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Re: NT8 NinjaTrader 8 indicators

mladen, Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:36 pm

I am copy/pasting the description :

Regression Channel with fixed start V2 NT8.0.2 updated


Update V2.1.0 22 Jan=>

* Bug fix: On some occasions when using fixed start the LRC would not adjust accordingly.
* Made text messages more readable and less intrusive. (From feedback....thank you).
* Added option for a start marker. (From feedback....thank you).
* ZOrder adjustment - place behind or in front of bars.
* For coders: 'Friendly' names enums - no more camel case enums!

Update V2.0.2 Jan=>

* Added Mean Absolute Deviation thanks to 'spooz2'

Note: Make sure you have >= NT8.0.3.1 for the button to work without issues.

Included with this LRC:

* Ability to start the LRC from any bar of your choosing via a button.
* Directional coloring.
* Bands
* Four different price marker displays: Price, Standard deviations, ticks from the middle line, regression slope per ticksize (which enables you to compare the slopes of other instruments)
* Decimal places formatter....adjust to your liking.
* Ability to use Raff channels as shown here in TASC Oct 1991
* You can use on any indicator
* Unlike the NT8 version, you can scroll backwards and the LRC will plot the past.


If using the LRC fixed start feature you will have to manually refresh the chart by pressing F5. This is the compromise of using an indicator instead of a drawing tool.
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