plant life to take off & choke the oxygen from the waterways & kill off natural occupants. Was this ecological disaster worth the trade off in reduced fuel consumption? Just the opposite, in fact.

In units of energy it requires 4 units of petrol to make 1 until of ethanol. These facts were certified by scientists & environmentalist. We were using 4 times as much fuel, in this industry, than we ever had & at a significant loss. If anyone wanted to reduce nitrogen based fertilizer for a sound, ecological & energy benefit then this is where we should start. That alone would reduce nitrogen use by at least 30%.

This planned land grab, food control & food reduction plan by the WEF is NOT about saving the environment at all but about facilitating a reduction in population & transitioning us to eat bugs & poisoned GMO "foodstuffs" they have planned such as "food" the WEF says will contain "vaccines". ... a19abe67d3
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