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Re: T-Step LSMA Development Thread -JOIN US !

ionone, Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:30 pm

ok so here are the parts i'm not so sure about.
let's figure this out.

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this part:
 //n = cum(1)-1
 int n = bars -2;
 cum(1) computes the number of bars since bar 1, but as I said in a previous message, this means the period used will be dependent on the number of bars in the chart, which is not quite good. so i'll replace this with a setting parameter. I think you agree ?

this part:
//a = cum(abs(src - nz(b[1],src)))/n*(1+er)
is it ..... / (n*(1+er)) or (.... / n)*(1+er) ? i'm not sure about Pine Script priorities

the rest should be good i think

here is updated version 02 and here is a screenshot
it looks good

but here, before that screenshot it doesn't
thanks guys
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