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Re: Coding Help

Jackson Doh, Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:06 am

Dear Mr Tools,
I wonder if you could spare a little time please to examine a repainting issue occurring on the attached Step Jurik Histo Experiment indicator? I have asked the indicator's coder kvak already but no solution could be found.

It seems that nearly every time the signal changes from buy to sell the last closed buy histo bar repaints to a sell bar. There doesn't appear to be any issue when changing from sell to buy. Attached please find the original average line and histo versions from the Jurik thread. Picture with all 3 indicators with same default settings.

I have tried a few different things to fix it but my knowledge is limited. I removed CleanPoint, found useSize was needed, but couldn't improve on the original.

Many thanks,

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