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Re: Daily Timeframe SwingTrading Template

Kathy McGarry, Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:51 pm

Hey Pumba,

Thanks for your patience.

I migrated to the daily timeframe 3 years ago, and haven't looked back. Because of work commitments and leisure time (you have to live life), I don't have the luxury of watching 15 minute bars go up and down. In saying that, a lot of folk love it. Never-the-less, I have always been an Ichimoku trader. The alternative ichi, is much simpler, so I use that as a baseline (in your words).

The indicators and their descriptions are not mine, they are freely available on this site, or FF or MQL5

The value chart gives me an OB/OS condition, and the MACD the entry.......AFTER the VC has been OB/OS...if that makes sense.
The halftrend is the current trend
MACD 5,13,9

The above is a vague explanation, and I have attached information for your perusal. A bit of light reading won't do any harm... hehehe!

I have to go, will get into details when I get a chance.

Take care, stay safe.

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