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Apple to scan all iPhones for "child abuse" images

ChuChu Rocket, Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:50 am

Apple to scan all iPhones for "child abuse" images

Apple to scan all iPhones and devices for images of child sexual abuse.

In a recent report by major news outlets, Apple will be scanning all images on iPhones and other Apple devices using their new neuralMatch tool.

The nueralMatch tool will then detect images of "child sexual abuse" before they’re uploaded to the iCloud. This will include all:

  • iPhones
  • iPads
  • Other Apple devices

If the neuralMatch program finds a suspicious image, the picture will be reviewed by a staff member of Apple.

If content is deemed child abuse, police will be called as well as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Now, I'm all for cracking down on pedophiles, but for a company who claims to be privacy-friendly, what's going on here? :think:

Will you be happy with Apple snooping through your personal and private pictures?

More information on the neuralMatch tool can be found in the attachment below.
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