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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

jcorp01, Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:02 pm

Thanks Xard for winning me over on indices...

Not completely moved over yet as I'm still uncomfortable with the big pips/volatility, but I'm getting there.

2 trades on the DOW.

+ 120
+ 190
= 310

Would've taken me a few days scalping gold to get that.

Got in a bit late on the buy, but saw resistance up near 19400, so took it long.

On the sell, we hit resistance so got in a bit earlier... signal line changed but not the trend. If you're new, wait for the cross of the trend line.

And if you're comfortable (or get comfortable fast), try out indices. Big movements... and you're spending the same amount of time on the charts, just bigger payoffs.
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