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Excel Live Trading Data

Lumios, Tue May 26, 2020 8:21 am

Excel Live Trading Data from MT4

Hey everyone!

Been looking for a way to contribute to this wonderful site, but since I don't make indicators I thought I could add in another way. I've been working on a large project recently that I decided to take this from it and share with you. Its an overview of the Major/Minor market pairs so you can see pricing, spread, and current price distance from high to low. Possibilities are limitless. This was a tool I always wanted when I first started trading but could never find so I hope this is helpful for you, especially new traders.

Note that this excel sheet has NO VBA. All cells are unlocked so you can modify, expand, make it your own.

Be sure to enable DDE server in MT4 under options. Also, open MT4 first before you open the excel sheet. See below for help guide.
--- --- ---
Help Guide:

Open MT4 and open options (ctrl O)
Click OK
Click Continue
Click Options at the bottom
Click Trust Center
Click appropriate boxes
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